The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3061

Chapter 3061

Chapter 3061

Lady Wilson said, “If only Wendy could get together with that young master, what our family needs now is a good backer!”

Christopher nodded gently and said, “I see Wendy’s eyes shine every time she mentions him, so maybe she has long been secretly in love with him.”

“Hmm.” Lady Wilson nodded and said, “I can also see what you said, but Wendy has been unwilling to reveal the identity of that man, so I can only be anxious.”

Then, Mrs.Wilson said, “Right, Christopher, you should talk to Wendy alone later, and ask her how far she has progressed with that man, and if it’s still unclear, have her speed up a little bit.”

Christopher said awkwardly, “Mom, how can I talk to Wendy about such things?:

Lady Wilson blurted out, “You are the only one who can ask the most appropriate question, because of the past, Wendy has some bad opinions about me, so if I ask her, she will definitely not be able to open her heart with me.”

Harold immediately volunteered to say, “Grandma, why don’t I talk to Wendy, we don’t have any age gap, and it’s easier to communicate.”

“You stay back!” Lady Wilson gave him a dark look and said, “You can’t do anything right! You can’t find anyone worse than you in the whole Wilson family!”

Harold immediately said in disbelief, “Grandma! What do you mean by that? What’s wrong with my ability? I think I’m quite eloquent!”

Lady Wilson said unhappily, “If you were really articulate, Loreen would have become the daughter-in- law of our Wilson family! If you had held on to Loreen, our family would not have been reduced to this state!”

Speaking of this, Mrs.Wilson said in exasperation, “But Harold, you have no other skills, but your ability to fan the flames is still very good! If you hadn’t slandered Claire in my ear, I wouldn’t have gone back on my word and given you the directorship I promised Claire!”

“Originally Claire was a puppet, except for asking her to letting her divorce Charlie she did not listen, other than that she did everything I told her to do .Only because of that time by your compulsion, this girl began to develop a backbone, even so much as to see me on the streets and not move to help!”

Speaking of which, she looked at Harold, very dissatisfied and said: “Harold, the words “unworthy of reuse”, that is you!”

Harold didn’t expect that his grandmother would rebuke him, so he was speechless for a while and could only lower his head in shame.

Christopher hurriedly said, “Mom, don’t say anything about Harold, we had a miserable life some time ago, but honestly, who doesn’t have some hardships in their life? Look at Jacob and his family, they had a hard time in the first few years, but they have slowly gotten better since then.

Wendy’s career is going smoothly now, if we can have a good harvest in love and career, maybe our family will rise again!”

Hearing this, Mrs.Wilson could not help but sigh: “Hey, I used to think that my grandson is good, but now I see that my granddaughter is much more reliable than my grandson!”

After saying that, she spoke again and lamented, “If I had known that Wendy had such strong ability, I should have given the company to Wendy to take care of more than a year ago, maybe the Wilson Group wouldn’t have gone bankrupt.”

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