The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Alfred

My name is Alfred Deeg.

I used to be the Deputy Commander of the Royal Knights, but that was a long time ago.

Having retired a long time ago, I started working as a butler for the Gilberts.

Being a butler for all those years, I still think…

I should never have become a butler.

I hate aristocrats.

I’m not cut out for this.

Then why am I still a butler? Well, I’m grateful.

Back then, I made a huge error in judgment on the battlefield.

I let a lot of people die on my watch.

I still dream about it to this day.

The shadows of my dead comrades.

The Chief did tell me that it was unavoidable under the circumstances, that it wasn’t my fault, but I couldn’t forgive myself.

That’s why I quit being a knight.

He also told me to become an instructor, but with what face does he expect me to do that?

How can an incompetent person like me who lets his friends die, serve in such a position?

That’s why I turned down his offer.

Wandering on the street, I was picked up by the Gilbert family’s predecessor.

He was a curious person.

As a commoner, I was not even proficient in the use of language, so he taught me how to act as a butler from the very scratch.

Back then I detested noblemen, but thanks to that man, my values have changed just a little.

But then again, that guy was just an oddball.

From the day they were born, they became a s**t aristocrat who looked down on commoners as if they were not the same people.

Well, this is normal for an aristocrat.

The Gilberts are better off for having done nothing wrong but look down on them.

Well, this job isn’t for me, but I’ve learned the trick…

To completely detach my mind from my body. 

I do my work without hesitation. 

That’s all that needs to be done.

I’ve been doing that for a long time now.

Today is no different.

I ain’t gonna change… was supposed to.

“Can youuuuuuu!”

This guy who suddenly started screaming like he was in pain in front of me, his name is Luke Wizaria Gilbert.

He’s the eldest son of the Gilberts.

The maids often talk about how this guy can do everything cool if he tries.

In fact, this kid is unusually smart.

But I don’t like him.

I don’t like his eyes.

Those eyes that look down on everything.

But today, he was a little different.

He seemed to be struggling, fighting desperately against something.

It’s clearly not normal.

No matter how much I dislike the nobles, I’ll never forget the favor they’ve done me.

Before that though, there’s no way I can leave an abnormality unattended, which is obvious at a glance.

So I asked back.

“How can I help you, Master Luke! Huh! Are you not feeling well…?”


… Apparently, he’s not sick.

Then what the h**l is it?

I’ve learned most of what I need to know to become a butler, but I still have no idea what’s going on with this guy right now.

I mean, what is it all of a sudden?

He’s never spoken to me face to face before.

He probably doesn’t even recognize me as a person.

This kid was the epitome of my distaste for nobles.

But what about now?

He’s still looking down at me with those eyes.

Still, looking firmly into his eyes, I see that he is trying desperately to appeal to me for something.

That one point is slightly favorable.

Well, I appreciate it because up until now he’s been too bad.

“Teach me… the way… sword.”

… What did this guy just say?

He wants me to teach him how to use the sword?

Swordsmanship is something nobles hate unless you’re from a knightly family.

It’s so obvious.

The Gilberts are no exception.

This guy, who is supposed to think of swordsmanship as nothing more than a game for barbarians who can’t use magic, is now asking me to teach him the way of swords?

“… Forgive me? What did you just say?”

I reflexively asked back.

My brain refused to comprehend words that weren’t too real.

“Teach me… sword!”

“No, excuse me. I am an old man, and I doubted my own ears.”

“Haah… haah… I see.”josei

Apparently, I didn’t mishear.

That said, what’s really going on with this guy?

Why does he start screaming in pain like that every time?

And to top it off, it looks like he’s out of breath.

Well, whatever.

I thought for a minute.

Perhaps this guy’s taking swordsmanship as a joke.

Swordsmanship isn’t something you can learn overnight.

It’s not something you can just sit and learn like magic.

You learn it by getting covered in mud over and over again.

There’s no way his parents would let that happen.

They would call it barbaric, and I would be the one to suffer the consequences.

And from the looks of it, I don’t think he’s serious.

A nobleman’s idea, a mere joke.

If they find it even a little bit annoying, they’ll get bored and quit.

That’s what I thought.

“Yes, sir. If it’s all right with me, I’d be happy to serve in that capacity.”


— At that time, I really didn’t think much more than this.


The next morning, he showed up as promised.

Needless to say, I was disappointed inside.

If he hadn’t come, I wouldn’t have had to teach him.

But now that he’s here, I have to teach him.

What a bother.

I had a chat with the Lord about it yesterday.

He had a nasty look on his face, but he kind of allowed me to do it.

So I gave Luke the sword.

It was a fake, of course.

“I will show you a ‘Form’. Then follow my lead and swing your sword in the same way.” [TLN – Form 『型』: kinda like a basic template, a style.]

There are many people who hate using ‘form’, even those who aspire to the sword.

The reason is quite simple: it’s boring.

If I were to really take on an apprentice and teach him the sword, I would teach him practical skills first.

Get them interested in the sword, then the ‘form’.

In any case, you can’t avoid this “form” that contains all the basics.

But anyways.

My goal is to quickly make this kid understand that swords are boring.

“Geeeee… haah… haah… get on with it.”

… What’s with this guy’s emotional instability ever since yesterday?

Seriously, he wants me to hurry?

He’s in a position to ask for a lesson.

If he wants me to teach him, he first needs to throw away that… No, don’t even think about it.

Let’s get this over with.

“Here I come.”

─── after a few swings.

After watching my swings just a few times, I was struck by the peculiarity of his talent.

Swinging a sword is not that simple.

You can only swing a sword properly when you know how to use your feet, shift your center of gravity, transmit power, timing, and breathe…

So if you let an amateur swing a sword, it’s going to be a bullshit move.

But this guy… he did it after seeing me move just once.

No, it could be a fluke.

I managed to deny that intuition, which was close to certainty.

Then I continued the “form” for a while.

And it becomes something that can no longer be denied.

— A monster.

Those words came into my mind.

“… Master Luke. Excuse me, but have you had any experience with swords before?”

There’s no way.

I already know the answer.

I’m with this guy 24/7.

Still, I waited for his reply, because I was trying to somehow understand this incomprehensible being.

“You think I have any…?”

He looked at me with a condescending look and asked me that.

But that no longer matters.

It’s too trivial.

“… Let’s continue.”


Then he continued with the “form”.

Apparently, it’s fear that humans feel when they witness something that they don’t understand.

A fear that I never even had when I was a Commander, I feel from a kid who’s only held a sword just a while ago.

Each time he swings, his movements become more refined.

What an abnormal growth rate.

This kid may not know this, but he started at a point where an average swordsman would have to work very hard to get to.

And after an hour.

I see that one swing.

Huh, that swing just now… that’s better than mine, how?

My sword ain’t rusty.

I’m his butler as well as his bodyguard, and I can’t count the number of days I’ve gone without holding a sword until I’m this age.

I vaguely recall the conversation between the maids.

Master Luke is awesome.

He can do anything instantly.

He must be a prodigy.

That’s what they were saying.

… No, he’s not just a prodigy.

This guy’s level is way beyond that.

A true monster, an outsider, or a deviant.

Those are appropriate words.

“Master Luke, that’s enough for today.”

“… What? Are we done already?”

“Yes, Master Luke has grasped the sword for the first time today. There’s no point in rushing.”

“Oh, yeah. I got it.”

I took Master Luke to his room and then went to the Lord.

I was naturally faster with my feets.

Unintentionally, a smile breaks out on my face.

“2, or 3 years… in a couple of years… he’ll be able to surpass me…”

I must have a pretty creepy smile on my face right now.

But hey, how can I not laugh at this?

I’m a former deputy commander of the Royal Knights, after all.

I was the number two swordsman in the land.

Being a nobody, I’ve been swinging a sword ever since I can remember.

And to think that I would be surpassed by a kid who has held a sword for at most an hour, even if it is just swinging?

“… Tch! That’s not good.”

Envy, jealousy.

An overwhelming talent that does not even allow for such feelings.

No doubt.

He was born to wield a sword.

“I want to see…”

I want to see how far he can go.

I was overcome by an irresistible, intense desire.

No, I’ve been charmed.

By the violent genius of the devil.

I knocked on the door with all my might.

Sir, may I have a word with you?

“Get in.”

Now, how should I start?

Well, whatever.

I’m going to kneel down on the ground and appeal to him that,

— I want to teach Master Luke the way of the sword.

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