The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: As Long As I Win

It had been about a year since I started learning swordsmanship from Alfred-san.

I really wanted to start studying magic, but even if you start many things at once, you’ll end up halfway through everything.

It would be better to concentrate on swordsmanship until one step is completed.

… What a load of c**p!

Swordsmanship… is damn fun!!

I can’t really say what it’s about, but it’s interesting anyway.

I work up a good sweat, and I sleep much better at night ever since I started practicing swordsmanship.

And the more I do it, the more I feel like I’m improving.

That feeling is really addictive.

But I’ve never beaten Alfred-san in a mock battle.

Every time I lose, I’m struck with an unbearable sense of humiliation.

That I was defeated by a mere butler.

That fact is inexplicably annoying.

On many occasions, I have been so frustrated that I have hurled abusive language at Alfred-san and myself.

But it’s great that I got to experience these emotions early on.

The fact that I’ve been “defeated” before must have had a tremendous effect on me, or rather on Luke.

I mean, it’s no surprise that I’m going to lose.

As I have been dealing with a former deputy commander of the Royal Knights.

In fact, it’s inherently weird to have feelings of regret.

And what’s that?

You’re a little too stubborn for your own good, aren’t you, Alfred-san?

Especially lately.

I’ve only been holding a sword for a year.

And I lost again this time, as expected.

I’m just saying, he could cut a few corners────

“… Only one year. In just one year, Master Luke has mastered almost everything from the basics of swordsmanship to its application. On the contrary… no, nevermind.”

Eh, when did that happen?

It’s true that the frequency of mock battles has been increasing a lot lately.

Alfred-san looked up to the sky.

Like he’s thinking about something.

Like he gave up on something.

He had a look on his face that could be read either way.

Then he turned to look at me as if he was blown away.

“I was the Deputy Commander of the Royal Knights…”

“What now? I know that.”

This is the result of trying to keep my tone as polite as possible.

“I have fought on many battlefields and taken many lives.”


I don’t know.

Why is Alfred talking like this all of a sudden?

But I want to understand as much as I can.

Alfred-san is my mentor.

I can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me.

So I spin my thoughts, trying desperately to digest and understand the words.

“A sword is nothing more than a tool to take another man’s life. What is important is the mind of the wielder. It is up to the person who holds the sword to decide what he or she will accomplish with the swordsmanship he or she has honed. Whether to do justice or to do evil. ───Please, I request you not to forget that.”

Saying that, Alfred-san bowed deeply.

What’s really going on?

I don’t know.

What can I say?

In the meantime, I’d like to thank him for getting me this far in my training, but no, I can’t.

I’ve learned over the past year that Luke, the embodiment of arrogance and irreverence, won’t allow it.

What should I say then?

I was at a loss for words.


Alfred-san’s words continued as if to weave through the gap.

But the atmosphere surrounding him changed as he followed.

“I want to see what Master Luke will accomplish, even if you lean to evil! I can’t help it, I want to see it! Ah, not good. Only this desire is totally unquenchable!”


… Just what?

What’s the matter with Alfred-san?

His eyes are that of a complete maniac!

Where did the gentleman Alfred-san go?

Does this happen because I worked hard?

What kind of divergence is this? [TLN- Like branching of future possibilities.]

“So, from now on, I will teach you the various techniques for killing your opponent that I have learned through repeated exchanges of life on the battlefield. This is nothing like the traditional swordsmanship of the Kingdom. But I promise you that it will help you to win. In fact, I’d like you to go to the battlefield right now and experience the atmosphere firsthand, but I’m sure your father would not allow you to do so…”

No, really, what is going on?

The techniques for killing!?

What is he trying to teach an 11-year-old boy?josei

“──This is my personal belief, but I believe that no matter how dirty the methods used, it is better than absolute defeat, which is death.”

“… Hou.”

At the sudden transformation of Alfred-san.

I was helplessly puzzled, but his one word just hit me.

It was “defeat.”

I’m very sensitive to that word.

Not me, actually.

It’s the Luke in me.

Over the past year, I have suffered many defeats.

Over and over again.

Every time we had a mock battle, I lost.

Still, it didn’t lessen my self-esteem in the least.

But just now…

“Don’t you dare look down on me.

I’ll be right over there.

I’m gonna drag you down for sure.”

Such a voice echoed in my head.

And perhaps for that reason…

“Kukuh… Ahahahaha!”

I started laughing.

“Well, yes. Better than defeat. You’re right. There’s nothing wrong with it. ───As long as I win in the end, that’s all that matters.”(E/N: Kiyo-kun is that you?!)

“…!! That’s right… that’s all that matters!”

I said it as it was natural for me to.

And I didn’t stop there.

“You’re no exception, Alfred. Don’t think you can look down on me forever. I’m going to beat you, one day.”

Yeah, maybe it’s in Luke’s, no, maybe it’s in my nature now.

I’m sure I won’t be able to change until I die.

There is no way to curb this overweening self-esteem, and the only way to satisfy it is to win.

I just have to keep winning.

What a troublesome way of living.

Really a pain.

But, yeah.

It’s not that bad.

So I’ll just do it.

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