The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 355 Morpheus' Plan

Chapter 355 Morpheus' Plan

For the early risers of a certain elf city, they were welcomed by the unique sight of a golden-haired young man with equally golden wings watching the sunrise on the porch of one of the tree houses in the central district.

Aureus, who had spent the night in Erlos' home in Ronan, was watching the sight of the city slowly stirring awake. Compared to the boisterous crowd in the human cities or the stiff discipline in the royal palace of Megaris, there was an strangely relaxing scene unfolding before his eyes.

Seeing the Wood Elves moving in and out of their tree houses, the tree spirits interacting not only with them but also the random wild animals who held no wariness in their movements, the birds singing happy morning songs while perched on the hanging bridges in between trees, and the other races walking about the grounds while warmly greeting their neighbors-- the wonderful scenery before his eyes held a liveliness that was also in harmony with nature. It was a warm and cozy sight.

Back in Megaris, Aureus had always been in his beast form, living either in the palace where he's surrounded by humans he could not interact with. On those times he's not perched on the trees of the palace, the eagle 'Dusk' was in seclusion atop a mountain similar to his mother's cave or among wild animals in the forest where birds of prey like him were often targets of hunters. There was a need to hide every single moment of his life.

'But it's different here.'

His presence was welcomed in this place, and the elves were more concerned on whether the plants they were raising were healthy, instead of gawking at the golden eagle in their midst.

Not to mention, Aureus found his first interaction with a tree spirit interesting. To live inside a house where it was neither cold or warm, to be breathing fresh air all the time, to have a silent companion to guard your home...

As a person with a strong love for tall trees, he could not find anything better than being able to live inside a tree house in Ronan.

"What are you thinking so hard about this early in the morning?" Erlos asked as he let out a hearty yawn, stretching his limbs after he closed the door of his house behind him. He wanted to sleep in if possible; unfortunately, he had to go to work today and had to head back to the palace.

"I am thinking of purchasing my own tree house in the near future."

"Huh? So are you planning to return to Agartha?"


"Really? I thought you wanted to live with your human friends. Also the female you like..." Erlos stopped as he realized he had said something that he should not.

Aureus faced him with an impassive look.  "The female I like?"

"Ah, I mean, there must be someone you like as you have spent so many decades amongst humans," the elf smiled awkwardly. "I am just speaking nonsense. Don't mind me."

Aureus said nothing and once again looked at the bustling sight on the street below them. "I can't stay there forever. I have to return here one day."

"That would be great."

Just then, the eagle's sharp senses caught a certain sound and looked at the sky. It was a signal for him which was sent by his uncle. Erlos looked up as well and frowned. "That old bird! Once again taking you out to show off--"

Aureus could only shake his head at his friend's reaction. It was amusing how Erlos felt annoyed whenever his uncle was around. "I have to go."

"Go ahead."

Without hesitation, Aureus flew high up in the sky, while Erlos also disappeared like the wind from his home, leaving a trail of upturned leaves as he headed in a hurry to the palace.

As Aureus reached his uncle in the sky, he heard the gray eagle comment idly, "Seems like you enjoy the company of that kid a lot."

Aureus smiled. "He is a good and interesting person."

"Hmm. He is, but don't take him lightly."

"What do you mean?"

Morpheus gestured that they should start flying, and Aureus followed his lead. "Though he looks dumb, always smiling and acting silly, that kid isn't simple. In the end, he is the only surviving pureblooded High Elf. A lot of pressure lies on those shoulders."

For a moment, Aureus was silent. He had heard of Erlos' story, but he had little understanding of elves. "Are High Elves powerful?"

"You know what elves are known for?" Morpheus suddenly asked, and without waiting for his nephew's response, he answered, "Arrogance. They are a proud race, and they think they are perfect--no, I am telling you the truth. You'll know once you spend more time with them.

"So imagine, how could those proud pointy ears look up to High Elves if they aren't overwhelmingly powerful? It's because the other clans have no choice. The difference between them is that large," Morpheus responded. "The High Elf warriors being always in the frontlines was not for nothing. They were the strongest protection of this kingdom, and you see, the enemies were aware that only with the High Elves gone would they have a slim chance of attacking Agartha."

"Then I will expect something amazing from my friend."

"Don't wish to. It's good to be quiet as it is."

Aureus decided to change the topic. "Where are we going?"

"You will know when we get there."

Seeing him being evasive, Aureus no longer probed. "Did you manage to find the divine weapon from the vision?"

"No, not yet," Morpheus replied.

"Then, is there anything I can help with?"

Though he was unfamiliar with the layout of the kingdom, with his strength, he would be able to help search for traces of the weapon by doing a blanket search per area. It would be troublesome, but it was better than nothing.

"Yes." Morpheus smirked, but his next words were not what Aureus expected. "I need your help to create the divine weapon."

"What?" Aureus looked at his uncle in a shock.

"You heard it right."


"We will give that Dragon what he wants."

"I don't think it's good..."

"I know what I am doing," Morpheus interrupted him. "It's between him and me."

Aureus sighed. "I don't support this."

"You only have to give me a few drops of your divine blood."


"Don't say no to it. This is the only thing I will ever ask of you."

Up until they reached the familiar humble sight of Millow Circle, Aureus chose to stay quiet for the rest of the flight.

The pair of uncle and nephew landed in front of Zelda's place. This time, Aurus chose to remain outside of the residence of the Black Witch, and Morpheus did not convince him otherwise.

All he said was a simple, "Wait for me here," before entering the cottage.

Aureus watched the villagers move about, doing chores like cleaning their yards and feeding livestock. The only difference they have from human farmers was that sometimes, he could see them using magic spells to do simple tasks like causing a broom to fly into their hands.

The young eagle  waited for a long time, but even after the sun had long settled overhead, his uncle still didn't come out.

'What could they be talking about?'

It happened that Ursula, carrying bags of vegetables and fruits, saw him  and greeted him. "Why are you standing there by yourself, Mister Aureus?" the witch asked with a smile.

"Have you been well, Miss Ursula?"

"Yes, of course. Please come inside. It's not good to let a guest dry outside like this. Let me make tea for you," Ursula said and she led the way for him. "I need to put away these things first. Some nice people got a full harvest this year and shared it with us."josei

"Let me help you carry them," he offered and took half of the bags she was carrying.

The two of them idly chatted as they walked towards the small shack next to Zelda's cottage. As the witch entered to arrange the food inside the storage, Aureus waited outside. He was surprised when his ears caught the almost muted sound of conversation. He could not help but take a few steps closer towards the source.

"...I don't support this, Morph." It was Zelda's hoarse voice.

"You have to. You know my reasons."

"He is our king and I can't--"

"It's for this kingdom. Think of the people..."

"No, I won't and I in fact have no capability of helping you the way you want me to."

"Then who can? I trust you, Zelda, and I know you will help me. I need to set up the stage right. Everything should go as planned."

"No. Do not expect any help from me in this. I cannot do this."

"Then tell me who can. At least this much, you can help me, right?"

There was a long pause.

"Please, Zelda."

"Thala Grimsbane. She has the capability to create weapons with divine powers. But I am sure you are aware she has retired from the affairs of the world. I am not sure how powerful her remaining magic is at this moment and if she can help you."

"The Witch of Destruction? Then I have to go to the Spirit Circle."

"She hates the King."

"That sulking old witch... I guess it should not be difficult to persuade her."

"It is impossible to see them without their permission, and even if you do get to see her, her companions Glenda Mortem and Maria Grimsbane, those two won't allow her to help you."

"I will figure out how to deal with them."

"Think about it once more. You cannot do this to our King."

"It's for everyone's betterment. Don't worry. Just help me when the time I need you arrives."

"I didn't agree to help you."

"You already did when you told me to see Thala Grimsbane."

"I hope she won't help you."

"That we will see."

When Morpheus came out of the cottage, she found Aureus walking towards the main door together with Ursula.

" which tea would you like to have?" he heard the witch ask.

"Ah, it's fine. I think my uncle is finished with his business."

Only then did Ursula notice Morpheus waiting by the door. "There he is. Is your talk with Zelda done, Commander Morpheus? Let me prepare some tea before you leave."

"Thank you, Ursula, but we have to leave now. Maybe next time."

Ursula no longer insisted and she watched two shapeshifters fly away.

After some time, Aureus could no longer hold back his curiosity. "What did you talk about?"

"Nothing much." The older man gave him a side glance. "I believe you must have heard something."

"Just before you ended the conversation," he admitted.

"That's more than enough. Now, let me bring you to a fun place."

They flew towards the territory of the witches, and before long, they arrived at a remote place at the outskirts of the city belonging to the Honeyharbor Coven.

It was the entrance to the isolation spell hiding the presence of the Spirit Circle.

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