The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 150 - Crazy Girl

Chapter 150 - Crazy Girl

As busy as always, a young girl was writing on a string of codes on her PC even after knowing that she was on a date. She was so occupied to notice a gloomy man throwing daggers at her. He couldn't take it when he was being neglected and finally spoke up.

"Leena, You are my girlfriend now and it's our first date. But you don't even behave like one." Ethan tried to close the laptop but Leena pulled back.

"Oopsie. I am sorry Ethan. I am developing an app for a company and the deadline is approaching. I have to deliver them soon or else I will miss all my pocket money and I can't buy my dresses." Having said that, Leena went back to her business again.

"If that is what you are worried about, I will buy you as many you want."

"No. I don't want to owe you."

"Fine. I don't understand why you don't accept anything I give. I am glad that you have accepted for a date at least." He begged for a day out with her and finally when he was happy that she accepted, here she was, writing a series of black lines which he couldn't fathom. Left with no choice, he continuously nagged until Leena has put a stop to her business and conceded to his wishes.

Ethan closed their distance when she was walking a little away from him and when he went for her hand, Leena evaded and straight away and stepped into the car.

"You are not even allowing me to hold your hand even after we are in a relationship." The despairing, dejected expression was noticeable on his face.

"I am still not comfortable, Ethan," Leena whispered in a low murmur.

"Don't make me wait too long, Leena. I am an impatient person."

"Then let's break up," Leena uttered in a casual tone. "I don't like it if someone commands over me."

"How could you threaten... Nevermind. I am not allowing for the breakup. I have freed my schedule to spend time with you alone. We are going to a movie." Placing a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, he took a slow drag of it.

"Can you please take that cigarette out? I get nauseous. Every time, I see you, you have one in handy. Don't you care about your health?" The arcid smell of Cigar ashes burned her nose and brought tears to her eyes.

"It's sexy when a man smokes a cigarette. Leena Don't you find me hot." He chuckled. "Casey used to love it."

"It's sexy only in the movies, Mr. Davies and let me warn you again, do not bring your EX in front of me. I am not possessive but I hate when I am being compared to."

"I am sorry. It's out of habit. I will try to keep a check on my thoughts." Ethan clarified and sped the car. When they reached the destination spot, Leena sighed when she was standing in front of a romantic movie.

"Don't you like romantic movies? It was the biggest hit in recent days." Ethan asked. He was thinking girls would like to watch them since Casey would always drag him to a romantic movie when they were in a relationship but watching Leena's downcast face, it was obvious that she did not like it.

"I am not fond of them. But it doesnt matter since you already booked it." She gave him a reassuring smile.

It was the first time he went on a date with Leena. Although he has dated Casey in the past, he was still nervous around Leena. Ethan speculated that the movie would lighten up the mood and she would at least open up for romance but Even when the couple was kissing in the scene, Leena just watched the scene like a robot. Although she informed him that she is still not comfortable, he couldn't withstand it when she was sitting next to him. With a lot of courage, he was close to taking a step forward when his self-control was breaking, his phone suddenly ringed. Cursing the person for spoiling the mood, he pulled out his mobile and his face went pale reading the message.

"Leena!" Ethan called up hurriedly.

"Hm?" Leena shifted her gaze from the movie.

"Casey met with an accident. I have to go. She doesn't have anyone except me. Can you please go alone?" Even before Leena could respond, Ethan left her hastily.


Ethan jolted putting an end to his thoughts. He left her alone on that day and now that he remembered, he behaved like a jerk not caring about her feelings.

With a loud sigh, he took a peek at the time. He got up from his seat to attend a meeting when an uninvited woman entered his office.

"Ethan!" Like melting honey, a voice entered.

"You should knock on the door before you come, Casey," Ethan chided her.

"I am sorry." With a pout, she closed their distance and encircled her arms around his neck intimately and before she pressed her lips onto his, Ethan evaded it.

"Why do you always avoid it?"

"I am not in a mood."

"You give the same excuse every time. I am shamelessly clinging on to you, but you don't even recognizing my feelings and efforts. We are childhood friends and loved each other, Ethan. You were so active and would not let me leave the bed in the past but now...

"Are you still mad at me for breaking up with you or you still love her?" Casey's mood turned worse when she recalled how protective Ethan was in the past but everything changed when Leena entered into the picture.

"Can you come back again when I am free? I have an urgent meeting." Ethan tried to avoid the topic. He knew, her tantrums would not end when Leena's topic is brought up.

"It seems like, my feelings have become one-sided now." With a heavy heart, she went out and shut the door with a loud bang.

Ethan let out a sigh of relief when she was out of his sight. Once he loved her presence but he doesn't feel anything towards her. He was devastated when Casey broke up with him. He tried to convince her but she left him to pursue her career. For three years, he grieved in pain until Leena arrived. When he was in the final academic year, her name was the talk of the university. Although it started with a bet to make her fall in love with him, Ethan genuinely liked her to the point that he even forgot Casey's existence completely until she came back. All was happening well, one mistake leads to another and he completely lost Leena.


Devin would sign a file and then his eyes would shift back to the phone to check for a message. The work which has to get finished in one hour has extended to four hours and still, it was continuing.

"You started a strike on me? Wait for tonight, one kiss, you will give in." He was planning to visit her tonight. It's been two days since he did not see her and he was missing her badly.

Just then, Harley entered his office room with a package. "You got a package, Devin."


"Jurassic Park," When Harley first received the parcel, she wanted to roll on the floor laughing She couldn't believe someone has used a movie for a name.

"Bring it in." There was a sparkle in his eyes for a second. She has sent a gift again? What could it be? But with the current circumstance, Devin has a bad premonition that she has something on her sleeve.

Even after handing over the package, Harley was intently looking at it.

"You have lots of work, Harley. Please go out." Devin didn't open the package. He was scared to open it in front of others. His imagination was also limited when it comes to her crazy brain.

"Hmph. As if I wanted to stay." Harley left.

Right after she left, Devin hurriedly opened the package and when the present entered into his view, no words left his mouth. He balled his fists in rage.

"Crazy girl."

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