The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 153 - Pigtails

Chapter 153 - Pigtails

Getting out of the kiss trance, Devin went into Leena's walk-in-closet to pick a fresh blanket. He was moving around the house as if he was not a stranger and gotten comfortable in the house handily. When he opened the closet, his mind blew seeing all the dresses she stuffed there. He knew she worships dresses but he didn't expect that her admiration is to this extent. It looked like a mini shopping mall and she can easily start a shopping business if she wanted.

Somewhere in one of the cabinets, he found the blanket since the rest of them are stuffed with her dresses alone. Grabbing the blanket, he made his way to the bed when Leena also emerged out of the bathroom.

Immense happiness surged in her seeing him so considerate of little things. Leena was wondering why Ethan couldn't make it into her heart. But now she understood. He never cared about her feelings. All the while they knew each other, he was busy courting her and when she accepted him, he was always tending to his EX. But even before they become a pair, Devin was looking after her. Leena thought that she was the happiest girl in the universe to find this rare gem. Her legs give away and she walked towards him. Instantly Devin was embraced in a hug. "Thank you, Devin."

With a smile, Devin grazed her encircled arms and sensed a bracelet that he put on her hand at Austin's wedding. "You are still wearing it?"

"I like it, no I love it," Leena released herself from the hug and shortly Devin turned to face her when he missed her warmth.

"Do you want to take a hot water bath? If not you can use a hot pad also if you are feeling muscle cramps." He asked lifting her by the waist carrying her to the bed.

"I am just a step away from the bed. Do you need to be tacky always?" She shouted at him, her face writhed in anger.

For a second, Devin was taken back at the sudden change in her behavior. Did I do something wrong? She would never yell at me usually. But then again, she is on period. Her mood swings could bring the worst in her. He has experienced with Harley a lot of times.

"I am sorry, Leena. I will be careful next time." He laid her on the bed and sat next to her a little distance away.

"Why aren't you calling me sweetheart? Don't you like me anymore?" Leena's shout to Devin was lost in another burst of thunder.

Devin was speechless again. He stood there like a turkey hearkening. He didn't know what to reply. Even if the answer is positive or negative, she would be at his neck again and before he could retort, Leena spoke up. "Hug me, Devin." With a pout, she flared her arms.

Devin hesitantly nodded his head and complied with her wishes.

"Sorry, I get irritated on the first day of my period. I will be okay for tomorrow." Leena felt bad for chiding him but she couldn't control her tongue moments before.

"I don't mind it, sweetheart. Don't you want to eat? I made the soup." Devin was scared that she would flare up in anger again but then, when he handed over the soup, she silently drank without any complaints.

He went to the vanity and fetched the coconut oil to rub her body to ease the tension in her muscles but Leena did not let him massage when he was aiming for her abdomen. So he went for feet and hands. Slowly she drifted into sleep while his hands were doing work.

Watching her sleep, he wrapped a quilt and securely tugged her inside before leaving. "Good night, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead and picked the blanket which was lying on the floor and threw it into the washing machine. Right, when he was done with everything, he strolled to the nearby couch and watching her peaceful face, he soon dozed off.


Morning arrived, Leena was first to wake up and scanned the room when she did not find Devin on her bed. She sighed in relief when she saw him sleeping on the couch.josei

She walked towards the couch and wrapped him in a blanket like a cocoon. Even then, he didn't stir in the sleep. Audaciously she played with his hair for a while. She bought a couple of elastic bands and started braiding his hair. Although it was hard to tie a knot, she still managed it a clumsy way. Satisfied with the look, she clicked a series of photos to taunt him in the future. "You are sleeping like a blockhead even when I am pulling stunts on your hair." A slight chuckle escaped from her lips when she thought of his angry face once he gets to know about it.

Getting fresh, she made her way to the kitchen to cook breakfast for both. Right when she was making a smoothie and sandwich, a roaring voice penetrated her ears, soon followed by an angry face. "Leena! Did you make pigtails on my hair?"

"Ah, my babylicious woke up. You looked cute with the braided hair." Leena continued. "If I sell the picture, how many dresses I would get?"

"You are talking about the dresses again when there is no space left in the wardrobes?" He asked closing their distance. Unlike yesterday, Devin did not make any intimate contact in fear. He completely forgot about the pigtails she put on him seeing her face.

"The joy of dressing is an art." Handing the glass of juice and the sandwich, Leena confided.

"Glad that you know cooking, sweetheart. We can manage with one." It tasted good although Leena mixed up all the ingredients.

"It's not only cooking, Mr.Wang. I know photography, I know music, I know architecture, I know singing...." Leena flicked her fingers when Devin was not focussing on her. Finally, when she grabbed his attention, she winked. "I even know poetry."

"But doesn't even know how to differentiate women and men's bathroom." All the while she was boasting about herself, Devin crushed Leena bringing their past. A soft laugh escaped his throat when he saw her red face.

"Devin!!" Leena shouted. "Can't you stop bringing that topic every time?"

Putting the juice glass down, he pulled her towards him. "Just tell me one thing. Did you see or not on that day?"

Feeling embarrassed, Leena sunk her face on his chest."I didn't see it."

"Now now...Let's be genuine, little cat."

"A little. You have zipped it up before I could see it fully."

"You seem disappointed. Do you want to see it fully now?" He recalled the day when she clamored about it after getting drunk. That was one hilarious day to remember in his memory.

"No!" Leena immediately interjected. Maybe in the future, Leena kept the thought to herself. "Let's go. You have to go home to get ready for the office."

Soon after the breakfast, both started to the office and the moment, Leena stepped out of the room, she was immediately greeted by a familiar person. Terror filled her when the person was not gazing at her but her babylicious.. Instantly, Leena shielded Devin.

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