The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 172 - Crack Brained Nut Cake

Chapter 172 - Crack Brained Nut Cake

The more he heard her theory, the more he was enthralled by her idea. Being clothed in charm and intelligence, Achilles heel is her beauty, and madness is her virtuosity. If he has to describe her in one word, she is absolutely amazing.

"How is my idea?" Leena asked, eagerly waiting to receive a compliment from Devin.

"You are amazingly brilliant. Love you, Leena!" Devin gave her a quick peck on her lips.

"Idiot! Moron! Donkey! How could you say those three words casually for the first time?" Fury boiled up in her chest and poured from her eyes. She has imagined, Devin bringing stars to the earth and propose to her under the bright gleams but he has crushed all her fantasy.

"I am sorry, sweetheart. I will take that back for now."He voiced his inner feelings in the spur of the moment. Devin grabbed her wrists which were punching his chest continuously. He lowered her to his chest and hugged her close.

"You better take that back and start to think of a grand one." She yielded to the warm hug, her frame molding against his.

Devin nodded his head with a smile. She is one unique little thing that he has never confronted. For a while, both dwelled in each other's arms to forget their problems Finally, Leena released herself from the hug.

"I need a high-end lab and a top-notch physicist to perform this experiment. But it's hard to get a hand on the magnetic laboratory." When she was in University, she was allowed to enter the laboratories with the physics major classmates to watch the experiments. But it was legal back then. But right now, it's for the personal motive, and even if someone is powerful, it's not easy to enter into a lab unless he is a high ranking civil servant.

"I have got someone better." Devin unlocked the mobile and messaged his friend instantly.

Leena peeked into his mobile and when she saw the contact name, she swallowed down her frustration. She knew it would be that snollygoster but only he can help them now.

"I will take you to the lab tomorrow,"

Leena nodded her head fervently. Her skin was already tingling with goosebumps thinking of the exciting night.

"It's getting cold here. Get into the house." If Francis would see them meeting secretly, he would confine Leena to her bedroom alone.

"I will miss you," Devin whispered.

"I will miss you more." She hugged him for one last time and turned back to leave scared that Francis would become a satan if he sees her with Devin.

Until Leena went into her room and messaged Devin that she has reached, Devin did not leave the place.


The next day, he was waiting for Leena when they were supposed to go to a lab.

"Did I make you wait for too long?" Unlocking the door, Leena stepping into the car and threw the things into the backseat which she needed for the experiment. She was having a hard time picking up a dress and it consumed almost two hours to select it.

"On time, sweetheart." He brashly lied revealing a smile. If she knew Devin had been waiting for her for two hours, she would feel sad and lecture him for not calling him earlier.

"Sleep for a while. I will wake you up when we reach there." Devin retorted.

"No. I have to accompany my babylicious." Leena declined his offer and switched the music system on.

"Alright, sweet girl." Devin chuckled.

By the time they arrived at the magnetic field laboratory, a man was waiting for Devin at the entrance. He was stunned to see a woman stepping out of the car. "Isn't that Narcissist girl? What is she doing with Devin?" He whispered.

"Did you talk with the physicist, Kurt?" Devin questioned bringing Leena along with him. He introduced Leena to Kurt but the latter was still in a trance. The way Devin was gazing at her, Kurt recalled Drew and Jasper's words. He always thought that of all their friends Devin and he would die as virgins. But now it would be applying only to him.

"I did talk with him and he is waiting in the lab," Kurt added. "Umm...Are you really in a relationship with this Narcissist?"

"Mr. Swedish Butler, watch your words!" Leena screamed at the top of her lungs. She was just being a self loved person and people misjudge her for being a narcissist.

"There is a little bit of devil residing in her angel eyes. Don't mess with her." Devin warned his friend. He must have seen Leena at the wedding and he would have got scared of her.

Kurt didn't want to argue for he has seen the frenzied girl at the wedding. He guided them to the laboratory and introduced his friend. He has already explained everything to him over the phone and agreed to help. It was not easy to enter into a magnetic laboratory if not for his networks being a civil servant.

"How did you know that data can be retrieved through Magnetic Hysteresis?" He asked with skepticism. Six years back, when he was striving with a child exploitation case, Elysian hinted at the idea and they have successfully retrieved eighty percent of the CCTV recordings. That was a major turn out to the case.

"It's my sweetheart." Devin proudly declared. "Now, let's get into the business. We don't have time."

Although Kurt wanted to ask further about it, he did not probe when they are packed in a tight deadline.

A spindle attached to the rotating disc was set up to rotate the drive motor and an electromagnetic assembly was included to read the data from the disc surface. The physicist operated the transducer machine using the stepper motor and the disc was getting energized which was resulting in magnetic memory. Each time the transducer is sought back and forth, the electric positions were converted into mechanical form. It's been two hours but they could only retrieve a little data.

While Leena was delineating the records in her computer, Devin got a call from his dad and he went out to talk with the disturbing noise of the machines.

Just when Devin walked out, Kurt scooted towards Leena instantly. He has been observing Leena from the time she was working on her system and seeing the advanced programming languages in her computer, he felt she is very well versed in that area. "Are you a black hat? or a white hat?"

"What if I am and what if I am not?" She did not want anything to do with this snollygoster and she turned her gaze to the computer.

"Then you must be knowing Elysian right?" He asked with impatience.

"Of course, which hacker doesn't know Elysian. The notorious Hacking Diva." Leena giggled proudly brandishing the name. "My inspiration to become a hacker."

"Hacking Diva, my foot? He is a crack-brained nut cake. He doesn't have any work in the home, so he is going around the world ransacking every system. That cat burglar must have lost a screw in his brain when he was born." Kurt balled hs fists in outrage whenever his name was praised by another person. For six years, he has been escaping from FBI clutches. There was no track record of failure in his career, but like a black dot of Elysian has remained. Kurt only hoped to see and talk with that bastard at least once in his life.

Hearing his comments, Leena gritted her teeth in anger. 'You dare to castigate the great Elysian. Wait for a while. I will send you a gift which you would keep your mouth shut completely.'

"Can you find his location?"

"You have the gall to ask me after you insulted our hacking God." Leena stomped on his foot and rushed out to find Devin. Kurt wailed with Leena's strong kick that blew his senses away for a while.


By the time the data was completely transmitted, it was dawning already. Leena played the recordings in her system to check for the quality. She was relieved that they were have successfully retrieved it. Although it was a little blur, they could still see it. As expected, everything was fabricated. There was nowhere Devin was with Regina in either the hotel or restaurant. She went into the hotel after Devin but no one knew what happened in the side. But now the recordings are enough to throw her into the rags.josei

"Thanks, Kurt. You were a great help today." Devin said.

"Do you have to mention it? We are friends, Vincy." Kurt added. They have been through thick and thin from the time they were friends in any of the problems they would face.

Kurt took a guilty peek at Leena and she immediately buried her face into Devin's chest. What a crazy girl. Just because he has scolded Elysian, she is sulking over it.

"I am leaving. Let's catch up later" Devin said, taking Leena out of the lab when he could feel she is feeling giddy due to lack of sleep.

"Are you sleep?" He asked speeding the accelerator. "I am sorry for making you go through all these, Leena."

"Mistakes happen by the situation and not by intention. You are a human." Leena gently held his hand."Don't blame yourself and don't feel sorry, idiot. I feel like I am an outsider."

"You are the most amazing girl I have encountered." To have someone understand is a different kind of intimacy and he was happy that both did not end up in grapples with the storm that has hit them in their way.

"Don't hold the press meet now. Let's wait for two more days." Leena imposed.

Devin hummed in reply. He understood what Leena has meant. The more she brags, the harder Regina would be destroyed.. Only he is waiting for the time.

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