The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 178 - Leevin

Chapter 178 - Leevin


Regina gasped for air with the killing pain when a strong hit landed on her shoulder. She tried to escape from the room but it was locked. Every time she tried to unlock it, her father would brutally thrash her.

"Are you going to kill her, Rob? She is our daughter." Regina's mom, Nyle screamed. When she tried to grab her husband's hand, he shoved her away.

"I better kill her. I don't want a filial daughter like her."

Regina's body clenched when another hit landed on her back. The whips left a tender red mark on her whole body. She was never beaten in her entire life neither by her dad nor by her mom except today. She tried to grab the whip from her dad's grasp but Roberto yanked it.

"Please don't beat me, dad." She let out a loud cry of pain. Her neatly pleated hair was flying in all directions, her mascara running down from her eyes with continuous crying, her dress was worn out in places. Overall she was a mess. If anybody would have seen Regina in her state, they would have assumed she was imported from the garbage straight away.

"You went after a taken man to tarnish my reputation?" Roberto barked. All along, he was thinking that he has a faithful daughter but she has changed his views today. He never knew he has been raising a venomous snake in his home. His humiliation in the press meet, he could never forget in his entire life.

"I_will listen to your w_ords from now. P_lease spare me, dad." She hiccuped as she recited. The sharp pains in her body were causing her to wince in pain. "Mom, please tell him. I will change it."

"Rob, please," Nyle begged, her tears flowing down seeing her daughter's wretched state. She knew Regina has made a mistake but being a mother, her love was stronger than the hatred for her mistakes. "I will talk with her."

"Get out of this room if you don't want to be the next. You have failed as a mother." He screamed. No. They both have failed as parents. Being a businessman, he was always busy traveling and he has thought that filling Regina's bank balance was all she needed to buy anything she wants but he was wrong. Today he understood, she lacked morals and ethics with the way she acted and he failed as a father.

"Please dad, I beg you. My body is aching." Regina clasped her hands and begged as if her life depended on it. Something pricked his heart watching her daughter's wretched state. For a second, when he put his guards down, Regina seized the opportunity and snatched the whip from his grip, and bit his hand hard.


She latched on to his arm with her top and bottom teeth and pulled his flesh as hard as she can until a bit of skin fell off his arm.

"AHHHHH" Roberto howled in desolation again. Blood oozed out from his hand dripping on the floor. The bite injury would require stitches and he was sure he would be left with a scar on his arm for a while.


A tight slap landed on her. With gritted teeth, Regina held her cheek and looked up. To her surprise, it was her mother. The woman who doted on her since she was a child has slapped her. "MOM. You slapped me."

"You are worst than a monster." Nyle spat out with a cry. With the way her daughter was acting, Nyle was sure her mental illness has reached its pinnacles. She has not even spared her father and bit him, she wouldn't need to guess what kind of chaos she would create if she is left like this. When did she become like this?

Nyle helped her husband and took him out of the room. Before Regina could come out of her room, she locked the door.

"Mom, Dad. Please open the door. I will go and kill that bitch..." They didn't even bother to hear her cries.

Right when they came out, a man was waiting for them in the living hall. Handing over a file, he bowed as gazed at his bitten arm. "The file you asked for, Sir." He swallowed hard seeing the wound. Is she a retard? Who bites her father?

"Thank you, Jase." Roberto nodded his head in appreciation for getting the information on time.

"Let me clean your wound, Rob." Nyle brought a medical kit to tend to her husband's wounds.

While his wife was wrapping a band-aid, with another hand, Roberto scanned the file. He has asked one of the trusted employees, Jase to check his daughter's call list and the person she has been frequently meeting. Indeed his suspicion was true. He heard rumors in the company that Regina has been seen with his secretary Victor umpteen times and he has confronted her in the past but his daughter has brushed off the thought that it's a rumor. Now he understood, he is the one who has spoiled her.

"He has bit the hand that fed him?" He seethed in anger. "Where is that bastard?"

"He has escaped after the press meet. Also, he has withdrawn a huge amount of money from Regina's bank account."

"Seize all her bank accounts," Roberto ordered. How foolish of her to trust an outsider to the point of sharing bank accounts and passwords. He made a big mistake in hiring that low-class bastard. "Hire a detective and find his location. I want him alive."

"Yes sir."

He gazed at her wife as he spoke. "Don't let her come out of the room."

"What will you do with her, Rob?" Nyle asked gazing at the bedroom door which was slammed and thumped continuously followed by cries.

Roberto has been thinking from the time she has bitten his hand. It's hard to make that decision but with his daughter's condition, he won't have a choice except to send her to that place.

Inside the room, Regina was booming in laughter despite her pains thinking of a plan to kill Leena once her dad releases her but little did she knew her mom and dad have other plans.


The next day morning, Regina stirred from her sleep when two men were lifting her and carrying her into a car.

"Who are you, bastards. Leave me alone." She screamed looking at the surroundings trying to find her mom and dad.

"Your mom and dad are at the woman's house who has humiliated you. So, we are taking you there." A man replied. They have already watched the news and got the bottom of her condition. Indeed, Roberto was true. She is a mentally ill patient.

"Is it?" She laughed eerily. "Take me to that bitch. I will kill her today."

All the way, Regina was building castles in the air talking with those men and informing them how she would kill Leena with her own hands. Little did she know, she was about to enter the doors of a mental hospital.


The next day morning the pictures of Leena and Devin blew up in the entire country, especially the photograph of Devin carrying Leena on his shoulder was standing out of all the images.josei

For the whole week, they have been waiting to hear Devin declaring his relationship with Regina but at the last minute, another woman has come into the picture and it is none other than Leena, the prime model who has swept the modeling industry. Every media talked about Leena's heroism and she was the show stopper. The world branded Devin and Leena as a powerful and Savvy couple.

Their name was not only a talk in the media, even schoolgirls, have been fanning over them.

"OMG! She was so cool yesterday. I love her craziness." A girl in uniform, Eliza, squealed in delight watching the press meet again. "I want to be like her when I grow up. Leena forever."

"What's so cool about her. She has a record of dating women in the past." Another girl, Monique retorted. "My Devin deserves best. She is just average in looks."

"She has already informed the media that she has not dated a woman and she has been labeled as a beauty queen. Your one opinion doesn't matter. You are just jealous of her." Another schoolgirl, Amal, chimed.

"People have been calling them with a nickname. I just loved it." Eliza yelped in happiness.

"Is it? What's the name?" Amal asked in excitement.

"Leevin couple."

"Wow...That's one kind of a name for them.. Leevin forever."

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