The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 181 - Aged Fossil

Chapter 181 - Aged Fossil

Devin's lips grew thin with anger. If his assumption is correct, Elysian is her. She needs a good spanking for pulling out pranks on people. He can't believe she is playing with an FBI and sending messages for a marriage alliance with her friend.

"He has hacked into your account six years back?" Devin asked in uncertainty.

Jasper nodded his head as he explained. "He wants to marry my sister and asked for my permission to court Reese," Six years back, Elysian has not only tortured Kurt, but he also hacked into Jasper's mobile and messaged him that he loves his sister and he wants to marry her. His face flushed with rage and searched all the men in the university surrounding her. But none seems to be the one he wanted.

"I even asked Leena's help to hack into that bastard's account, but she said that it's hard to break into his walls." Jasper left the matter aside at that time reckoning that it was a prank but he appeared again.

"Did you and Kurt somehow tread on his shoes?" Wilbur threw a fit of laughter. He wondered why Elysian is particularly targeting Jasper and Kurt every time.

"Hey, donkey fellow. Just because he asked, are you going to accept him?" Drew barked irritatingly. "There are many men out there who are better than him."

"My baby sister deserves the best. But Don't worry, my brother-in-law's title will not be carried out by you, monkey fellow," Jasper remarked in a mock tone.

"As if I want it." Drew snarled. He has read the news of the press conference and his morning mood dampened seeing the news that she has a thing for a woman and he knew it from the beginning.

Jasper and Drew started cursing at each other again and this time Wilbur has to put a stop to their fights. But Devin was quietly listening to their conversations. So, the rumor that she has dated Reese was spread by her alone and here he was feeling bad for her, she would be sad hearing those comments, but his theory debunked again. He wanted to ask more about it with Jasper, but Kurt interrupted his thoughts flaring up in anger.

"What does this woman wants now?" Kurt threw the mobile, his hackles raised in indignant seeing the message which he got just now.

"Which woman?" Drew asked groggily.

"Lollipop girl from Austin's wedding. I forgot her name."

"Wendy," Drew exclaimed. "How do you know her? Are you dating her?"

"Do you have a death wish, Andy?" Kurt threatened. "Why would I date that pea-sized brain woman?"

"I am sorry, Kurt baby." Drew tried to appease him. "But how does she knows your number?"

"I have no idea," Kurt added with a displeased expression. A week back, he has received a message from an unknown number and the person introduced herself as Wendy and talked about how they met at Austin's wedding. His number was not an easy catch being a Civil servant. He wondered who dared to spread. Each time he blocks that lollipop girl, she would a message from a different number and tortures him every day.

"Did you somehow offend Elysian again?" Devin asked. The very name was causing a chuckle on his lips. If he was not wrong, he must have spoken about her when they were in the lab.

"I haven't contacted that satan for a long time." Kurt slumped onto the chair, exhausted.

"Think big, Kurt." That's the only clue Devin could give. If Kurt can see through his words, he may catch the hint. But he was drowning in alcohol and too muddle-headed to process anything now.

"I am leaving. Have a safe trip." Devin got up and left the place bidding goodbye to his friends.


When Devin reached home, it was dead silent, and straight away went to the bedroom where Leena was engrossed in her laptop to the point that she did not even recognize someone has pushed the door open.

Devin quietly observed watching her run a series of codes on her laptop. She must be pulling someone's leg again.josei

"Elysian," Devin whispered for one last confirmation. For a split second, Leena's hand twitched which didn't go unnoticed by Devin and that was the final call.

As if nothing has happened, Leena turned around and asked with a smile. "What did you say, babylicious? You are talking about hacker Elysian?"

Look at her acting like a babe in arms. Who is she trying to deceive? If she is trying to act whiter than white then he is going to act as pure as the driven snow. He knows where to trigger her ego.

"He is a notorious black hat hacker, sweetheart." He jumped onto the bed and threw the laptop aside " I heard he is a cyber ware criminal who goes and hacks into every account for the money." He paused taking her all the facial reactions, like a time bomb ready to explode at any time. "I even heard the FBI has put a hefty sum on his head. If_"

"He is not such kind of person. You got the wrong information." Leena pressed. "He is a hacking God. Jealous people would always throw dirt on our beloved Elysian and_"

"Sweetheart, this is not so you." Devin interrupted, trying to control his laughter that was threatening to come up.


"I have never seen you praising someone. Being a hacker you should be jealous of Elysian that you couldn't break his walls when Jasper requested right? I heard that he has asked for Reese's hand in marriage." A rage was building up, but he controlled. If all men would be jealous of other men for their girlfriends but he has to get jealous of women also.

Leena's eyes widened in shock listening to Devin's words. What should I do? He almost knows the truth. Jasper and Kurt! Looks like the dose is not enough for both.

"This only meant one thing." He leaned forward looking straight into her eyes. "You are the Elysian? Don't try to manipulate me, unlike others. I have caught you already."

There is no escape from him. No one knows her identity and now Devin has found her like a cakewalk. If she had known that Kurt and Jasper are his friends, she would have been a little careful. "Will you send me to jail? I haven't memorized your phone number yet." Looking all innocent, she asked.

"I got a better opportunity than sending you to jail, darling. If you don't comply with my wishes from now, I will announce to the world that you are Elysian." Devin jeopardized.

What kind of wishes? He doesn't hurt me. At the least, he going to ask for a massage, right. She giggled imagining Devin begging for more while she will be giving him a cold shoulder.

"Where is your imagination running?" He flicked her forehead to bring her out of the delusion.

"Nowhere." With a smile, she added. "I am sleepy. Don't disturb me now. I need beauty sleep to look cute in front of your family." Leens straddled on his lap with legs on either side and crooked her face on his shoulders. Within minutes, she dozed off.

When he heard her even breathing, he transferred on to the bed putting under the blanket. "Savny is better at sleeping." Speaking of her, Devin smiled remembering the video calls he gets every day from either Wilbur or Jane after her school gets ended. She pesters them to make a call to him but the moment she sees his face, she gets all shy and runs away. Devin tugged her on the bed and strolled to sleep on the couch.


The car rolled along the road, the thick greeneries gave away with tall pine and red maple trees on the away as if they were lined up to welcome them. Leena gasped for air as the car got closer, the iniquity of the place became evident. Calling it a house would be an injustice. It was a place.

The front door was lined up with vintage cars like the 1955's Chevrolet Nomad Wagon, 1960's Cadillac Deville Hot Rod, 1955's Studebaker the car, a model was standing.

"My Grandfather loves racing. So, he has a lot of collection of cars." Devin explained taking her awed expression.

"That explains." That was all Leena could say. She gripped Devin's hand in anxiety when the car pulled in front of the entrance.

"Stop getting nervous, Leena." He reassured gently patting her arms but she was still unrest.

"This is my first time meeting them, idiot. How could I stop getting anxious?" Mumbling to herself, she stepped down from the car when Devin got down and offered her a hand.

Before Leena could ask how her face looked, she watched a man coming out of the massive front door. At first, she did not recognize him but when she heard his voice, her vision got clear.

"My granddaughter in law. Finally, you are here to see this aged fossil?" There was a mocking edge on his tone.

"Hospital Grandpa?" Leena exclaimed opening her mouth wide.. Why is he here? When she peeked into the person behind him, Leena was utterly shocked this time.

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