The Divine Anime System

Chapter 18. USJ attack part 1

Chapter 18. USJ attack part 1

"Urg!" Rei woke up in pain.

"Ugg fucking hell, my body hurts like shit."

Rei said seeing himself in bandages.

"hmm? Haaaaa~ at least external wounds are healed." Rei said stretching a bit to see if anything was wrong.

"Hey Eve I think I should begin the Might Guy"s training now...Even with haki, if I can't keep up physically then I can't do shit and Baka Usagi proved just that."

{Hai hai~ so right now you shoul be able to complete around..err 56%? So around the 4th gate almost 5th?"}

"Huh? why is it so low? I though I had a super rare body."

{Well even though the manual is lower in grade. The training has you training up your body all the way till world grade you know. I mean after all, Might Guy did almost kill Madara in his semi-ascendant form after becoming host of 10 tails.}

"Holy shit doesn't that mean I hit jackpot?!?!"

{Half and half. After all, the training has you reaching the world body type, so the training must be hell. Even Might guy didn't manage to do it, he had forcefully used the eight inner gate without the proper body. It's like you with the powers. Too much and you die, hence why the eighth gate was the gate of death, since no one could train their body to world grade. They used the eight inner gates to forcefully rank up their body for a short time, but the technique wasn't supposed to be used like that and the backlash killed them.}

"Well damn arn't I fucked then?"

{Nope! Remember the mindscape? Soon the time would be almost 8hrs in there 1hr out here. AND! you should be able to train your body soon in there, since your control in soul is slowly catching up to your king grade soul. Hehe~ YOU CAN DO IT REI!!!!}

"Hm, Thanks Eve." Rei said with a smile. Then it struck him.

"Hey Eve?"

{hm yeah?}

"So when you said I use my soul to create a blade it became a zanpakuto right?"

{Uh huh. Since you used the blade as a catalyst to hold a part of your soul when you summon it.}

"Eve are you able to use soul power too?"

{Yeah I can why?}

"Ok help me with this." Rei said while he quickly ate a healing pill to recharge all his magic. While he couldn't give it away he could still use it himself.

Jumping into his mindscape Rei quickly started to pump up his magic power.

"Trace on....." Veins were bulging on his body while he quickly will the magic power to construct this particular sheath. A golden light started to spread to every corner as the sheath was being constructed each step, percent and part was harder than the last. After a while the pillar of gold shot upwards as the sheath was complete.

"AVALON!" Rei shouted as the sheath of Excalibur were brought to life. Panting Rei took another pill while he continued.

"Forge on!" Using Avalon as a catalyst he tried forged a spiritual body around it and using his soul control to try shape it. His eyes blood shot while his skin ripped. The pressure of creating a body was too much, but he had to try. But before the body was half way the pressure became unstable and ruptured killing him and forcing him back out into the real world.

"FUCK!!!" Rei shouted as his attempt to make Eve a body using Avalon as a catalyst failed. He wanted to give her a body and by making her use her soul energy he could create a resonance thus allowing her to use the body. He wanted to do this because watching someone you love whilst not being able to do anything to help them was agony. So he must make her a body.

{...Rei...It's fine really...You don't have to do this...} Eve said while she saw the pain it caused to create a body out of nothing for her.

"No Eve I want to do this. I promise to give you a body. COUNT ON IT!" Rei said while the mental pressure caused him to black out once again.

{haaa~Idiot Rei... I'll wait for you you know? Even if it takes a million years. I'll wait for you.} Eve's voice said with tenderness.


Somewhere in a dark room...josei

"Nuhuhuhuhuhu.... Kurogiri...Give Tomura 2 more Nomu's from the higher batch. I have a feeling he may need it. The blade kid's not simple. The spy said that he's quirk not making blades but something els.... Hahaha oh how I wish to get my hands on that..." All for One eerily said whilst on call with Kurogiri(guy that warps the villains to usj)

"Understood sir." Kurogiri responded while bowing like a butler.

"Hahahahaha.... now how will All Might deal with this when there are 3..."

All for One laughed while his twisted smile stretched across his face.


Waking up Rei saw that he had stayed the night in the infirmary.

"Eve, have they left for the USJ yet?" Rei asked while clutching his head.

{No not yet. They're leaving in an hour. You should get another half an hour of sleep.} Eve said with concern.

"Thanks but it's fine Eve, i'll rest on the bus."

{Un.} Eve reluctantly agreed.

Meeting up with Eraser Head and the class Rei went towards Midoriya(Realised his name had a y. sweatdrop sorry)

"Yo Midoriya. Your arm fine now?" Rei asked.

"Huh yeah Recovery Girl healed me up. Also Rei that was amazing! You managed to fight All Might. I saw the recording but what is that chain? It looked different from the average weapon." Midoriya asked with burning curiosity.

Thinking about it Rei decided to tell Midoriya since he should be fine now considering he managed to fight All Might.

"The chains are called Enkidu, the chains of heaven. They are supposed to be able to bind even the gods and trap them." Rei explained.

"Hmm, how are you able to make such a diverse arsenal of weapons? I have a theory but i'm not sure." Midoriya said while asking Rei questions about his quirk.

Since it was just the base theory of Unlimited Blade Works Rei decided to entertain Midoriya.

"Ok Midoria, so while I registered my ability as Blade Creation. It's more like Unlimited Weapon Storage. I have a separate dimension where I would hold and infinite stash of weapons and I use the energy in my body to recreate/summon the weapon. I'm able to create the weapon anywhere within a certain area, further away then I would need to spread my energy outwards using it as a medium to summon the weapons. I'm also able to bring the dimension here provided I use an aria/chant to help act as a helper."

Rei and Midoriya discussed about Unlimited Blade Works while waiting for the departure time. During this Midoriya had told Rei a lot of new ways to use his power.

The trip was short for Rei as he was resting. Arriving at the USJ Rei felt very unnerved. Rei went on guard the whole time while waiting for the villains. Walking in, he saw what he felt was normal first. The purple warp portal appeared bringing in villains but what he didn't expect was three almost identical Nomu's show up. His pupil shrank as he felt the danger released from them.

"Aizawa sensei keep an eye on the warp guy and protect the class. I got this." Rei said, face serious.


(Listen to a battle theme from here. I listened to one but I can't find the name.)

"Aizawa sensei don't worry. I'm specialised for group fights." Rei said while jumping up in the air and traced a bow. Quickly notching Caladbolg 2, Rei let the arrow fly while it caused an explosion sending the villains flying. As he fell, Rei traced several Enkidu's as he sent then out piercing one villain after the other. Taking the chance of them being distracted he sent out conquerors haki as heavy as he could. The floor cracked and shattered while the the villains fell unconscious under the pressure. Seeing this, the three Nomu's moved together under the orders of Tomura. Three black streaks were seen coming towards Rei. Quickly bringing out Kyoki and Tengoku, Rei parried the first two Nomu's while the third one tried to punch him in the gut. Quickly tracing a spear towards the last Nomu, Rei saw the Nomu's skin harden as it spear broke on impact. Seeing this Rei jumped back while the Nomu's regroup. Rei was distracted when suddenly the remaining villain's that he missed tried to make their way to the kids. Tracing a chakram, Rei threw the weapon as it made a curve slicing the Villains in half. Blood and organs flew as the villains were killed. Some of the classmates collapsed and threw up seeing the blood and gore. Rei ignored this as he was being pressured by the Nomu's. As he retreated Rei sent out waves and waves of weapons at them. However it was futile as the third Nomu blocked it all with his body. Rei frowned as he knew he had to get rid of him first. Launching himself in their direction he saw a Nomu extending his hands towards him like what Luffy from one piece does. Jumping up over the hands he held Tengoku in reverse grip while he copied Levi and twisted his body as he travelled up the Nomu's arm. Reaching the main body Rei sent a wave of concentrated azure sword energy at the Nomu cleaving him in half. Turning around quickly he block a punch from the first Nomu as the force sent him crashing backwards. Digging his foot into the ground, he slowed his flight as the ground was cracking due to this. Looking up he could see the Nomu he bisected reconnecting his two halves. Frowning, Rei looked on as he was back to square one with three Nomu's alive and kicking.

"Fuck!" Rei cursed as he looked at that regeneration. His eyes grew cold as he decided to show the class his real quirk as he dropped into a defensive stance.

"I am the ice of my sword..."

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