The Divine Anime System

Chapter 19. USJ attack part 2

Chapter 19. USJ attack part 2

"I am the ice of my sword"

Rei said while in a defensive stance.

"Wait that's different to his normal aria!!" Midoriya said when he heard the chant.

"Glaciers are my body and ice is my blood"

Rei continued to chant while he pushed his haki to help him parry against the three Nomu's attacks. Jumping backwards Rei used each of his swords to occupy a Nomu while he traced Enkidu chains to try bind the last Nomu, it didn't bind the Nomu but had served to buy time for Rei.

"I have frozen over a thousand worlds"

"HMM?!?! Why is it all iced based!!" Shouto Todoriki said while his eyes widened at the chant. "It can't be..." He thought.

Rei's skin became more pale as cold mist fell from his body.

"Forever laid sealed, Never should I awaken"

The first Nomu smashed the ground as the Earth broke and shot upwards pushing Rei up in the air.

"Rho Aias..." Rei said while he blocked the hands of the second Nomu being out stretched.

"Yet these worlds can never hold me back" josei

Nearing the end of the chant. Rei's surroundings had started to freeze over and ice crystals formed from the moisture in the air. Landing back on the ground. Rei held his hands to the ground while a multitude of weapons shot out in every direction with him in the middle.

"Hmm! This kid...Why does he have two quirks...I feel like if I tried I can probably erase this quirk...why is that..." Eraser Head though while still keeping his eyes on the kurogiri.

"And so I create...."

The first Nomu rushed out of sight as it tried to punch Rei in the face.


With a flash of cold mist the class found themselves in a frozen wasteland. The galaxy of different colours shun above them as the starts flashed. Light snow fell as they shivered from the cold. Looking over they could see huge Ice mountains and large shadowed swords in the distance while the land was covered with blue crystallized swords which the detail still remained from before but the material was changed.

"Beautiful...." Some of the girls muttered while they looked at this strange land that Rei had summoned.

Looking over they could see Rei standing pale and almost like he was made from crystal. "Haaaaa~" Rei breathed out as condensation could be seen. Around him stood the three Nomu's with ice that encased their whole body. Walking over to the second Nomu who's regeneration was on another level, Rei held his hands to the chest.

"Zettaireido (Absolute Zero)" Rei muttered as a huge mist cover the Nomu before dispersing and reducing the Nomu to crystal dust. Walking over to the third Nomu, Rei repeated his actions like before and reduced him to dust. Finally looking at the last Nomu he saw neon red lines appear while the Nomu's eyes glowed an ominous red.

{REI MOVE!!!} Eve shouted when suddenly the ice encasing the Nomu shattered and shown a Nomu with red lines all over his body.

"KUAAH!!!" Rei was punched in the gut before he even knew what happened. His haki couldn't even detect the Nomu coming closer.

Flying into the frozen forest Rei stabbed Kyoki and Tengoku into the ground to stablise him self. Rei was suddenly grabbed by the shirt when the Nomu flung him back out into the open. Rei smashed into the ground as he coughed up blood.

"Shit..." Rei said getting up shaking from the impact. While he was in his Glacial Blade Works his pain receptors dulled but he still felt the force behind the two attacks. The Nomu walked out again while smiling mockingly.

Rei's face fell with cold fury.

"This is my domain...How dare you mock me...." Rei said voice cold with anger. Clapsing his hand together, A giant cage of ice rose from the ground in an instance forming a cage around the Nomu.

"FROZEN AIAS!!" Rei shouted as he used the move he did against Gran Torino, but this time he had reinforced it with 3 layers of Rho Aias. Using this moment Rei flashed over to the Nomu and cut downwards with Kyoki, he was able to pass Frozen Aias with no problem as in this state he was a part of the ice. The blade didn't reach further than a inch before the Nomu elbowed viciously into Rei's face sending him backwards.

"Fuck! What's with this defence..." Rei said getting back up.

"Taema nai chi&^*@$#*&" A voice suddenly rang out in his mind.

Taking the chance of the Nomu being trapped. He asked.

"Eve did you hear that?"

{Yeah....I think it's Kyoki giving you permission for bankai.}

"Wait what about shikai?"

{I think the Bankai is your first release...wait....that means you can go further than Bankai!!!!}

"WHAT!!!! The anime didn't have anything like that?!?!"

{I think that when the main system added these powers there had to be a way to ascend pass a threshold. Everything has a limit and by breaking that it means you have began to discover the path to becoming a Ascendent.}

Hearing this Rei nodded. While it was dangerous to get distracted he could only hope Frozen Aria held on long enough for him to get his Bankai from Kyoki. Rei untraced Tengoku while he placed his hand on Kyoki's blade and closed his eyes and focused. Reopening them he could see that he was in a battle field with empty armour, arrows, blades and broken flags everywhere. Looking behind him Rei could see a person who looked like himself but with red hair and carried a Guandao(Chinese polearm with a blade at the end, search it up) .

"I didn't want to give you your Bankai yet Rei, but Tengoku was so pushy in helping you." The figure said while he sat facing away from Rei, it was Kyoki.

"But then again I don't think you'll be able to cut him down without it. So thank Tengoku when you see her." Kyoki said turning around.

"Taema Nai Chinokawaki(Unrelenting Bloodthirst) That is my Bankai name." He said while pushing out Rei back into the real world. Soon another figure appeared. She was in gold and white armour with a sword on her waist.

"Is that good enough for you sis?" Kyoki asked the figure.

"Yeah thanks Nii chan. I didn't think Rei would need our Bankai so soon." Tengoku said.

"Yeah me neither. The enemies are getting a lot stronger now." Kyoki said.

Back to the real world, Rei had just been pushed out by Kyoki.

Looking up he could see the Nomu breaking out of the cage and ready to charge at him.

Holding Kyoki forwards, Rei's hair had slowly gained red streaks.

"BAN-KAI!!!!" He shouted while a pillar of red shot up in this frozen world.

"Taema Nai Chinokawaki..." Was heard originating from the pillar. Dispersing the light. Everyone could see Rei with a Guandao decorated with the patterns of a dragon along the pole, the blade held the dragons head and the pommel of the Guandao was fitted with a red jewel. His outfit was fitted with some small dark red armour while his torso held a slim dark red chest plate.

Summoning a wall of ice quickly, the Nomu crashed into it causing a loud crash before Rei held Taema(I'll use this when talking about Rei's bankai) behind him ready to cleave upwards. The blade hummed with a red glow as Rei inserted energy into the weapon.

"HAAAAAAAAA!" Rei shouted while bringing Taema upwards causing a blood red sword energy to fly forwards while continuing to expand, eradicating the Nomu and cutting a distant mountain in half. Rei's bankai dispersed returning him back to his original state. Panting heavily Reei looked over to where the main plaza would be, he could see Tomura whispering the word cheater over and over while Kurogiri was panicking as he couldn't leave with warp. Snapping his fingers a neon blue spear could be seen hovering next to him as he held his hands out to grab the spear. A neon energy spread around him as he held the spear ready to throw.

"GAE BOLG!!" Rei shouted before a flash of blue passing the sound barrier was heard piercing through the heart of Tomura and Kurogiri killing them. Using his control over Glacial Blade Works he then gathered all the bodies together before using Zettaireido to erase them. Slowly increasing the temperature he retracted his reality marbleand looked up. He could see the pale faces of his classmates seeing death for the first time, face of Eraser Head and Shouto Todoroki clearly asking for answers and he could see the faces of fear directed towards him. Ignoring the looks he weakly walked back to Eraser Head.

"I need to talk." Both Eraser Head and Shouto said at the same time.

"We will...when All Might's here..." Rei said voice quite.

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