The dragon's harem

Chapter 287 Exchanged Bites

Chapter 287 Exchanged Bites


Arad growled, feeling Eris's fangs dig deep into his neck. "You still had it in you," He glared down at her, opening his mouth.

CRACK! Arad bite her neck as well, and she gasped. CLENCH! He clenched his fist and swung at her side.

Thud! Eris deflected Arad's fist and conjured a short version of her spear, more like a shiv, and thrust at his liver.

BAM! Arad knocked it out of her hand and grabbed her wrist, crushing it in his palm.

Thud! Eris jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist and expanding her wings, dropping Arad to the ground.

CRACK! The moment Arad fell to the ground, he pushed with his hand, trying to stand back up.

FWOSH! Purple flames consumed Eris's body as she growled, unleashing her plasma to burn Arad to a crisp. But she could feel his hand grabbing her hair from the back, pulling violently.

He didn't want to sit and watch her burn him to ash.

Eris clenched her teeth harder so he won't pull her head away from his neck, grabbed him by the ear, and started pulling.

Arad could feel that her hair will rip off if he used more strength. He gave up on her hair and pulled his arms back, sliding them between his and her chest, and started pushing.

Eris growled into Arad's neck, feeling it hard to breathe or swallow. His thick arms crushed her ribcage with extreme force.

Eris swung her arm down between Arad's legs, grabbing him by the jewels and pulling out, trying to rip them off, or at least force Arad to let go of her neck.

She gasped, feeling them like leather in her palm, unmoving. No matter how much force she used, they didn't rip off, and Arad didn't show any reaction at all.

Arad expanded his wings, using them to push his body up to stand, and Eris's chest cracked her first broken rib. She choked on the blood from Arad's neck, and for a second her grip waned.

FLAP! Arad flapped his wing, flying to the sky with her attached to him like a leech.

Eris looked at the ground moving away and growled, clenching her fists harder and pulling on Arad's jewels even more, trying to rip and twist them to see if they tear off.

Arad flew just a few meters and dived back down, crashing on the ground with Eris below him.

Eris expanded her wings, twisting them below her back to absorb the shock of the impact, and then increased her plasma output, shining brightly in the dark forest.

Arad finally relaxed his hands. She was burning too fast for him to keep a steady max output. But that didn't mean he didn't have another plan.

Arad expanded his hands and hugged her, ^Die, encased in layer upon layer of ice,^

CRACK! Eris gasped, feeling her body freezing as her plasma faded rapidly. Ice shards grew from Arad's body and pierced her skin, freezing her muscles and blood.

She didn't sit there and take. On the other hand, she started trying to increase her plasma output to melt the ice.I think you should take a look at

The plasma burned from Eris's body and rushed at Arad's ice, melting it in the blink of an eye.

He wasn't proficient with cold magic so he lost the battle.

Arad grunted noticing his ice melting, he had tried his best plans, and none of them worked to get Eris away from his body. This woman was more keep to stick to him than his clothes.

Thud! Thud! Thud! An armored woman jumped through the wood, thrusting her sword at Eris's head. "Die!" Isdis shouted, ice forming on her blade.

Eris gasped, feeling the ice magic to be more refined than that of Arad. She would freeze her head before she could melt it. She opened her mouth and kicked Arad in the chest, jumping back and dodging the thrust.

"Why are you running?" Isdis rushed after Eris, swinging her sword.

Eris growled, "You weak bitch, why won't you die?" She growled, lifting her hand to blast her with plasma.

Thud! An arrow flew from the trees, piercing Eris's wrist.

She gasped, "It's that elf. Where is she?" She looked around, searching for Aella.

PEW! PEW! PEW! Three arrows emerged from the trees, and Eris weaved between them. "Show yourself!" She shouted.

PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW! Twelve more arrows emerged, and the tree arrows that Eris dodged changed their direction, flying back at her.

Eris dodged the arrows, but they kept chasing her, guided by wind magic. Thud! Thud! Thud! Isdis charged in, "Prepare to die," Swinging her sword at Eris's neck.

CLANG! Eris deflected Isdis's attack and was about to burn her to ash, but the arrows interrupted her. ^I can't attack, it takes a lot of time to dodge those arrows, and I don't want to know what will they do once they hit.^

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Isdis swung her sword at Eris, but all of her attacks got deflected. She wasn't fast or strong enough to be a threat.

Thud! Arad stood, grasping his sword. He didn't want to waste stamina on Eris, but he doesn't seem to have a choice in the matter. She's too stubborn to die.

VROOOM! Veins bulged on Arad's neck and arms as he pulled the sword back, taking a deep breath, "Action Surge!"

Arad swung his sword downward as Isdis jumped out of the way. CLANG! Eris conjured a spear and deflected his strike to the side, ^Fast,^ She cried inside.

CLANG! Arad swung again, but she blocked his attack, ^But I can melt that thing,^ She smiled inside.

Arad could see the edge of his sword turning red. Going further will risk damaging the blade. So he dropped it and clenched his fist, black scales covering his forearm as claws emerged from his fingertips.

Arad's fist flew toward Eris's face at a tremendous speed, and she ducked down. ^Does he think his fists are more durable than a sword?^

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