The dragon's harem

Chapter 420 Arad Vs EirwanKari

Chapter 420 Arad Vs EirwanKari

Chapter 420 Arad Vs EirwanKari

BAM! Arad swung his fist, punching EirwanKari in the chest. CRACK! The ground beneath the white dragon shattered as he remained still, "Do you think you can kill me alone?"

EirwanKari swung his fists down, trying to crush Arad's head with a dual strike.

Thud! Arad swung his torso, dodging the attack, and grasped the ground with his hand, sending an upward kick that hit EirwanKari in the jaw, sending him to the sky.

EirwanKari opened his jaw. A light blue light flashed from between his teeth. [Frost Breath]

A cone of cold rushed down, racing toward Arad like a frigid storm from the arctic lands.

CLAP! Putting his hands together, Arad concentrated his mana around a nearby tree, [Center Gravity]

The gravity wave diverged the breath, pulling it toward the tree as Arad charged forth.

"Gravity magic and a ton of raw power," EirwanKari smiled, "That alone can't defeat me," He pointed his hand down, [Hail storm]

From behind EirwanKari, the sky turned back with clouds. Hail started to fall like arrows from the sky. Each one dented the ground.

"Can you save yourself or the city?" He laughed.

Arad looked back, hearing screams boom in the city. No human could survive even one of those hails.

"Zephyr!" Arad shouted, lifting his arm up, [Fire Ball] He conjured a ball of fire six meters in diameter and blasted it toward the clouds.

"One minute is all I can give you," Zephyr smiled, creating a massive storm that absorbed the flame and dyed the sky red. "Kock him out!"

Arad took a deep breath, "Fine, it's not my problem alone," He pulled a blade from his stomach, the dragon slayer sword.

EirwanKari's eyes opened wide as he saw the sword, recognizing its origin. "How the hell did you get that?" He swung his hands, stopping his concentration on the hail storm to cast another big spell.

[Ice Dragon Maw]

BOOM! From beneath Arad, a large dragon made of ice emerged, swallowing him whole. EirwanKari smiled in the sky, "The inside of that ice dragon is colder than any place in the world, and you're getting constantly slashed by the ice. Die in agony,"

CLAN! The ice dragon got slashed several times from inside his stomach. He shattered into shards of ice as Arad stood in there with a smile on his face, the dragon slayer sword resting on his shoulder.

[Taurus] The stars emerged after Arad's back, robbing him of every single drop of mana but granting him amplified strength, thus increasing his explosive speed.

BOOM! Arad's body disappeared from EirwanKari's vision as he lunged forward.

"Fast!" EirwanKari gasped, and swung his arm down, creating a wall of ice. Thwack! CLAP! Arad burst through the thick wall of ice with ease, EirwanKari barely dodged the slash and lost an arm.

"Get away!" EirwanKari shouted, conjuring a compressed storm of ice, blasting Arad away.

BAM! BAM! BAM! Arad's body rolled across the ground, crushing the castle walls one after the other before landing inside the main kitchen.

"AHHHHHHH!" One of the maids was there and she screamed in terror seeing Arad stand unscathed. He stared at her, "Get inside, it's dangerous here,"

"I'm in the middle of the castle," She cried back, finally her brain recognized him.

"Ha?" Arad looked around him with a dumbfounded face, "You're right, this is the kitchen," He scratched his head, "Sorry, I should take the fight away from the city," CLANG! He rested the blade on his shoulder and got ready to leap.

"You better move, the shrapnel will kill you," Arad glared at her.

"Sorry!" She cried, running deeper into the castle.

BAM! With a smile on his face, Arad lunged forth. The shockwave left behind destroyed the kitchen. josei

EirwanKari panted, glaring at the hole Arad left in the castle, "What is this bastard," He growled. "I better get away as soon as possible,"

BAM! In the blink of an eye, Arad had his hand on his face. EirwanKari gasped, "What?"

"We're changing place," Arad said, leaping into the sky and dragging EirwanKari by the face.

EirwanKari couldn't believe it, he couldn't resist the raw power of Arad. "Let go of me," He lifted his hand, trying to blast Arad away.

"Since I'm this close," Arad swung his sword, stabbing EirwanKari several times in the torso. "This blade is made to break dragon scales, how does it feel?"

SWOSH! Arad swung his hand, throwing EirwanKari toward the ground as they got out of the city.

BAM! As EirwanKari's body blew, he was forced back into his draconic form. BOOM! ROAR! He roared, "You fucking bastard!" He couldn't believe it, Arad forced him outside of the city just like that.

"You're angry, you're angry," Arad giggled, staring at EirwanKari.

DING! The stars flashed behind Arad and he looked back with a dumbfounded face, ^It ran out, and a minute ended just like that. Yeah, I wasted time speaking to that maid and waiting for her to get far enough so I wouldn't kill her. Also the jump all the way here took some time,^

"I can sense you mana coming back, druid. You can't use that absurd strength anymore." EirwanKari roared, opening his jaw and charging a breath.

Arad saw the breath coming and he smiled, [Leo]

As the stars appeared behind his back, the toughness of his scales increased and he would have lost all of his fears if he had any. Leo symbolizes courage and toughness. Most druids use it to tank attacks that would usually kill them, like a dragon's breath.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Arad ran straight forward through the ice breath, emerging beneath EirwanKari's jaw, "I'm not done yet, idiot,"

EirwanKari gasped, ^Two constellations in a row, a void dragon!^

SWOSH! Arad swung his sword at the dragon's front right leg. CLANG! The blade was stopped by a thick layer of ice. "Void, that changes things," EirwanKari growled, "I thought you bastards were neutral!"

"Not when you go after my wife," Arad growled, swinging his sword up at EirwanKari's neck.

BAM! EirwanKari lunged back, "At least mark the bitch!" He screamed. Had he smelled a void dragon on Isdis, he would have dipped immediately. But, since void dragons barely left any smell, and Arad hadn't slept with Isdis yet, she was still clean.

On another note, EirwanKari remembered Gojo calling Arad his brother, "Wait! That explains how that bastard stopped me!" He roared in anger, why was Gojo hiding all of his draconic power, in fact, how could achieve that?

Arad smiled, "We void are supposed to blend into the humanoids, even dragons won't tell us apart," Gojo was an adult void dragon, he's far more expert in polymorph than Arad and could probably change his shape freely.

BAM! BAM! EirwanKari rushed forward, "Since we got here, you can die!" He swung his claws at Arad.

BAM! Arad dodged the first strike and it shattered the ground. He then deflected the second claw with his sword, and the third hit was a tail swing that he caught.

"That was fast! But I saw faster," Arad smiled, pulling EirwanKari by his tail, "I'm not killing you, I will eat you!" Arad smiled, swinging the whole dragon up and smacking him on the ground.

EirwanKari's body twisted and he blasted Arad with a point-blank ice breath.

Arad stood still, frozen in an ice cube as EirwanKari stood back up, "What a monster,"

CRACK! The ice shattered and Arad stared at the dragon, "If the book I got from the guild was right, white dragons are the weakest of the chromatic, right? Also the dumbest."

EirwanKari grunted and Arad giggled, "It's strange you can take a humanoid shape, albeit twisted,"

"Shut up!" EirwanKari lunged forth and Arad teleported out of the way by using [Void Step]

Discussing the matter with Mom, Arad concluded one thing, "You..." He looked at EirwanKari, "Are the pet of a mage, or at least was."

EirwanKari opened his jaw, unleashing another breath at Arad.

BAM! Arad appeared standing in another spot.

"Hit a nerve? Then I'm right," He laughed, "That explains how you can cast spells and create such a plot. How did you escape the mage, did he die of old age, that must be it,"

"I fucking killed him!" EirwanKari growled.

"Puff! Yeah," Arad stared at EirwanKari, "When he was getting old and senile."

"Shut up!"

Arad looked at EirwanKari with a disappointed face, "I once saw this red drakaina named Ignis, she was far stronger than you." The red drakaina they saw with Eris's father.

"Don't compare red to white!" EirwanKari lunged forth and Mom explained in Arad's head. Red is the strongest of the chromatic white and white is the weakest.

CLACK! EirwanKari opened his jaw.

Cold is the absence of heat, to freeze something, you need to absorb the heat from, the kinetic molecular energy. Now, where does that energy go when a dragon freezes things?

"Huh?" Arad blinked as a crimson blast of flames gushed out of EirwanKari's jaws, incinerating a massive chunk of the wilderness.

Thud! Arad's charred body put his hands together. [Void Expansion: Orion]

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