The dragon's harem

Chapter 421 [Void Expansion

Chapter 421 [Void Expansion: Orion]

Chapter 421 [Void Expansion: Orion]

[Void Expansion: Orion]

EirwanKari gasped as darkness consumed everything around him in a flash. Arad's figure stood before him and then blitzed away, leaving him dumbfounded.

Arad opened his eyes, "Blood bath!"

The ground beneath EirwanKari shifted into blood, and tens of vampire spawn clung to his legs, biting his claws and sucking on his blood like leeches.

"Damn it! I have to stop him before he..." EirwanKari ignored the spawns and turned toward Arad, but he didn't see him.

CLANG! Arad flashed behind the massive white dragon, slashing his left wings off.

"GAH!" EirwanKari growled. He was too late to stop him.

Behind EirwanKari, Arad landed on the ground, growling with a droll drop down his beard, long claws extending from his fingers as fur rapidly covered his body.

The hunter Orion is one of the strongest and most dangerous constellations a druid can have. It reinforces their wild shape, attuning them to their inner beast to become a natural predator.

Usually, a druid would polymorph into a predator like a tiger or a lion and then activate Orion to rampage in a blood rage. But the drawback is that he won't stop until he either dies, or there is no life around him for as long as his beastial form can smell. Simply, if the animal can track you, the hunt never ends.

Arad didn't use it with a normal wild shape. He cast it with one of the strongest apex predators, a werewolf. Add the fact he's a Wyrmwolf, and EirwanKari is in big trouble, being hunted by a raging monster.

An adult man facing a rabid pitbull.

"You monster!" EirwanKari cried as Arad turned to glare at him, growling with droll dripping from his jaws.

Thud! EirwanKari lunged up, flapping his remaining wing in a desperate attempt to run away. "You won't escape," A voice boomed in the endless void, and a pink-haired witch emerged. [Gemini]

EirwanKari opened his jaw, unleashing a frost breath at Doma.

"How sad. How long can you stay here without a breath?" She smiled, the ice storm washing over her body, "This is the void. When you glare down, it glares back at you. Fall into the bottomless stomach,"

Hundreds of pink eyes emerged in the darkness, glaring at EirwanKari with an ominous glow. His scales started cracking and disintegrating as the void began digesting him alive. His body started falling into the abyss.

BAM! As EirwanKari glared around, Arad smacked him on the head with a powerful claw strike.

"You little bastard!" The white dragon roared, unleashing a wave of destructive cold magic.

^This little bastard is fast, powerful, and invisible. The whole place reeks of his smell and magic. I can't make him apart.^ He growled inside his head, swinging his body to get rid of the spawns clinging to his legs.

SPLASH! A wave of blood emerged from the countless pink eyes. All the blood Arad consumed rushed to assault the dragon.

ROAR! With one roar, all the blood froze as EirwanKari climbed it up, his claws clinging to the ice as he glared around, "Come face me!"

AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! From the darkness, a massive muscular werewolf lunged out, swinging its claw forth.

"There you are!" EirwanKari swung his claw, engulfed in a wave of cold magic.

SLASH! Arad twisted his body mid-air, slicing EirwanKari's arm from the wrist up to his neck, flashing across his lead and ripping one of his horns off.

GWA! EirwanKari cried, trying to step away. josei

SWOSH! Arad swung claw down, using EirwanKari's back as a breaking board before landing on the tip of his tail.

BAM! The white dragon growled, violently flailing his tail to get Arad off, and he got what he wanted. Arad's claws lost grip as the dragon's scales got digested by the void.

Thud! The moment Arad landed, he lunged forward, slashing the tendons off EirwanKari's hind legs, dropping him to the ground in the blink of an eye.

VROOOM! EirwanKari's body rumbled as he violently jerked into motion, swinging his claw down at Arad's head. CRACK! Arad blocked the attack with his arms, but his body was slowly getting crushed in the frozen blood.

"You can't wing against me in a contest of raw strength." EirwanKari roared, trying to freeze Arad as he held him down.

Arad's eyes flashed with a golden light, his blood boiling. VROOOOOOOOOM! His heart rumbled as the spawns rushed to attack EirwanKari's arm. The void around them screamed, and suddenly the block of frozen blood they stood on disappeared.

"What?" EirwanKari gasped.

CLENSH! Arad bit EirwanKari's claw, and the massive dragon's body started shifting.

^Gravity magic?^ EirwanKari's mind sparked, ^He's using it with his void. I can't keep him in place without something to lean on,^

Only using his neck muscles, Arad violently swung EirwanKari left and right, shaking his internal organs in a violent rage.

CRACK! As Arad held EirwanKari, the white dragon swung his tail and tried to stab him with the tip.

BAM! Arad let go and lunged back, avoiding the attack.

Thud! Arad lunged into the sky, and EirwanKari blinked, "Where did he go?" He looked into the black sky, seeing a massive ball of fire accelerating toward him.

Orionid meteor shower, a hail of celestial bodies rushing from Orion's border with Gemini once a year, and as many as twenty meteors can come out in one hour. Now that Doma was using Gemini, that reaction between the stars was available, albeit, he could only call one in the timeframe of this battle.

"What in the frozen hells!" Orionid meteor shower cried, seeing that Arad was the meteor, falling down at a tremendous speed with his body engulfed in crimson flames.

EirwanKari timed a breath with the meteor's fall and managed to escape with only a few bones broken. He glared in terror as Arad stood amidst the flame, his black fur smoking.

AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Arad howled, purple flames of gravity magic burning across his body and claws.

EirwanKari growled, getting ready to counterattack and run away as soon as possible.

ZON! Arad's body got pulled toward EirwanKari with Gravity magic, covering the distance in the blink of an eye.

EirwanKari swung his claw, but Arad lunged over it and bit him in the neck, crushing his throat.

The white dragon struggled like a wild bull in the jaws of a tiger, but soon, life faded from his eyes.

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