The dragon's harem

Chapter 505 The Demon Queen

Chapter 505 The Demon Queen

"So," Ginger sat on a stone, staring at the rotten forest ahead of her, "Are you done yet?"

The whole forest burned in red flames, and the large tree demon cried, "You're a vampire! Your magic shouldn't affect me!"

"Hehe," Ginger giggled, "I don't need to rely on my vampire powers," She lifted her hand, [Fire Strom]

"I'm a wizard after all," She watched as the forest burned, "You demons tried to pick an opponent that has an advantage against us, but your plan would backfire. S-ranks always have multiple ways of dishing damage, or resisting it."

She then looked back. ^I'm more worried about Arad. He has multiple skills, but I fear he won't be able to keep up.^

"Firewood," Ginger stared down with a smile, "Where is our dragon? Where did you send him? Tell me, and I might let you live."

The tree laughed as it burned to ash, "There is no need to hide it anymore. He's sent to his death. Lady Zuggtmoy awaited him,"

Ginger started sweating, ^The demon queen of fungi, even the four of us combined won't be able to stand against it.^

CRACK! The sky above them cracked, and Merlin flew in, "Ginger! You're fine?"

Ginger looked up, "I felt your magical splash flare from here. That was an impressive burst for a support wizard."

"I do train," She looked at the burning forest, "You seem to be done here. Let's head to find the rest."

"You won't put the flames out?" The demon tree growled as she saw Ginger and Merlin flying away.

Ginger stopped and looked back at it, "I said. I might, and I decided I won't."


"Arad is facing Zuggtmoy. We need to get to him first." Ginger said, and Merlin nodded.

"I know, I already tried teleporting there, but a magic barrier is stopping me. That demon queen is blocking us." Merlin looked at her crystal orb, "We need to find Alcott and Nina while I'm trying to crack her barrier."

"Got it," Ginger nodded as they phased through reality.


Arad stared at the demon queen, feeling the heavy pressure of her magic. ^I don't know where I am. I can't teleport away,^

[This is bad. Run while I figure a way out.] Mom said.

^[I doubt even I can beat her, but I should be able to help. Keep running for now, and don't take any direct hits.]^

BAM! Arad lunged back, extending his hand forward. [Gravity magic: One source] He created a gravity orb behind Zuggtmoy to pull her away from himself.

"Hehe," She laughed, unaffected by his magic. "The pull is weak," She glared at Arad. [Spring Fungi]

CLICK! A large mushroom appeared behind Arad, compressing and then releasing all that power in one go, smacking Arad in the back.

CRACK! He could feel his spine crack, his body few directly toward Zuggtmoy who caught him in her embrace.

"Don't run away from me. Soon, you will serve me for the rest of your life." She smiled.lightsnovel

ROAR! Arad screamed, his body bursting into flames. The fire quickly grew larger and larger, from red to blue then to white, exploding in a massive rose.

ZON! ZON! ZON! Arad teleported away, but Zuggtmoy kept teleporting after him, making sure he didn't get out of her embrace.

"You're an energetic one," She giggled, her spores digging into the wound on his back.

CLAP! Arad clapped his hands. [Void Expansion: ORION]

SWOSH! The black void consumed everything around them as Arad's body expanded, growing wings and claws. The vampiric wyrmwolf roared as it soared across the empty void.

Zuggtmoy smiled, "A void born, but you're young." [Spawns of the Bog]

Hundreds of demons appeared out of nowhere, rushing toward Arad even though they were in his void.

Arad's six eyes shifted in color, glowing with a bright green glow.

CRACK! The demons around him turned to stones, petrified with his gaze. The modification Doma was working on inside his eyes and brain was this, giving him traits similar to Medusa.

CLAP! Zuggtmoy pulled a quarterstaff made of one long fungus, "Curse of petrification, how impressive." She jumped up, pointing at him.

"By the order of the demon lord, turn back to a humanoid."

Arad's body froze in place, morphing back to his humanoid form.

Zuggtmoy stared at him with a smile. "I rule this place, and no one can go against my rules. Think of it like your void expansion."

BAM! He lunged back, swinging his fist at her face. She dodged and smacked him to the face, sending him rolling across the ground and bursting his void expansion open.

"I won't survive here if I can't deal with someone like you," She smiled, approaching him. "But, you're doing well for a toddler."

Arad tried to stand, blood gushing from his mouth. She ripped a wound inside his stomach. Her attacks are wider than they seem.

He glared back at her, ROAR! Without a warning, he unleashed a void breath at her.

Thud! Zuggtmoy took one step, bypassing the breath and appearing behind Arad. "You're slower than me, weaker, and have less magic, experience, and even natural talent." She giggled, tapping his back with her hand, "And worse, you're fighting me in my domain. You're going to lose, no matter what,"

SWOSH! Arad turned, swinging a kick at her face. She dodged, but he followed with several fists, trying to chain some slaps into them. He even tried to hide a nipple knife stabbed in the middle, but she weaved them all.

CLAP! She caught his hands and smiled, pulling him toward her, "I can't wait to have you serve me for the rest of time."josei

She kissed him, her spores rushing through his mouth and into his body.

Arad's body stopped moving, the light in his eyes fading as the fungus spread across his veins and muscles, eating him from the inside out.

Zuggtmoy giggled, "A new servant. It will take a while for you to wake up, so I will be waiting," She turned to leave, letting him fall face first on the ground.

The fungi grew from Arad's back, consuming his corpse as the demon queen walked away. Then, a faint pink glimmer faintly glows in his eyes with tattoos emerging on his skin.

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