The dragon's harem

Chapter 506 A Challenger

Chapter 506 A Challenger

SWOSH! CRACK! Demogorgan flew across the sky from Gojo's kick, smashing into a mountain peak and bouncing back.

GAH! He gasped, opening his eyes to see Gojo staring down at him, about to throw a punch.

"You bastard!" Demogorgan shouted. THWACK! Gojo punched him in the face, sending him down with a shockwave strong enough to disperse the clouds covering the peak.

BOOOM! Demogorgan smacked into the ground, shattering the forest and barely standing up, one of his jaws torn apart, and blood gushed out.

^I only have a quarter of my power, but none should be able to harm me. Who is that man?^

"You done yet?" Gojo said, standing behind Demogorgan with a smile.

The demon lord glared back, the white hair and blue eyes giving him flashbacks.josei

^He looks just like him.^

"Who are you?" He growled.

Gojo stared at him, "You're quite tough. Most would have turned to mush from that," He started stretching.

"I asked who are you?" Demogorgan shouted, his wounds already healed as his two heads grunted.

PEW! In the blink of an eye, Gojo lunged at the demon lord, grabbing his right head and punching his left head. CLAP! The ground beneath them shattered.

BLUGH! Demogorgan coughed blood. ^Heavy, it's not just weight.^

"Get away from me!" He screamed, unleashing a blast that sent Gojo flying back.

Thud! Gojo landed on his feet, walking toward the demon lord with a smile. "You're stronger than I expected. You really should have died from those hits," Glaring at him with two glowing blue eyes.

^I can't sense anything strange from him, and that's strange.^ Demogorgan thought, ^He looks nothing more than a regular human, but why do I see him in him?^

He grunted, "You're good at hiding your power, excellent, I dare say." Demogorgan laughed, "I'm sure your soul would be worth the effort."

CLACK! In the blink of an eye, he swung his tentacles.

Thud! SWOSH! Gojo dodged each swing. His eyes were fixated on the demon lord as he analyzed his speed, power, and magic purity. Everything was excellent, far more than he ever saw in anyone else. He might be the second strongest being, aside from his mother, going by how she attacked him.

CLACK! Gojo caught one of Demogorgan's tentacles and smiled, "I like it. It's been a while since I had to fight like this." He started laughing.

Gojo's eyes opened wide as mana rushed out of his body, rising to the sky like a beam of light.

^This mana...^ Demogorgan gasped, ^Denser than air?^

CLAP! Gojo put his hands together, [Ice Magic: Mighty Fortress]

Ice rushed from beneath Gojo's feet, freezing the whole forest in a flash. Massive walls of ice started rising from the ground, forming a great fort engulfing the whole area.

CRACK! Demogorgan could feel his feet freezing. This fortress forcibly tries to freeze anything inside or around it except the caster. Continuous frost damage also exhausts and sap the stamina.

"I'll melt it in a flash," He opened his maws, exhaling a massive blast of fire.

CRACKLE! Engulged in lightning, Gojo appeared beneath Demogorgan's jaw, swinging an ice blade. [Thunder Step]lightsnovel

He pushed the sword into the demon lord's chest and touched his stomach with his hand. [Force Blast] BA-BA-BAM! Three consecutive bursts of force blasted the demon lord back.

CLOCK! Demogorgan's tentacle wrapped around Gojo's leg, pulling him closer. "This powerful magic, you remind me of him,"

[Demon Spray]

Demogorgan pointed his tail at Gojo, splashing a black liquid at a blinding speed.

Gojo could see it, but it was too fast for him to dodge, especially when caught by the demon lord's tentacles. But, his instincts told him, he shouldn't let himself be touched with something he doesn't understand, the fear of the unknown.

lightsnοvεl [Time Stop] Gojo started moving, leaving after images as he cut Demogorgan's tentacle, rushed behind him, and then kicked him into the fortress's wall. Inside the stopped time, he can't cast magic.

ZON! CLAP! One second, Demogorgan had his hold on Gojo, and in the same second, he was stuck to the wall, puking blood.

Demogorgan stared at Gojo, rage swelling in his chest. ^Time manipulation? Who is this man? I, a demon is losing?^

CRACK! Gojo ripped his shirt off, remaining in a tank top as he took a stance, taking a deep breath. Lightning started crackling from his back as pure magic dripped from his eyes.

The magic formula is dual cast.

Magic type, Innate and learned.

Start constructing the learned magic first. The spell is [Nutron's Pulse], and the goal is to form a powerful magnetic field in the shape of a cone, starting from Demogorgan all the way back until five hundred meters from the closest humanoid.

The magic is the innate expansion of the void, [Void Expansion, twisted void] But constrain it to two targets, me and Demogorgan. All the void between my fist and his chest should collapse, pulling me toward him. Upon impact, release the hold on the matter that got compressed between us, and unleash the blast through the [Nutron's Pulse]

^He's gathering an enormous amount of magic? I should escape to the abyss. I have an advantage there.^ That was the first thing Demogorgan thought of.


Everything flashed white as Gojo blasted at Demogorgan. The shockwave could be heard from the elvish capital half an hour later, and its light illuminated the sky in a blinding flash.

Thud! Gojo landed in the burning land, staring around. A black crack in the sky was left where Demogorgan was."I'm sure I punched him. Did he escape?"

Thud! Demogorgan fell into the abyss, half of his body blown off. "To think. I would be injured twice in a row. Is the age of the gods coming back, the age where monsters roam the world." He stood, giggling as his body instantly regenerated.

"A quarter of my power isn't enough to stop that man. I should wait here, and I will kill him first when I recover." He swore vengeance.

CRACK! A massive black claw emerged from the closing gate, and Demogorgan could feel a shiver run down his spine. A massive draconic eye stared from the crack, "Dinner!"

A second claw emerged, forcing the gate to grow wider and wider.

^He's forcing the dimension gate to open? No way, those black claws. The wyrms that prowl the ethereal realm between the plans of existence.

Gojo slipped through the gate in his draconic form like a cat through tight fences. His eyes fixated on Demogorgan. "Found you."

CLACK! Demogorgan transformed into his full form, turning to run away.

[Void Expansion: Twisting Void]

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