The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: The Coming Of A Great Era

Wang Xuan stared at her with widened eyes, the smile on his face slowly fading. He could feel his consciousness being enveloped and swayed by Zhao Qinghan's mysterious power. That she had such a capability, even just for a moment, astonished him.

"Master Zhao?" Wang Xuan looked at her with a smile. It was impossible for her to have reached such a level in such a short amount of time.

But as he looked into her changed eyes, he realized that perhaps he had underestimated her. Those eyes, shimmering in an unusual violet hue – a mark of the indigenous people – held a power that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

"Did you mix blood with the indigenous people?" Wang Xuan questioned, genuinely curious.

She chuckled softly, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

His smile faded, replaced by a serious expression, "You have indeed progressed. Your abilities are beyond my expectations."

Zhao Qinghan's eyes twinkled, "And you were caught off guard. Never underestimate anyone, Wang Xuan. We all have our secrets."

Wang Xuan nodded slowly, realizing that the woman in front of him was more than she appeared to be. He had always seen her as an exceptional talent, but today, she had shown him a side that was both unexpected and intriguing.

The atmosphere between the two shifted, from playful banter to mutual respect. They both realized that the other was not to be taken lightly. The lunch continued, with the two engaging in a deeper conversation about their past, their future, and the mysteries of the world they lived in.

In an ambient restaurant in Yuan City's commercial heart, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan sat opposite each other.

Zhao Qinghan had chosen a modest eatery she often visited for its delectable dishes, especially when she came to Yuancheng to gaze at the "starry fish." Her casual summer attire - a simple t-shirt and knee-length shorts - accentuated her captivating legs. Her minimalistic ensemble couldn't overshadow her elegance, with her shoulder-length hair, flawless complexion, and bright eyes making her the center of many admiring glances.

As the duo chatted, Wang Xuan artfully dodged discussing their secret location by recounting a poignant tale of a young girl. Zhao Qinghan, quick to catch on, teased him about his diversion tactic.

The conversation soon delved into the mysterious ailment, "Celestial Decay." This affliction, known to trouble those with indigenous roots, had even reached the influential Wu family. While there were medicines that offered temporary reprieve, a genuine cure was elusive, driving many to seek answers in perilous lands.

Suddenly, the atmosphere tensed. With a mischievous gleam, Zhao Qinghan exhibited her potent psychic abilities, aiming to exert a mental influence over Wang Xuan. However, he was no easy prey. Feigning a momentary lapse under her spell, he soon broke free, seizing her finger as if grounding himself from her psychic tug.

Amused, Zhao Qinghan remarked, "My, what a surprise."

She then jovially broached a past episode when Wang Xuan had once tried to bind her, revealing her playful yet slightly vengeful side. Wang Xuan pondered the benefits of being more transparent about his skills, thinking it might foster future alliances. Amid their playful exchanges, a mutual respect and curiosity simmered, hinting at a deeper bond in the making.

"What did you do to me?" Wang Xuan gasped, looking drained and weary.

"Let go!" Zhao Qinghan's gaze was sharp and piercing, though she remained collected. She tried to free her finger, but he held it firmly.

"I won't release you. I feel mentally fogged and completely drained. What did you do to me?" Wang Xuan's grip remained unyielding as he stared at her, demanding an explanation.

Zhao Qinghan tried to pull her finger away again, realizing that without using her special techniques, she might not break free. But she didn't want to cause a scene either. "I merely disrupted your consciousness, which shouldn't affect your actions or words. I was just testing you and didn't expect such a reaction," she replied calmly.

Although he held her captive, she didn't seem flustered. Instead, she examined Wang Xuan closely with a challenging, penetrating gaze.

Wang Xuan didn't relent, maintaining intense eye contact with her. "Someone affected by mental interference wouldn't feel any discomfort. Besides, I was only testing your resilience and didn't exert much force. It seems you've exposed yourself, proving to be much stronger than I anticipated."

Releasing her delicate finger, he sighed, "Is there no trust between us? Zhao, from the moment we met, you've been trying to decipher me."

His fingers still tingled from her touch. Zhao Qinghan shot him a glance, retorting, "You're the one who's always so guarded and secretive, and you blame me? I was just conducting a simple test, and now you're accusing me?"

Wang Xuan swiftly changed the subject, suggesting, "Let's not point fingers anymore. Let's move on from this."

"Miss, do you need assistance?" A well-dressed young man approached, asking politely.

Wang Xuan sighed, noticing several men around ready to step in. He mused about the difference in treatment. There were women nearby too; why didn't anyone stand up for him?

Zhao Qinghan thanked the young man, declining his offer. She quickly finished lunch with Wang Xuan and the two relocated to a quiet, refined tea room.

In the tea room, a delicate aroma wafted through the air. With perfect lighting and serenity, it was an ideal place for a conversation.

Zhao Qinghan sat comfortably, commenting, "It's evident that you've had some unique experiences in the old land. With your current strength, you should be able to protect yourself if you enter the hidden domain."

Wang Xuan's face momentarily froze, feeling that Zhao still held a grudge. She had just mentioned Qin Cheng's plan to bind her, and now she spoke about him entering the hidden domain. Did she have some vendetta against him?

"What's with that look? Do you think I'm petty?" Zhao Qinghan could tell he was on guard, being overly cautious.

"Of course not. You're magnanimous," Wang Xuan responded, glancing at her.

Zhao Qinghan elegantly crossed her slender, pale legs and tapped lightly on the tea table. She said, "I used to think you were very talented. I wanted to bring you into the hidden domain to explore opportunities, hoping you'd progress further in mastering the ancient techniques."

She informed Wang Xuan that the hidden domain had recently become perilous, resulting in numerous deaths. Even those skilled in energy harvesting and inner cultivation might not be able to survive.

Zhao Qinghan was certain of Wang Xuan's mastery, deeming him perhaps capable enough to venture into the Hidden Land. While she was astute, the notion of him being a Master seemed far-fetched. Even granting Wang Xuan's prodigious aptitude and exceptional training, reaching such an esteemed level seemed improbable.

This wasn’t a mere matter of estimation but intertwined with the enigma of ancient techniques - the 'Hidden Path.' Here, conventional assessments faltered. In her eyes, Wang Xuan had more to traverse before touching the Master echelon. Transparent in her perspective, Zhao felt Wang Xuan had significant potential in mastering the ancient techniques. As explorations deepened into space, the dawn of a monumental era seemed imminent, with the prospect of surpassing normal realms not far behind. josei

She candidly spoke of impending star-destroying vessels, hinting at an exponential amplification in the power of new celestial bodies. The obliteration of an entire life-sustaining planet could be a mere momentary act! Yet, as the enigmatic domain loomed closer, if these transcendent entities penetrated the New World, it would mutate into an internal predicament. No technological weaponry, regardless of its might, would ever annihilate its own star.

Should major factions within the New World pioneer breakthroughs in this arcane domain, birthing legendary entities, it would indubitably instigate profound transformations. Wang Xuan marveled. For someone as youthful as Zhao Qinghan, freshly stepping out of academia, her foresight was commendable.

"Though the silhouettes of transcendent beings remain shrouded, their emergence is inevitable. In this upcoming epoch, the New World will witness inherent confrontations. Predicting the outcome is intricate. I yearn for formidable allies by my side as this majestic epoch unfurls," she declared, her faith in the forthcoming metamorphosis unwavering.

Wang Xuan, absorbed in her words, held Zhao in high regard, sensing the validity in her prophecies.

"I intend to journey into the hidden domain," Zhao stated.

"Old man Zhong truly is troublesome," Wang Xuan remarked, noting how even the formidable Zhao couldn't resist the allure, prompting her to personally journey to that enigmatic planet.

"You claimed you had no interest in the Hidden Land? The image of Old Zhong escaping with the lifeboat only circulated within a specific circle. The fact that you saw it implies that you've been integrated into this group and are keen on approaching the hidden domain."

"Zhao, could you possibly be a bit kinder to me? Stop testing me!" Wang Xuan unintentionally exposed a flaw in his facade.

Zhao Qinghan shot him a glance, then continued, "Old Zhong is remarkable. He likely foresaw various future outcomes, refusing to fade into obscurity and defying the odds, astonishingly granting himself a second life. With such a game-changer entering the scene, other elders will surely be unsettled, itching to make their own moves."

Wang Xuan nodded, saying, "Indeed, he's formidable. While other elders exploit the hidden domain to drain practitioners, Old Zhong strategically eliminates a bunch of them, forcing various factions to act more aggressively."

Zhao Qinghan was momentarily at a loss for words.

"You don't need to take such risks," Wang Xuan advised.

Zhao Qinghan shook her head, stating, "If I don't go now, I might never get another chance. The treasures that Old Zhong acquired will likely soon be depleted. Moreover, the creatures emerging from the Hidden Land are becoming increasingly powerful and strange. I fear that it will become even more perilous in the future, potentially spawning formidable transcendent entities."

She candidly expressed that, with an impending transcendental revolution on the horizon, it's essential to prepare ahead. Recognizing her aptitude, she yearned to exert more effort.

Wang Xuan recalled the words she once said to Qin Cheng: Why practice the ancient arts? Just to maintain a good physique. Yet she successfully mastered them, which deeply disheartened Qin Cheng, who had devoted himself but struggled.

Wang Xuan surmised that Zhao Qinghan was someone with exceptional innate talent.

"Since you've noticed my purple pupils, you must've guessed that, a long time ago, my family had intermarried with the indigenous people."

Although there weren't any manifest problems in Zhao Qinghan due to recessive inheritance, she was concerned about potential issues with her descendants. She hoped to venture into the Hidden Land to resolve this lingering concern, aiming to eliminate the issue entirely starting with her generation.

"Always prepare for the worst," Wang Xuan reminded her again, genuinely concerned for her well-being.

Zhao Qinghan shook her head, asserting, "This might be the last decent opportunity!"

"A decent opportunity?" Wang Xuan was puzzled.

"With the elders growing restless, they're bound to lead a horde of elites into the fray. We'll just follow in their wake," she explained.

Zhao Qinghan admitted candidly that a few young people plan to tail the elders, waiting for them to pave the way and hoping to capitalize on the opportunities they create.

"You young people always have so many schemes," Wang Xuan sighed.

He realized that Zhao Qinghan had a clear vision for herself. Anticipating the transcendental revolution, she aimed to amass strength early on and gain control of the Zhao family.

Considering her various considerations, it was evident that Zhao Qinghan had ambitions to assert her authority in the future. Moreover, she was actively encouraging those around her to grow stronger and approach the realm of transcendence so they could support each other in the days to come.

Zhao Qinghan asked him, "Are you considering venturing into the Hidden Land? If you wish, you can accompany me. If I'm safe, I can assure you'll be too."

Undoubtedly, accompanying her would significantly enhance one's safety.

"The steps of the transcendents are drawing closer. No one can obstruct the inevitable momentum of the future. Now is the perfect time to rapidly accumulate and enhance oneself. The Hidden Land possesses certain mysterious items that can elevate someone to transcendence overnight. With the mobilization of various families this time, some of these items are bound to be harvested. After this expedition, some might step into the realm of transcendence."

Wang Xuan's emotions were tumultuous. If even young Zhao dared to venture there, and he, with his master-level skills, naturally felt tempted. He contemplated visiting the Hidden Land in hopes of transcending!

"Alright, I've decided to venture into the Hidden Land!" Ultimately, he made this decision. Sometimes, one needs to be decisive. Being overly cautious can lead to missed opportunities.

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