The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Sea Of The Stars

There were many large organizations in the New World, but joining those unfamiliar groups might easily result in being treated as expendable cannon fodder. Such tactics were commonly employed by many of the powerful factions: using newcomers to attract monsters, sending them as scouts, or sacrificing them to cover the retreat of the more important members. All the dirty and tiring work was tailored for outsiders like him.

However, Zhao Qingcan was his classmate. Regardless of any differences, she would never purposely put him in harm's way, especially since she explicitly stated he should stay by her side. Unless the overall situation became too perilous, the artificial uncertainties would be considerably reduced. He also knew Wu Chenglin, Wu Yin, and the siblings Zhong Qing and Zhong Cheng. But he had known them in his identity as Master Wang. Now, as Wang Xuan, he could not approach members of those families.

Back in the Old World, he once kicked Wu Chenglin into a lake. If he now approached the Wu family in his real identity, he surmised that Wu Chenglin might consider throwing him into the Hidden Land as a scout!

"When are we setting off?" Wang Xuan inquired about the specifics.

Zhao Qingcan smiled, "Once some of the older generation have paved the way, we'll start our journey. It should be in the next few days. Some are more eager than us."

Once the elder generation made up their minds, they would act decisively, fearing they might fall behind others and miss out on the mysterious items. Clearly, some among the elder generation might collaborate. With them leading the way, those following would be relatively safer.

"In the next few days, I'll be discussing with members of the Zhong family, aiming to bring along Zhong Qing and Zhong Cheng," Zhao Qingcan informed him of this piece of news.

"Why the Zhong family?" Wang Xuan queried.

Zhao Qingcan brushed her hair back and replied, "If my suspicions hold, allying with them might be safer."

She calmly elucidated that perhaps Old Zhong had not returned yet. This revelation left Wang Xuan in shock. The idea that Old Zhong was still in the Hidden Land was beyond his expectations.

Zhao Qingcan sighed, "It's just a slight possibility, not necessarily true."

But as long as there's a chance, it's worth a shot. Bringing the Zhong siblings along would be beneficial in its own right. The Zhong family had substantial influence, and allying with them would undoubtedly be advantageous.

If Old Zhong had not returned, there might be two reasons: he was pursued by dangerous entities and had to abandon his rescue pod, losing contact with the outside world in the process. Alternatively, he intentionally stayed behind to cause enough commotion and waited for other elders to forge the path in their frenzy. This would certainly cause them to sustain heavy losses. He might be scheming something big, looking to take advantage of the chaos.

Zhao Qingcan deduced, considering Old Zhong's notorious fear of death, the former possibility seemed more likely. However, Wang Xuan disagreed. He felt the latter scenario was the more probable one between the two. He always believed that the old man was ruthless. When he took action, it was bound to be groundbreaking.

For instance, this time, who could have imagined that the Old Zhong who was perceived to be afraid of death would venture into the Hidden Land while he still had years left to live? He was the first among the affluent families to take such a risk. If he dared to act so recklessly, he might also dare to play big, leveraging the situation. While the group of elders were provoked and united to advance into the Hidden Land, he might opportunistically pluck the heavenly herbs.

Zhao Qingcan, with a gentle smile, noted, "There's a high likelihood, over 80%, that he has already returned to the New World. The probability of him remaining in the Hidden Land is scant, less than 20%. Rather than getting bogged down in speculation, our primary goal should be to secure an alliance with the Zhong family."

She was of the view that if Old Zhong, an acknowledged master in Old Arts, were indeed in the Hidden Land, they'd have a formidable advantage.

While Wang Xuan nodded outwardly, inwardly his ambitions were taking shape. Upon entering the Hidden Land, he envisioned harnessing its power to ascend to greater heights. An elevation in rank would make him a Grandmaster. Moreover, if he managed to procure certain relics from this realm, he could potentially transcend to an even loftier domain. Once there, the celestial would be relegated to their sphere, while the terrestrial would be under Wang Xuan's dominion. Any adversary, even the likes of Old Zhong, would be effortlessly subdued.

Wang Xuan then presented Zhao Qingcan with a contract from the 'New Source Exploration Team,' asserting their commendable survival rate. Yet, her laughter upon a cursory glance hinted at the underlying deceit. She pointedly remarked that this was nothing but a ruse.

The team, as it turned out, was a smokescreen for a wealthy dynasty. Their present recruitment challenges had led them to employ such subterfuge.

A shadow crossed Wang Xuan's face. Was he being played? The passionate speeches from the previous night, proclaiming the bravery of Elder Zhong as motivation, now seemed like a well-rehearsed charade.

It dawned on him that these connivers had targeted him, meticulously plotting their deception. Although Wang Xuan had always maintained a cautious stance, he now felt a simmering anger. Their long con made it evident that they were certain of luring him into the Hidden Land, viewing him as nothing more than a pawn in their game.

"Which family's puppet?" Wang Xuan demanded.

Seeing his current demeanor, Zhao Qingcan had to stifle a chuckle. "Looking for trouble, are you? It's either the Qin family or the Song family."

Wang Xuan clenched his teeth, committing the names to memory. "Once we're in the Hidden Land, they'll get a lesson they won't forget!"

Zhao Qinghan's tone shifted to one of grave concern. Her porcelain face turned solemn as she advised Wang Xuan to undergo training before venturing into the Hidden Land. Merely relying on her briefings wouldn't suffice. The Zhao family maintained a base in the western region, geared to comprehensively enhance one's survival capabilities in the Hidden Land.

Wang Xuan didn't decline. His knowledge of the Hidden Land was fragmented at best, garnered mainly from deceptive sources. Now, with the veil lifted, he realized how misinformed he was. He loathed being played by those swindlers. Even if they hadn't directly exploited him, merely being their target felt like a slight to his prestige.

"Do you want to meet with our classmates from the New World?" Zhao Qingcan queried.

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Let's gather once we're back from the Hidden Land. For now, I need to focus on understanding the real nature of that extraordinary place." josei

He viewed this as a life-or-death mission. He wasn't taking it lightly, especially considering how the perilous realm was notorious for wiping out entire groups!

Wang Xuan swiftly packed up his belongings back at his place, ensuring he took his short sword with him. He then reached out to the secret network run by Old Chen and initiated a call with the person in charge of its Yuan City division.

"Kindly pass a message to Qing Mu," Wang Xuan instructed, "Let him know that their guardian angel is heading to the Hidden Land. Soon, I'll be gathering medicinal herbs. Please inquire if the esteemed Elder Rendleng wishes to join."

The head of the Yuan City division was utterly confused by Wang Xuan's cryptic words. What on earth is this young man talking about with all his coded language?

When Wang Xuan departed, he did not spot the little girl, Lele. Yet, deep down, he made a resolution: once inside the Hidden Land, he'd be vigilant and hopeful that Lele could hold on until his return.

He boarded Zhao Qingcan's compact spacecraft, which journeyed westward. To his astonishment, their path led them to the Misty Highlands. Memories, some painful, associated with this region came rushing back.

Seeing the anguish evident on Wang Xuan's face, Zhao Qingcan couldn't help but tease, "Have you been here before?"

"Never!" Wang Xuan denied.

…… The vast expanse of the Misty Highlands stretched endlessly, covering over nine million square kilometers. The massive uninhabited regions made it an ideal location for a base, and the Zhao family had claimed a portion of this land.

Wang Xuan recalled glimpsing a similar place during his last visit and had wisely chosen to keep his distance.

"I'll leave you here to undergo systematic training. I'll come to check on you in a couple of days," Zhao Qingcan said, dropping him off. She had a plethora of tasks to handle—forming alliances, determining the safest routes within the Hidden Land, and deciding which extraordinary herbs to gather. All these required meticulous planning.

The base was expansive. The distant view showcased a dense primeval forest and soaring snow-capped mountains. Upon his arrival, Wang Xuan's initiation was an overview of the environmental conditions of the Hidden Land.

A benevolent-looking middle-aged woman educated him. The gravity of the Hidden Land was slightly stronger than their home planet, with a marginally higher atmospheric pressure and denser oxygen levels. This implied that anyone venturing there needed to have a more robust cardiopulmonary system.

Fortunately, the differences between the Hidden Land and their home planet weren't drastic. They were variations humans could adapt to. If the gravitational force had been several or even dozens of times stronger than their home planet, it would have been a suicide mission for anyone to even consider going there.

The woman explained, "The most significant challenge within the Hidden Land is the dense presence of a substance we've termed 'X-substance'. Over time, this can cause sophisticated components to malfunction."

Even formidable warships had met their demise there. The X-substance had a terrifying ability to penetrate defenses, making it an insidious threat. Spacecrafts ferrying explorers in and out of the Hidden Land had strict time constraints. Lingering was not an option; they needed to adhere to their schedules rigorously. Otherwise, the risk of a catastrophe was imminent.

Many of the sophisticated and powerful technological weapons were rendered useless in the Hidden Land. A mech suit worth billions could likely operate for just half an hour before it became inoperative. Such losses were unbearable for anyone.

"The region is also hostile to those who pursue the path of arcane arts. The X-substance erodes the 'Divine Factor', and prolonged exposure can result in horrifying physical mutations," the middle-aged woman warned.

Wang Xuan's understanding of the Hidden Land deepened with each revelation. Subsequently, an elderly expert embarked on detailing the fauna and flora of the realm. The old man presented Wang Xuan with a botanical book filled with descriptions and images of rare herbs, precious minerals, and notably, the legendary "Earth Immortal Grass."

"Imagine venturing into this treasure trove of a place and encountering a rare artifact, only to let it slip by because of unfamiliarity. That would be an immense loss," the old man said.

Wang Xuan recognized the importance of the book. It was even more comprehensive than the one Chen had given him, and he committed its contents to memory. Next, the old man handed him another book, chronicling various venomous entities, dangerous beasts, and bizarre creatures. Knowledge of these creatures was vital. Being forewarned could significantly enhance one's survival rate. The old man mentioned that this book was a culmination of countless explorers' experiences, many of whom paid with their lives.

He cautioned, "The threats in the Hidden Land are far more than what this book captures. Many are yet to be discovered. Always tread with utmost caution and vigilance."

The elderly scholar was thorough, delving into common animals and fruits that could serve as sustenance if one were stranded. "Remember well. Look at these two fruits—they seem identical, but while the former is edible, the latter is deadly poisonous!"

Wang Xuan felt immense gratitude toward the old man, having gained invaluable insights. Given his exceptional memory, stemming from his spiritual domain, he absorbed the knowledge rapidly, earning repeated nods of approval from the elder.

Afterward, Wang Xuan was led to learn combat. "Some creatures in the Hidden Land are very unique. You might be skilled at combat with humans, but initially, fighting these creatures might throw you off balance."

Experts taught Wang Xuan techniques to efficiently handle the creatures of the Hidden Land, vastly expanding his understanding. Like a sponge absorbing water, he incessantly acquired new knowledge, gradually grasping the intricacies of this enigmatic land. Its perils were so profound that even he felt the weight of caution.

Two days later, Zhao Qingcan arrived with a companion in tow. Even from a distance, Wang Xuan recognized her and mused to himself, "Life indeed has a way of bringing old acquaintances together. Who would've thought I'd meet her here?"

Upon spotting him, Wu Yin's eyes widened in surprise, followed by disbelief. "How is it possible to run into him even here in the New World? Why is he everywhere?"

Wang Xuan ruminated internally. While Wu Yin's allure and graceful poise remained undeniable, her demeanor turned noticeably frosty upon recognizing his true form. Why was their dynamic so drastically different now compared to before?

When he was known as Master Wang, their conversations were filled with mirth. But now, her eyes seemingly shot daggers at him.

Reflecting on their history, he realized that their first meeting involved him giving her a somewhat intrusive "diagnosis," and during their second encounter, he accidentally stepped on her foot. Could these minor mishaps truly warrant such lasting resentment?

"Do you two... know each other?" Zhao Qingcan inquired with a hint of astonishment.

"Yes, Wu Yin and I crossed paths frequently on the old Earth. We're old friends," Wang Xuan responded, trying to lighten the mood.

But Wu Yin only responded with a cold chuckle. It seemed the slights of their past encounters remained vivid in her memory, and she wasn't one to forget easily.

…… Wu Yin didn't stay long and left in short order.

Zhao Qinghan informed Wang Xuan that an alliance with the Wu family had been formed, and an agreement with Xiao Zhong was also in place. Wang Xuan was intrigued. It seemed the moniker "Xiao Zhong" held some significance, given that even Zhao Qinghan casually mentioned it.

During his five-day stay at the base, Wang Xuan immersed himself in rigorous learning. The instructors were pleased with his progress, noting his quick grasp and thorough understanding. On the seventh day, Zhao Qinghan told Wang Xuan it was time to depart.

The allies were to rendezvous near the Hidden Land, and the Zhao family's expedition team was set to embark. Wang Xuan boarded the warship with a team of thirty-six explorers. Their numbers might have been modest, but their role was to capitalize on discoveries made by the veteran explorers leading the way. After departing the New World, their journey led them to a planet named "Deep Space Star 19" from which they would travel through a stargate.

Wang Xuan was taken aback by the revelation of traveling through a wormhole. The sheer distance from the New World to the Hidden Land must have been immense if even warp-capable warships couldn't make the journey directly.

He also pondered how the inhabitants of the New World discovered the Hidden Land. Did they construct the wormhole themselves? Emerging on the other side of the wormhole, the ship entered a completely unfamiliar expanse of space, light-years away from the galaxy of the New World, drawing them closer to the enigmatic Hidden Land.

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