The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: The World of DXD (I)...

[POV Reo]

I appeared inside a completely dark space. "Who is there?" A loud voice boomed throughout the whole place. I didn't even flinch and simply stood with a bright smile on my face. 

"You can't recognize me?" I curiously asked and a lot of pressure descended on me. A huge body appeared from within the darkness. A giant head appeared in front of me, it seemed that the beast was trying to scrutinize me. 

(Image Here) 

The beast gasped in surprise. "Nemesis?" the beast asked in a surprised tone as I started to chuckle I started to pat the beast's head. 

"Yes, but not exactly. I go by a different name now" I said and the beast seemed to purr. 

"Yes, mother told me that you have died… you seemed to have changed too. So, what happened?" the beast purred feeling quite content as I kept patting her head. 

"That's a long story. After dying…" So, I told her my whole story. She kept listening to my whole story without saying anything. 

"So, I should call you Reo from now on?" The beast questioned and I hummed in agreement. 

"...Phew… I am also glad that you didn't get a bleeding heart like most mortals" the beast sighed in relief. 

"Well, I never had a bleeding heart, to be honest" I said with a grin and the beast started to laugh too. "Do you want to meet your mother?" I asked and the beast stopped laughing. 

"...Yes, can you bring her?" The beast questioned almost hopefully. 

"Sure, just wait here" I said and the next moment, Hydriana appeared beside me. She was holding some documents in her hand. For a second, she blinked with a confused look on her face as she looked around until her eyes landed on the beast. 

Hydriana didn't even bother with what happened and started to hug the beast while caressing her face. "I missed you so much, daughter" Hydriana whispered as she kept stroking the beast's face.

"Me too, mother. I missed you too…" the beast said and started to sob loudly. 

The mother and daughter pair finally separated after a few minutes, Hydriana looked towards me and she pulled me into a hug too. I hugged her back. "Thank you, Reo" she said softly as she let me go. 

"It's my duty as your brother" I said with a grin and she pulled me into another hug. I wouldn't mind being either Hydriana's or Ardat's brother. I might not be the past me but I simply can't erase all of those billions of years of memories. 

"Ardat would love to hear that" Hydriana said with a grin as she let me go. "Can I stay here, with my daughter?" Hydriana questioned and after some thinking I shook my head. 

"Sorry, you can't. The seal wasn't designed for two Hydras. Unlike me you can't suppress your whole power. The seal will collapse with your presence in here but you could always visit her from time to time… but you can't stay here" I said and Hydriana nodded her head with a smile on her face. 

"That's good too" Hydriana beamed with a bright smile on her face. After that, the two of us spent an hour chatting with the sealed beast. 

"Daughter, we need to leave or the seal won't hold. You will be finally free in a couple of years. I am sorry for what you are going through" Hydriana said sullenly as she kept patting the beast's snout. 

"I understand, mother. I am not thrilled but there isn't anything you can do" the beast said while nodding her head. 

"Take care, Trihexa" Hydriana said as she placed a kiss on her daughter's snout. 

"Take care mother" the beast said in a longing tone.

"I will keep popping up from time to time to take care of you or one of my lovers might make it her duty to take care of you" I said with a grin. The Beast gasped in surprise. 

"You have got lovers?? I thought you were asexual!" The beast exclaimed loudly in surprise and I simply deadpanned as I wasn't impressed with her comment. 

The Beast blushed due to her mistake and lowered her head but I simply chuckled and patted her head. "Don't worry, Trihexa. I am not mad at you" I said with a grin. 

"Don't worry, I will arrange a couple of things for you Trihexa. Then this whole place won't be so depressing" I said with a grin and the beast named Trihexa nodded her head like an excited little kid. 

After that, I used my Space Powers to send back Hydriana. I waved at Trihexa and disappeared too leaving her in the dark place. Hah… I will get a TV and a few things. At least, that way she won't be bored. 

I appeared in front of the rupture, as I wanted to inspect it. Currently, I was existing outside Space. I didn't want to disrupt the delicate balance. Just like I had thought, something from the other side is preventing the rupture to be closed. josei

I released a sigh and disappeared as there wasn't anything I could do to fix the rupture. My speciality is destroying, not fixing. I appeared inside the rainbow-coloured Space, it was called the Dimensional Gap… moments later, I noticed a huge being approaching me. 

I smile appeared on my face as I kept waiting while looking down at the nearest world. This is the world where I was planning to live in from now on.

A giant tear appeared in the Space and a massive Western styled red Dragon came out of the tear and stopped in front of me. The Dragon was gigantic but it wasn't anything considerable in front of my Leviathan form.

(Image Here) 

The giant Dragon kept watching me warily and some fear in its eyes. I wasn't even bothered by the presence of the massive Dragon. 

"Why are you here, Destroyer?" The Dragon questioned me loudly and a smirk appeared on my face. 

"Odd… I don't remember you having any authority over me…" I said and the haughty Dragon seemed to flinch. 

"No… of course not. I was simply curious" the massive Dragon hurriedly made an excuse and I started to chuckle. 

"Don't worry Great Red… you are still using that name, right?" I asked and the Dragon nodded its head. 

"Don't worry. I am not here to kill you or anything…" I said and the Dragon didn't seem to know how to react to that so it decided to remain silent. 

"I have decided to move into this world… I think it will be interesting… don't you think?" I asked and once again the giant Dragon decided to remain silent. 

"...Yes, it will be interesting, Nemesis" Great Red muttered dryly but I shook my head. 

"I go by Itsuki Reo now, you can call me Reo" I said and Great Red seemed to nod its head in understanding. 

"...You have changed" the Great Red muttered but I didn't bother to humour the Giant Dragon with a reply. Only after a moment, a grin appeared on my face as noticed a second being approaching me. In a mist of black smoke, an expressionless little girl appeared on my other side. 

The girl's eyes were purple but they looked completely dull. There wasn't any type of emotion in those purple eyes. The girl seemed to have long black hair reaching her waist and her ears seemed to have pointed tips like elves.

The girl was dressed in a Gothic Lolita dress but her chest was completely exposed. Her nipples were covered by two cross-shaped tapes. Her black hair was tied with a purple hairband and pink ribbons. She was also wearing a pink bow tie around her neck.

(Image Here) 

"Destroyer" the little girl said monotonously. Then her eyes moved towards Great Red and a hate filled glint appeared in her eyes. "Baka Red" the little girl said monotonously. 

I grinned. "It's nice to meet you again, Ophis. I noticed the little band you have created" I said and Ophis didn't seem to react outwardly. I am not sure if she even reacted or not. 

"It was necessary if I wanted to reclaim my silence. I need help if I want to defeat Baka Red. Do you want to join too, Destroyer?" Ophis asked and Great Red seemed to flinch again. 

"I will have to deny your offer Ophis though I wish you luck" I said and Ophis tilted her head with a blank look on her face. 

"Pity… and thank you" Ophis muttered without an ounce of emotion in her voice. 

"You know you can always share the Gap with me… It is big enough for the two of us" Great Red offered and Ophis shook her head. 

"Baka Red, you are too noisy" Ophis answered in a monotone and Great Red seemed to shrug dismissively. He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that Ophis was gathering a group to defeat him. 

There wasn't any reason to be bothered. No matter how many people Ophis can gather, ultimately in front of Great Red, they are inconsequential. There were only two things that could even significantly hurt Great Red. 

Samael was one of them and the other one was the True Longinus. "I am leaving" Great Red said and gave me a small nod as it left through a tear in Space. 

"Since you aren't going to join my group, I will be leaving too, Destroyer. If you had joined, then I would have been able to get rid of Great Red in an instant" Ophis muttered without any emotion in her voice. 

"I can destroy you too, in an instant, you know?" I pointed out and Ophis nodded her head. 

"But you won't or you would have already destroyed me" Ophis said and I shrugged as she disappeared. 

She is the representation of Infinity, a Concept. If I destroy her then a new Ophis will form only after a hundred years… My effort would go down the drain. I am too lazy to do something useless like that and it's not like Ophis is going to go against me. 

I continued to look down at the world and released a sigh. The World of DXD is a pretty interesting place. Unfortunately, I don't know shit about this world. My human part has stopped watching the anime during the 1st Season out of rage. 

(A/N: I have read all the volumes of the novel. So, I know everything about DXD and EXE but Reo won't know anything past the 1st Season. I think that will be interesting). 

I kind of agree with my human part… that guy looked pathetic and stupid. But I shouldn't make fun of him… he was a normal human until all of a sudden his whole world changed as he got pulled into the Supernatural World. 

Well… I will deal with whatever happens. It is not like anyone can threaten my existence in this world and being Omnipresent has its own perks. I disappeared from the Dimensional Gap as I appeared inside my house on Vesta.

All the girls were sitting around in our living room. "Are all of you ready?" I asked and all the girls nodded their heads. I grinned and with a wave of my hand a huge portal appeared inside our living room. 

Along with the girls, I entered the portal and this time… I didn't even bother to hide or suppress my raw power… 

[World of DXD] 

Everything on the surface seemed to be completely peaceful and normal in this world but that wasn't the case. There was a whole new World hiding in the shadows or sub-dimensions connected with this world.

It was the World of Supernatural Beings. There were mainly three factions in the Supernatural World, namely the three Biblical Factions, and then there were the Gods from all the pantheons from around the world. The Supernatural World is a complex world. 

All of a sudden the whole world along with its sub-dimensions started to shake due to a being's raw power… 

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