The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: Reaction of the Residents (I)...

[Sixth Heaven (Zebel)] 

Archangel Michael was sitting inside his office with a serene look on his face while signing paperwork. He was also one of the Seraphs and since God's mysterious disappearance he has become the Leader of Heaven. 

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All of a sudden Archangel Michael froze and moments later he furrowed his brows. 'It must have been my imagination' he thought and  shook his head. With a smile he decided to resume his paperwork when the whole World started to shake due to some beings' raw power. 

'This isn't good. What kind of being could possess this kind of power? This is simply unimaginable…' Michael thought as he shot out of his seat. 'I must investigate this matter…' Michael thought. 

Michael's office door practically flew open when the rest of the Four Great Seraphs burst into the room. "Did you sense that brother?" Raphael questioned hurriedly Uriel deadpanned at his brother's stupid question. 

"If you haven't noticed, we can still feel it" Uriel said dryly but Raphael didn't understand that his brother was being sarcastic and he simply nodded his head. 

"Yes, I was just leaving to investigate it" Michael said but his sister grabbed his hand. 

"Brother, allow me to accompany you" Michael almost grimaced when his sister, Gabriel practically whined. 

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"No, it is dangerous for you to go…" Michael said as he started to pat his sister who was pouting right now. 

"Michael is right. It is too dangerous for you to go but she is right. You shouldn't go on your own" Uriel said and Michael seemed to reluctantly agree with his brother. 

"Then, I will accompany you" Raphael called out and once again Michael reluctantly nodded his head in agreement. 

Uriel wanted to tag along too but he decided against it when Michael gave him a pointed look. He knew that he needed to take the reins of Heaven in Michael's absence as none of them wanted Gabriel to be burdened by that responsibility. 

Two golden Magic Circles appeared beneath Michael's and Raphael's feet as they disappeared in a golden light… 

[City of Lilith, Underworld] 

"Come on FIA-tan. Just see how cute my little sister is" one of the Four Devil Kings, Serafall Leviathan said while trying to show her sister's picture album to a stoic looking silver-haired maid. 

"Of course, Serafall-sama, Sona-sama is very cute" the silver-haired beauty in the maid outfit said in a monotone. She knew that remaining silent wouldn't work as the bubbly Devil King would keep bothering her. 

Serafall Leviathan was usually bubbly in nature and she had a childlike personality. Most of the time she was dressed in a pink Magical Girl costume. 

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The stoic looking silver-haired woman's name was Grayfia Lucifuge. She is a maid of the Gremory Clan. Not only that, but she is also the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer and she is also known as the strongest Queen of the Underworld. 

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Serafall Leviathan started to pout when she heard the lacklustre reply of Grayfia Lucifuge. She wanted to complain but the two of them froze as the whole world started to shake due to a being's raw power. 

Both of their eyes grew wide and the silver-haired beauty immediately shot towards the nearby room. She burst into the room followed by Serafall Leviathan. A crimson-haired man was sitting behind a desk with a look of struggle on his face. 

The man's name was Sirzechs Lucifer, he held multiple titles. He was known as the strongest Satan and he was also ranked as the sixth strongest being in this world. He was known as the Crimson-Haired Prince of Destruction. 

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'What is happening to me? Why is my whole being trying to make me bow down to this new presence?' Sirzechs Lucifer thought as he struggled to keep himself standing straight. 

Moments ago he was happily humming while doing his paperwork. He hated his paperwork but there was no way out of it as Grayfia would have kept nagging him. Even though he was doing something he hated, it still wasn't able to dampen his mood. 

Just yesterday his cute little sister was finally able to escape her hated engagement thanks to this Generation's Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou. He was also the pawn of his cute little sister's peerage. So, he has been happy. 

That was until this unknown being appeared in their world and now he was struggling to stand straight. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Serafall and Grayfia had hurriedly entered the room… 

They had also sensed the arrival of this new being but neither of them were having the same problems like him. 'Is this happening only to me or is it happening due to something else?' Sirzechs wondered and released a relieved sigh as the pressure was finally lifted from him. 

"Sirzechs-sama, are you alright?" Grayfia hurriedly asked as she leaned down beside the man. 

"Sirzechs-tan, what was happening to you. It looked like you were having a struggle" Serafall asked with a worried look on her face. 

Sirzechs gave the two of them a grateful nod as he stood up from his seat. "Yes, I am fine right now… I don't know what happened but my very being was trying to make me bow to this being" Sirzechs said and both Grayfia and Serafall seemed to frown. 

"...We can ask Aju-tan but we need to investigate this new being before anything else" Serafall said and Sirzechs agreed with his fellow Devil King. 

Three types of Magical Circles appeared beneath their feet and all three of them disappeared in a burst of Magic…

[Gremory Castle, Gremory Territory] 

Venelana Gremory was sitting in her study while sipping tea. From time to time she was glaring daggers at her husband who had failed to protect their daughter from the arranged marriage. Their grandson Millicas Gremory was reading a book on a nearby table. 

(Images Here) 

Zeoticus Gremory wasn't feeling that great due to his wife's glares but there wasn't anything he could do. It was his fault that his daughter was being forced into a marriage. josei

It was a decision made by the Devil Council and even his son who was the strongest Devil King couldn't object or overturn the decision without rebelling against the whole Devil Council. 

All of a sudden the three of them froze as the whole world started to shake due to someone's raw power. Zeoticus was about to make a comment when he noticed his grandson, Millicas Gremory bowing down on the floor. 

Unlike Sirzechs Lucifer, his mother Venelana Gremory wasn't able to withstand the pressure for long and she bowed down. She couldn't comprehend what was happening but she felt content that she had submitted herself to this new being who had just arrived in their world…

[Bael Castle, Bael Territory] 

Except for Zekram Bael, all the members of the Bael Clan could be seen bowing on the ground. It was a struggle for Zekram too, but he was one of the strongest and oldest devils alive… there was no way he was going to give in. 

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He didn't know why this was happening but he was sure that the new being who had just arrived in their world was responsible for this. He also wondered why this was happening as something like this has never happened… but he knew that he wasn't going to get answers right now… 

[Grigori, Underworld] 

"You need to keep an eye on Kokabiel. I am telling you he is up to something" Shemhazai said and Azazel who was sitting on the opposite side of the table simply released an exasperated sigh. 

Shemhazai was a handsome man in his twenties. He had silver-white hair and purple eyes. His outfit consisted of a purple trench coat over a black vest. He is the current Vice-Governor General of Grigori. 

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Shemhazai is extremely loyal to Azazel, being one of his best friends. Despite that, Shemhazai doesn't hesitate to punish Azazel when he does something stupid.

"I think Shemhazai has a point…" Baraqiel said with a serious look on his face, he is one of the Cadres of Grigori. This time Azazel rolled his eyes. 

Baraqiel has a serious, rigid warrior-type personality. Baraqiel was a middle-aged gruff looking man with black hair, a matching beard and a muscular body. 

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"...You know, I am not stupid. I know he is up to something but I can't confront him because he is up to something… I don't have any proof or evidence against him" Azazel said while rubbing his temple… 

Azazel's personality is pretty complicated. He is laid back and lazy while at the same time he is also serious and wise. He likes video games and he is a Sacred Gear fanatic. He is also a huge pervert. 

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Azazel is a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and a black goatee. He possesses 12 jet black wings, more than anyone in the Grigori. 

All of a sudden the three of them shot out of their seats when they felt the whole world start to shake due to the arrival of a new being. After a minute, the whole world stopped shaking but the being didn't bother to hide him- or herself. 

"We are going, right?" Shemhazai asked and Azazel nodded his head. 

"I am coming too" Baraqiel called out and the three of them disappeared leaving behind a lot of black feathers… 

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