The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: The Resurrection...

[POV Reo] 

I arrived inside my house and released a content sigh as I plopped on my couch with a bottle of chilled beer in my hand. Having a chilled beer after doing something evil is pretty satisfying. 

"Looks like you have done something evil…" Momo pointed out from the other side of the room. She walked into the room along with Fleur and Jean. All three of them had a bowl of pasta in their hands. 

"Hmm… looks like I am becoming predictable" I mused with an amused look on my face. 

"Non! You have that smile on your face. You always had this smile on your face in the last world whenever you did something evil" Fleur said with an amused smile on her face after hearing my words. 

"Hmm… I haven't noticed that" I said with a shrug as I turned on the TV. I still needed to resurrect the Red Dragon of Domination. 

"So, what evil deed did you do this time?" Jean asked as she plopped down beside me. 

"Hmm…" should I tell them? I contemplated for a second. Then I shrugged and started to tell them everything I did. By the time I finished the story, all three of them had lost interest. Currently, they were interested in something completely different. 

"How are you going to resurrect that Dragon?" Jean asked with stars in her eyes. "Will you ask Hela to resurrect him?" Jean fired another question. 

Even though Momo and Fleur didn't say anything, the two of them were also quite interested. To be honest, I had no idea. Asking Hela would be easy but I wanted to try something different. 

"I don't have a concrete plan as of now… I will tell you, girls, after I finish resurrecting him" I said and the three of them weren't satisfied with the answer but they decided to stop asking questions, for now. 

"Well… is there anything interesting in the city?" all of a sudden Jean asked, completely changing the topic.

"I haven't noticed anything interesting in the city except all those supernatural locations" I said as I rubbed my chin. 

"I had expected that. Most things won't be interesting for us anymore…" Fleur said with a small frown on her face. 

"...But there should be something new in this Town. I am from Japan but I have never seen or heard of this town" Momo pointed out with a thoughtful look on her face. 

Fleur and Jean were instantly curious. So, the three of them decided to check out the town after they finished their pasta. 

"This is an exclusive Japanese city of this Multiverse… Kuoh Town. I think this Town will be at the centre of everything in this world" I pointed out and the girls nodded their heads. I don't know shit about the future plot so I wasn't sure. 

I could have found out the Future Plot easily if I had used my Future Sight, but I have probably Fucked the whole future so the point was moot now. I mentally shrugged, with an MC like Issei Hyoudou, I shouldn't expect much. 

After the girls finished their pasta, they decided to look around the town. So, the three of them invited the other girls too and all of them left together. Since all the girls were gone and the beer bottle in my hand was empty, I also decided to leave and resurrect the Dragon… 

[Grigori, Underworld] 

Vali Lucifer didn't know what to think of the whole incident. He had sensed the arrival of this mysterious strong being. Vali was a human-devil hybrid that is why he could possess a Sacred Gear. 

Vali owned the Divine Dividing Sacred Gear. It was one of the 13 Longinus. It held the spirit of the White Dragon Emperor, Albion, who was one of the Heavenly Dragons. 

Divine Dividing takes the form of a pair of wings on the user's back that enables flight that can reach up to light-speed. Divine Dividing was completely the opposite of the Boosted Gear. Divine Dividing had the ability to Divide the opponent's power in half every 10 seconds after coming into physical contact. 

Then the opponent's drained power is added to the user's power and the excess power is released through the wings. In the case of the Boosted Gear, it allows the user to boost his own or the power of his allies every 10 seconds until it reaches the user's limit.

That is why the two Heavenly Dragons were rivals and even their users were fated to be rivals without an exception. They must fight. 

Vali was a young man with light silver hair and hazel eyes. Most of the time he could be seen wearing a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. 

He also wears burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them and black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles.

(Image Here) 

He is a prideful young man like his grandfather and a battle maniac, he is obsessed with finding strong opponents, and thinks that he would gladly welcome death if there was no one strong enough for him to fight.

So as soon as he sensed the new presence he wanted to leave Grigori so he could find this mysterious being and ask for a fight, but for whatever reason Albion had stopped him. Albion had been silent since the incident. 

Vali knew that Albion knew something about this mysterious being and Albion was purposefully keeping the information from Vali but Vali had no idea how to make Albion reveal everything to him. Before he could contemplate anymore, Azazel had called a meeting. 

After half an hour Vali finally left the meeting room with a frown on his face. Azazel had told them everything that had happened and what sort of disaster the Devils had brought upon them. Azazel had given all of them express orders not to mess with this being. 

But Vali wasn't dissuaded… in fact, he could feel his blood boiling in excitement… 

[POV Reo] 

I appeared in an empty part of the Omniverse. Unimaginable levels of power radiated from my body as I transformed into my Leviathan form. After I finished my transformation, I took out the Red Dragon Emperor's Soul out of my Storage Space and kept it in my 2nd left claw. 

With my 2nd right claw, I tore off a lot of flesh from my 1st left claw. I didn't know if this was going to work or not but I had unmatched healing abilities and so it might work. I got this idea from how Hela had resurrected Unohana. 

If a body made of Dark Energy can support a Soul then my Flesh obviously could. I looked at the place from where I had torn off my flesh and it was already healed. I slammed the Red Dragon Emperor's Soul into my torn flesh. 

The flesh immediately absorbed the Soul and the lump of flesh started to thump like a heart. Moments later, the healing factor of my flesh kicked in and draconic bone structure started to form from within the lump of flesh. 

As soon as the bones were formed, muscles started to form around the bone structure. Just after that, a small layer of soft tissue covered the muscle mass and finally, red scales started to form all over the body. Moments later, a red western-style dragon was floating in front of me. 

I transformed into my human form and decided to patiently wait for the Dragon to wake up. Only after a minute, the Dragon gasped loudly and its eyes shot open. His reptilian eyes focused on me… I could feel that the Red Dragon Emperor had obtained a little bit of my Power of Destruction but I didn't mind that. 

Before the Dragon could say anything, it whimpered as huge wings started sprouting out of its back… the Dragon released a huge sigh as the wings finished forming out of his back. Once again the Dragon's reptilian eyes focused on my form. 

"Thank you, Destroyer. I don't know how you did it but I will be forever grateful to you" the Dragon said in a grateful and respectful tone and gave me a small bow. josei

(Image Here) 

"How does your body feel? Is there anything different?" I asked and the Dragon closed its eyes, trying to inspect the internal aspects of its body. 

After a couple of minutes, the Dragon opened its eyes. "Everything is perfect… I feel like I am much stronger than I was ever in my prime, but I have noticed a chaotic type of energy inside of me. I am unfamiliar with that energy" the Dragon said proudly. 

"That is the Power of Destruction, I made your body using my flesh. All the cells of my body are filled with the Power of Destruction… so, you gained that power too" I said and the Dragon's eyes grew wide as he once again bowed his head. 

"I, Ddraig Y Goch, the Red Dragon of Domination will be forever grateful to you! Please accept my allegiance, I would be honoured to serve a mighty being like you!!" The Dragon proclaimed loudly and I simply chuckled as I wasn't expecting that. Would surprises never cease? 

"Ddraig Y Goch, raise your head. I, Itsuki Reo, the Leviathan of Destruction, The God of Destruction accept your allegiance" I said and I felt a connection form between the two of us. It was like Hela's, it was slightly different but still the same. 

A lot of Gods and Goddesses have sworn allegiance to me in my past life so it wasn't something new. 

"You said that you had a reason for helping me?" Ddraig asked in a respectful tone and I nodded my head. 

"About that…" with that, I began to explain everything… 

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