The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 413

Chapter 413: Gathering Information...

[Lilith, Underworld] 

Four Devil Kings were gathered inside Sirzechs Lucifer's office. Sirzechs finally finished telling the other two Devil Kings, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus about everything that had happened. 

For the first time in centuries, Falbium Asmodeus didn't feel like falling asleep. "You said that the Red Dragon Emperor called him Destroyer and talked with him respectfully, right?" Ajuka asked and Serafall nodded her head. 

"I think we should gather more information before informing the Devil Council" Ajuka Beelzebub said and everyone agreed. 

"We also need to hide Ria-tan's queen involvement or the Devil Council will demand her head. She is young and she had simply reacted without thinking about consequences" Serafall said and once again the four Devil Kings agreed. 

They knew Rias Gremory's Queen was the daughter of Baraqiel. Trying to execute her would instigate another war, something they can't afford to do right now. Dealing with Itsuki Reo took priority for now. 

"Since a Dragon knew about him… other Dragons might know something about him" Ajuka mused. 

"Then let's visit the Dragon who is already on our side" Serafall said and the other three immediately agreed. josei

Serafall immediately contacted Mephisto Pheles. After all, the said Dragon was a part of his peerage. Mephisto Pheles didn't waste anyone's time and immediately agreed with the Devil King. 

"He is on the Dragon Mountain, let's go" Serafall said and all four disappeared using their own teleportation circles. The four of them appeared on Dragon Mountain. For a minute, they simply stood while looking around. 

Moments later, a loud roar was heard and a purple dragon landed in front of the four of them. The Dragon was formerly known as a Dragon King but he decided to be reincarnated as a devil. He had two reasons for making that decision. 

(Image Here)

Firstly, he wanted to participate in the rating games and secondly, he wanted Dragon Apples. They only grew in the Underworld, a certain Race of Dragons needed them for their survival. The Dragon's name was Tannin, and he was also known as the Blaze Meteor Dragon. 

"How may I help you Devil Kings, it must be something serious for all of you to come here together?" Tannin asked in a respectful tone as he kneeled slightly. 

"You could say that" Falbium Asmodeus grumbled. The other three shot him a glare and he simply shrugged. 

"Tannin… What can tell us about a being known as the Destroyer?" Ajuka asked, getting straight to the point. Tannin furrowed his draconic brows. 

"Where did you hear that term?" Tannin asked accusingly. That was all the confirmation the Devil Kings needed, Tannin knew something about Itsuki Reo. 

"The Red Dragon Emperor, one of the two Heavenly Dragons, referred to a being with that term" Serafall said and Tannin's eyes grew wide. Tannin seemed to contemplate for a few moments. 

"...There was… is a being, I have never seen him or her personally. Everyone referred to him as The Destroyer. I don't know much about him but I am pretty sure that he should be equally strong like Great Red or probably stronger" Tannin said in a melancholic tone. 

"The Evil Ones would have been able to give you more details as they worshipped the Destroyer" Tannin said and shrugged. The Devil Kings weren't satisfied with the information. 

"Can Tiamat give us more information?" Ajuka asked and Tannin gave him an unsure look. 

"I can't tell you for sure…" Tannin said and the Devil Kings decided to visit the Familiars Forest. Moments later, the four Devil Kings disappeared leaving behind a worried former Dragon King. Getting involved with the Destroyer is bad news. 

The four Devil Kings appeared in front of Tiamat's cave. Tiamat is the only female Dragon among the Dragon Kings. She was also known as the Chaos Karma Dragon. 

After a loud rumble, a massive Dragon head popped out of the cave's entrance. The colour of Tiamat's scales were Pale blue. "What do you want, Ajuka? I am busy" The lady Dragon grumbled. 

"You were sleeping" Ajuka deadpanned and the Tiamat snorted. 

"I was busy sleeping" Tiamat insisted and Ajuka could only smile wryly after hearing her words. Ajuka fake coughed to gather his bearings. 

"What can you tell me about the Destroyer?" Ajuka asked and Tiamat's reptilian eyes narrowed. 

"Someone you don't want to mess with…" Tiamat pointed out and all the four Devil Kings looked towards each other. 

"I think it's too late for that…" Falbium said dryly and the lady Dragon's eyes focused on him. 

"Ajuka… it was good knowing you. Goodbye" Tiamat said hurriedly and her head disappeared inside the cave. 

The four Devil Kings stood outside her cave with dumb looks on their faces… "Come on, Tiamat, that is why we are asking for information. Can you at least tell me about him?" Ajuka yelled loudly as kept giving Falbium filthy looks. 

"Help us for the sake of the good old days…" Ajuka exclaimed and after another rumble, Tiamat's head popped out. 

"So, what do you want to know?" Tiamat asked as she released a defeated sigh. 

"Everything you know" this time it was Sirzechs who spoke up. Tiamat closed her eyes, trying to remember all the details. 

"I can't confirm any of these but I have heard all of this from Crom Cruach. The Destroyer was born at the beginning of Creation. He is an extremely dangerous being, he goes by another title. The Leviathan of Destruction"

"There are rumours that he had destroyed a lot of Universes on a whim. Crom Cruach had said that he could destroy anything with just a simple thought… it is just a rumour but even Great Red and Ophis are scared of him" 

"What Crom Cruach did confirm is that the Destroyer could control Time and Space. He can manipulate Space and Time according to his whims" Tiamat said and shuddered. Even the Devil Kings had paled drastically after hearing the lady Dragon's words. 

It took them a lot of time to collect themselves. "Do you know where we can find Crom Cruach?" Serafall asked and Tiamat snorted. 

"Good luck with that… he is a fanatical fan of the Destroyer. That insane maniac would probably try to kill all of you for disrespecting the Destroyer" Tiamat snorted as her head disappeared inside the cave. 

"That went well" Serafall said dryly and Falbium simply shrugged while the other two frowned. 

"We need to inform the Devil Council about this development" Ajuka said in a defeated tone. 

"I will do it since I am partially responsible for the whole mess" Serafall said while shaking her head. 

"Don't worry, I will be there too… if you are responsible then I am equally responsible" Sirzechs said, his eyes downcast. Moments later, the four of them disappeared as they needed to arrange a meeting… 

A meeting none of them were looking forward to. They were pretty sure that the Devil Council would use this chance to gain more power…

[Grigori, Underworld] 

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Shemhazai asked Azazel who was rubbing his temple. Azazel looked up and gave Shemhazai a questioning look so Shemhazai decided to elaborate the matter. 

"I mean telling Vali and Kokabiel!" Shemhazai bit out and Azazel could only release a defeated sigh. 

"I had no other choice. For the survival of our Race, I needed to tell them. If Kokabiel has a brain then he won't do anything stupid and it is the same with Vali" Azazel said and Shemhazai didn't look convinced. 

"I wanted them to know what sort of backlash we can expect… if they still provoke him then I can't do anything" Azazel said with a shrug. 

"I hope it turns out the way you want…" Shemhazai muttered in a worried tone and Azazel nodded his head. 

"What about Baraqiel?" Shemhazai asked and Azazel palmed his face and groaned. 

"I don't want to talk about it… but if he disregards my order then I will have to cut my losses" Azazel said and Shemhazai's eyes grew wide in shock. 

"He is our…" Shemhazai began to stay but Azazel cut him off. 

"Yes, he is our friend but as a Leader, I need to think about the well being of our whole Race… he is my friend but I won't stand aside if he does something stupid and instigates another war" Azazel said in a firm tone. 

Shemhazai contemplated his words and released a defeated sigh. Azazel was right. He was the leader of the Fallen Angels. The wellbeing of their Race took priority for him. Friends were important but Azazel needed to consider their whole Race...

[Unknown Location] 

"Are you sure about this, milord?" A silver-haired man asked another silver-haired man. 

"Yes, of course. This is going to be the best… with this new piece on board we would be able to cause so much chaos and destruction" the second silver-haired man said and started to grin evilly. 

"What do you think would happen if the Devils and the Church annoy this new interesting guy?" The second silver-haired man questioned. 

"He would probably kill everyone involved" the first silver-haired man said and the second guy nodded his head. 

"There will be complete chaos" the second man said and started to laugh. 

"I will inform Kokabiel to proceed with the plan, milord" the first silver-haired man said and left the room… 

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