The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 414

Chapter 414: The Devil Council Meeting...

[POV Reo] 

I almost burst out laughing when I saw a couple of guys scheming behind my back and I couldn't believe that one of them even called me a new piece on the board… It was so amusing. 

I also liked the fact that the Devil Kings are looking around for my information instead of going gung ho. Well, I wouldn't have a problem either way. I would also need to think something about the Evil Dragons. 

"So, are you sure that you don't mind me staying here?" Ddraig asked with an unsure look in his reptilian eyes. 

"Don't worry… it will be completely fine. Though one of my lovers might come around and try to become your friend" I said with a smile. Technically it wasn't a lie… 

"Oh, sure I don't have any problem with that. After spending so many years sealed inside that blasted Sacred Gear, I think having a few friends wouldn't hurt me" Ddraig said in a somewhat cheerful tone. Well, good luck with that… I thought dryly. 

"Then I will be returning… I need to meet someone" I said and dematerialized using my Space Powers. After a moment, I appeared inside the Dimensional Gap. 

Even a minute didn't pass and a giant tear opened in front of me as Great Red made his appearance. He immediately approached me and stopped in front of me. 

"I didn't expect you to return so quickly" Great Red said in a respectful tone and I simply gave him a lopsided grin. 

"I came here to talk about something… this might somewhat interest you…" with that, I began to tell him about the unavoidable war in the future. 

"...This is not good" Great Red muttered after hearing my words. 

"No… it isn't. So, do you want to fight or sit back and watch the fight from the background?" I questioned and the answer wasn't surprising. 

"I am gonna fight! Hell yeah!! There is no way I am gonna sit back and watch from the sidelines" Great Red exclaimed loudly and I could see the excitement in his eyes. 

"You might die…" I pointed out and Great Red simply snorted. 

"I spend most of the time drifting aimlessly in the Dimensional Gap or doing barrel rolls through the Dimensional Gap. Going out with a bang is much better than this boring shit" Great Red said with a toothy grin. 

Dragons are weird… "Sure… welcome on-board. We will start training from tomorrow" I said and disappeared using my Space Powers. I returned to Knox and decided to contemplate my next ally. 

Crom Cruach is a fanatical fan of myself so getting him on board won't be that hard. Therein lies another problem… I don't know how to deal with the insane fanatic. His strength is equal to the Heavenly Dragons so he is going to be helpful in the upcoming war. josei

I will approach him some other day… 

[Devil Council Chambers] 

The whole room was completely packed with various Lords of the Devil Clans. Nobody knew why the Devil Kings had decided to arrange this meeting on such a short notice. 

Devil Lords have been talking among themselves, discussing something dull and political, as always. Lord Sitri and Lord Gremory sat side by side completely silent. Both of them have heard about the incident and they couldn't help but grimace. 

Zekram Bael walked into the room without bothering to look at anyone and took his seat. His eyes scanned the whole room and sneered. Even though he didn't know about the incident, he knew that this meeting was going to be about the arrival of this mysterious being. 

After a couple of minutes, the four Devil Kings finally entered the Chambers with solemn looks on their faces. Everyone stopped speaking as the Chamber became completely silent. Everyone had noticed the solemn look on the faces of the Devil Kings, so they understood that it must be bad news. 

Sirzechs Lucifer came forward. "All of you might have sensed the huge power surge, we also sensed the power surge and decided to investigate it. That is from where everything went downhill" Sirzechs Lucifer said in a downcast tone and murmurs broke out throughout the room. 

"What exactly happened?" Diehauser Belial asked loudly, once again silencing the room. 

"That being had appeared near Kuoh Town. So my sister's peerage and Sona Sitri's peerage decided to investigate it too. The Red Dragon Emperor or the Dragon sealed inside the Boosted Gear was able to recognize the being" 

"He used the term 'The Destroyer'. The being offered to save the Red Dragon Emperor from the Sacred Gear" Sirzechs finished and screams of outrage rang throughout the whole room. Ajuka Beelzebub raised up his hand to silence everyone. 

"The being extracted the Red Dragon Emperor's Soul from the Sacred Gear" Sirzechs began to speak when everyone was silenced. 

"How could you allow such a thing to happen?" An old geezer yelled out from the crowd. 

"Because we couldn't do anything! We were completely powerless in front of that being. He didn't even consider us a threat!!" Serafall loudly exclaimed, silencing everyone. 

Even though the Devil Council acted arrogantly most of the time, they wouldn't dare antagonise a Devil King directly any further. Everyone contemplated the words Serafall Leviathan had said and gulped loudly. 

"So, we have lost the Boosted Gear?" Lord Naberius asked in a somewhat mocking tone. 

"Yes, but that isn't all" Serafall said in a saddened tone and she turned her head to look at Sirzechs. Sirzechs released a huge defeated sigh. 

"He had given our whole Race one month to pay remunerations for his efforts or he would eradicate the whole Devil Race" Sirzechs finished in one breath and pandemonium broke out in the Devil Council Chambers. 

This time the Devil Kings didn't bother to silence the Devil Council. They simply stood back and decided to give them all the time they needed to calm down. After several minutes, everything inside the Devil Council Chambers finally calmed down. 

"We shouldn't be worried. We could probably defeat this so-called destroyer if we band together" a random Council member said in a dismissive manner. 

"Shut up, you moron! Didn't you hear that he was able to neutralize two Devil Kings at the same time without any effort?" Zekram Bael asked in a venomous tone. The Council member who spoke previously could only sputter after hearing Zekram Bael's words. 

Zekram Bael's eyes focused on Sirzechs Lucifer. "What are the chances that this Destroyer would follow through with his threat?" Zekram Bael asked. 

"The chances are very high. Tannin knew about the Destroyer but he wasn't able to give us any significant information but Tiamat was very helpful in that regard" it was Ajuka Beelzebub who answered Zekram Bael question. 

"As of now, we know that the Destroyer has the ability to manipulate Time and Space and with his title… It's pretty easy to guess that he can also use the Power of Destruction" Ajuka exclaimed and Zekram Bael hummed as he rapped his fingers on his armrests. 

"That explains why my whole clan was bowing down when this being arrived" Zekram Bael muttered as he remembered the urge to bow down in front of his superior. 

"What type of remuneration are we talking about here?" Lord Astaroth asked curiously. 

"Why are we thinking about remunerations? Two Devil Kings were already present there when everything happened, it means it should be them who should take the responsibility of the whole incident"

"They should be the one to pay the remunerations since they got us in this mess in the first place. Remember, it was his sister who is partially responsible for the whole incident" Lord Phenex spat out in disdain. A lot of Council members immediately agreed with him. 

Lord Phenex had lost a lot of prestige after his son's defeat. He blamed Sirzechs Lucifer for that. If he hadn't interfered then his son could have simply scoffed at the challenge. Now his son was scarred for life and he had locked himself inside his room. 

Lord Phenex blamed Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias Gremory and that damned pawn Issei Hyoudou. Slowly most of the Council members started to agree with what Lord Phenex had said. They might be facing the danger of going extinct but they were still politicians. 

"I call for a vote!" Lord Naberius exclaimed and a lot of Council members started to exclaim in agreement. Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan could only watch the whole scene play out with a look of betrayal in their eyes. 

Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus could only smile sympathetically. They had expected such a reaction but not like this. Though Ajuka Beelzebub understood why this was happening. The Council members were simply trying to blame the easier targets. 

Half an hour later, the Devil Council finally declared that the Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan had to pay the remunerations because they were being held accountable for the whole incident… 

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