The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: Team Vali & The Evil Trio...

[Unknown Location] 

"Vali-nya~? I didn't know you were coming na~" a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils said in a lazy tone.

"I thought all of you might want to know about the latest developments" Vali said as he sat down on a stone. 

"Is this about the arrival of the mysterious being?" A bespectacled young man with blond hair with a strand of hair across his face, dressed in a business suit asked and Vali simply nodded his head. 

"So what did you find? Are we going to fight him… or her?" A young man with short hair asked but he had to add the feminine reference when he noticed the glares. He was dressed in ancient Chinese armour that was used during the Three Kingdoms period.

"For now we aren't going to fight… the Devils ended up with a very short end of the stick" Vali said and shook his head. 

"What happened?" A cute, foreign girl with a slim body, shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes asked curiously. 

"Hah… I think Azazel didn't tell me everything, but from what I know, the resident Devils of Kuoh Town didn't appreciate the being's lack of manners so they questioned him…" 

"Obviously the being didn't appreciate being questioned by weaker beings. He gave the Devils a deadline, if the Devils don't pay remunerations for his efforts in one month then he will exterminate their whole Race" 

"From what Azazel told us, the being does have the power to carry out his threat" Vali said and everyone had gobsmacked looks on their face. 

"Koneko…" The woman with hazel-gold eyes whispered in a horrid tone. 

"Kuroka, don't-" the bespectacled man began to say but he was cut off before he could even finish speaking. 

"My sister is a part of Rias Gremory's peerage. How can I not worry about her when I know they are involved in the whole mess and there is an insanely strong being out there who wants to exterminate Devils"

"If you don't remember, my sister is a Devil!!" The hazel-gold eyed beauty snapped. When the bespectacled man was sufficiently cowed, the young woman finally took a deep breath to calm herself down. 

Kuroka was dressed in a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving a view to her large breasts. 

(Image Here) 

Kuroka is a Nekoshou, a rare variant of Nekomata. She is the older sister of Koneko Toujou and an SS-Class Stray Devil, one of the most wanted criminals in the Underworld for killing her master, which she did in order to protect her sister.

Most of the time, Kuroka seems very playful, easy-going, simple-minded, and enjoys teasing people. She is also rather vulgar, using her beauty and sensuousness as a weapon in her arsenal of teasing. Kuroka also loves her little sister Koneko dearly, she even became a criminal to protect her sister. 

"...Sorry, Arthur. I shouldn't have snapped at you, nya~" Kuroka apologized to the bespectacled man when she calmed down. 

"It's fine… You are right to be worried about your younger sister. I would have been also worried if I was in your place" the bespectacled man admitted in a polite tone. 

(Image Here) 

Arthur is a descendant of King Arthur, as well as a descendant of the witch Morgan le Fay. He left the house after taking the Holy King Sword with him becoming an outcast. 

Arthur is calm, polite, and a gentleman. He is obsessed with finding an opponent suitable for his Holy King Sword, Caliburn. He is also a caring and a loving person as he cares deeply for his little sister, comrades, and allies. 

"Haha… there is no need to bicker. We aren't even sure if that being would carry out his threat or not" the man wearing the Chinese styled armour said in a cheerful tone while laughing. 

"I don't think this is a laughing matter Bikou-San" the cute foreign-looking girl said while slightly fidgeting. 

Bikou is a member of Sun Wukong's clan, Bikou comes from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit like his ancestors. He was given the title of the Monkey King at some point in the past but decided to leave the mountain for whatever reason. 

(Image Here) 

He is obsessed with battles just like Vali Lucifer. He has a flippant and playful personality who likes to joke around with no elegance and he also laughs in a vulgar way, just like Kuroka does. 

"I agree with Le Fay here… if Azazel considers that guy a threat, then he is a threat" Vali said, gesturing towards the cute looking foreign girl. 

Le Fay Pendragon is the sister of Arthur Pendragon. She was dressed in a sorceress-like dress with a huge blue hat with a black bow and yellow stars and a matching cape with pink flowers and a white interior. 

(Image Here) 

Le Fay is a happy, enthusiastic, and outgoing young woman. She often displays an expressive face. She is also very polite, addressing everyone, enemy or friend, with the honorifics. She also has a small fear of insects.

She is a magician from the House of Pendragon. She was previously part of the Magician Association named the 'Golden Dawn' that is where she acquired all her magical knowledge, including forbidden magic. When Arthur left the House of Pendragon, Le Fay followed her brother out of concern for him.

"Thank you, Vali-Sama, I am simply looking out for the whole team" Le Fay said with a bright smile on her face. 

"That's a very rare trait nowadays… colour me impressed" a completely new voice said and everyone's blood froze in their veins. Everyone jumped away from the location to make some distance between themselves and this unknown person. 

The whole group landed and entered their battle stances getting ready for a fight. Their eyes finally landed on the person who had silently appeared among their group so that he could surprise them. 

It was a black-haired man, the man was dressed in casual clothes and slippers and he was holding a beer bottle in his hands. The man's eyes were completely black… the man raised his hand and waved at them. 

"Yo! Since you guys were already talking about me I thought it would be appropriate for me to pay a visit… don't you think?" The man asked with a grin as he took a swig from his beer bottle… 

("Te-he" Cliff-Kun said cutely and ran away) 


[Unknown Location, Xenomorph Multiverse] 

"I don't have anything else to teach you two… you two can learn everything else through experience" Ardat said with a proud look on her face. 

Both Hela and Yachiru smiled brightly after hearing her compliment. It only took a couple of days for Ardat to become an idol for both of them. As Ardat started to teach both of them… they quickly understood that there were still a lot of things they needed to learn. 

'I hope that someday I will be able to become like her' both of them thought at the same time. 

"I won't disappoint you" both Hela and Yachiru said at the same time in a determined tone Ardat pulled the two of them into a three-way hug. They had just finished slaughtering a whole colony of Xenomorphs… neither Hela, Yachiru, or Ardat cared about what those things were called. 

There were some humans too… unfortunately, they were also killed in action. It wasn't anything major for the three of them. Well, they were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time… It wasn't their fault. 

Ardat finally let the two of them go and then she gave them a bright smile. Ardat had been thinking about something for the past couple of days. 

"The two of you are extremely talented but one of you is already someone's Avatar. How about becoming my Avatar, Yachiru?" Ardat asked softly and for a moment, Yachiru Unohana didn't know how to answer that but moments later, a kind and gentle smile appeared on her face. 

"I would love to…" Yachiru Unohana accepted the offer. Ardat beamed at her with a bright smile on her face. 

But only after a few seconds, her smile turned into a scowl. Yachiru immediately wondered if she had done something wrong and she had somehow displeased Ardat but then both Hela and Yachiru sensed someone's presence. 

With a flutter of wings, a woman dressed in skimpy metallic armour appeared before them. The woman had a metal halo on top of her head and she was also carrying a spear. Ardat sneered at the woman. 

"The fuck Gotzone…?! It was a simple colony of a hundred thousand" Ardat almost whined. Both Hela and Yachiru blinked, Hela had heard that name before, Gotzone was a friend of her husband from the past. 

"...Well… I am here to make a deal…" Gotzone said with some difficulty. Slowly a smug grin formed on Ardat's face. 

"Oh… is that so? I am listening" Ardat said in an excited tone, she looked almost giddy. josei

"...There is a solar system infested with these little vermins!! I want you to kill all of them" Gotzone said as she kicked a nearby carcass. 

"...What are you offering?" Ardat asked and Gotzone scowled after hearing her words. 

"You can take 10 million!!" Gotzone said in disdain. Hela and Yachiru were simply watching the conversation from the sidelines. 

"100 million. Deal or no deal" Ardat said and Gotzone gritted her teeth in anger. 

"100 million innocents… if you lay your filthy claws on a single one after 100 million then I am coming after your ass!" Gotzone said in a no-nonsense tone. 

"But my ass belongs to Hydriana and no matter how sexy you are… I don't sleep with pigeons" Ardat said with a grin and Gotzone simply deadpanned and spat on the ground in disgust. 

"So… how quickly do you need that solar system cleansed?" Ardat asked… "But wouldn't it be better if you asked Extinction or Reo?" Ardat asked with a confused look on her face. 

"I have been really busy because of these disgusting beings. I have been unable to go and meet Reo and Extinction is busy somewhere else… or I would have asked him. I wouldn't have come to you if either were available… and you have 12 hours…" Gotzone said and Ardat gave her a mock bow. 

Then Gotzone's eyes turned towards Hela. "You are a lover of Reo, right? I would have loved to meet you under better circumstances but it couldn't be helped… I need to leave, I am really busy" with that Gotzone was gone with a flutter of wings. 

"Hela, Yachiru, I will be looking forward to your progress. Yachiru I will contact you later. I need to prepare some things before I can make you my Avatar" 

"I need to go now, if I don't finish killing all of them in the next 12 hours, then that damn pigeon will rescind the deal" Ardat said while gritting her teeth and moments later she disappeared into a red mist. 

Both Hela and Yachiru wanted to join her but Yachiru knew that Hela felt homesick… Hela wanted to get back to her dear husband and once again, Yachiru was jealous of Hela. 

"So, we are going back, right?" Yachiru asked and Hela shook her head in denial. 

"Before that, I need to visit Death. Let's see if she had anything else for us or not" Hela said with a grin and Yachiru eagerly nodded her head. 

With that thought, both Hela and Yachiru disappeared in a wisp of smoke. In the last weeks, Yachiru had learned how to teleport using Dark Energy. 

Moments later, the two of them appeared in Death's realm. She was watching something with a grin on her face. "Oh… you two are here? Want to watch the show?" Death asked, gesturing Hela and Yachiru towards the screen. 

"Sure why not, but we are missing popcorn" Hela said as she approached Death, Yachiru politely followed the insane warmonger. Hela and Yachiru finally saw what Death had been watching on the screen and a frown appeared on their faces. 

"Ah yes… popcorn" Death muttered and three buckets of popcorn appeared in front of them. Death handed a bucket to Hela and another to Yachiru… the two of them unconsciously accepted the popcorn buckets. They were still surprised by what they saw on the screen. 

"You are seriously allowing this?" Hela asked and Yachiru simply tilted her head in confusion as she had no idea about the abnormality of the situation. 

"Well, they are going to return to my realm one way or another and then I will be sending them for eternal damnation… that is the bastard" Death said as she pointed towards a man in blue armour. 

"That is the bastard who made this fucking technique… unfortunately he didn't have any kids or I would have thrown his kids into the flames of hell right in front of him" Death said while gritting her teeth as she kept munching popcorn angrily. 

"That's fair… from what I have seen everyone is being controlled against their wills" Hela pointed out and both Yachiru and Death gave the insane warmonger bewildered looks. 

"Don't tell me you are getting worried about them?" Death asked me in a horrified tone. 

"Fuck no!! Torture them and their kids too, if you want I will slaughter them personally. I was simply pointing it out, it is their fault that they were even born…" Hela said with a shrug and Yachiru released a relieved sigh. Hela hadn't changed…

"If they weren't born then no one would have forcefully resurrected them" Yachiru said with a kind smile on her face like it was a matter of fact. Both Hela and Death nodded their heads in agreement. 

Yachiru did have a point… if they weren't born in the first place then no one would have resurrected them and then controlled them… 

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