The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 416

Chapter 416: Neko Business...

[Knox, Kuoh Forest] josei

"Hello! You are cute! Can I pet you?" Luna asked innocently as she stood in front of the massive red Dragon sleeping in their backyard. Ddraig opened his eye and gave Luna a questioning look. 

He didn't know what to think of this girl… she looked like a human but she was not a human. Ddraig for whatever reason felt that he should protect the woman as soon as his eyes landed on the woman even though he had never seen this woman until now. 

Ddraig simply gave her a snort of approval. Once again, he had no idea why he did that. He knew that the Destroyer had told him that one of his lovers might try to become his friend but the Destroyer hasn't mentioned anything about petting. 

Luna beamed with a bright smile on her face as she skipped towards the massive beast. She gently placed her hand on the Dragon's snout and started to caress it. Ddraig couldn't believe how good it felt. 

He should have made humans pet him like that instead of killing them. If he knew it felt so good then he wouldn't have caused so much Destruction. Ddraig was currently feeling pure bliss. From now on, he would allow this woman to pet him as long as she wanted. 

All of a sudden Luna froze petting the Dragon who was practically purring right now. Ddraig's eyes flew open and focused on the form of Luna. He wanted to ask her why she had stopped but his pride stopped him from asking such an embarrassing question. 

"My name is Luna, do you want to become my friend?" Luna asked innocently with a beaming smile on her face and there was no way Ddraig could deny such an offer, especially when the woman in front of him was one of the Destroyer's lovers. 

"I will allow you to become my friend" Ddraig said in a prideful tone even though the thoughts inside his mind were very different. After hearing his answer, Luna resumed patting Ddraig with a bright innocent smile on her face… 

[POV Reo] 

The girls have just returned from their short impromptu trip. I saw that Luna went straight to the forest after returning so she could meet her new pet. Well, it wasn't like Ddraig would hate it so it was a win-win situation for both of them. 

The girls had done some shopping too, so they were busy trying out everything they have bought. The girls had charmed their wardrobes to the extreme with Spatial Expansion Charms so they weren't going to run out of space any time soon. 

I furrowed my brows when I noticed that Vali Lucifer telling his team about me. Hmm… the White Dragon Emperor would be useful in the war. With the beer bottle still in my hand, I dematerialized and appeared near team Vali. 

I decided to patiently wait for them to finish their conversation. I wasn't going to intrude in their private conversation, I have manners and shit! So, I kept sipping my beer and I kept nodding my head from time to time. 

The conversation seemed to finally come to end, so I decided to make my presence known. I materialized just beside their team. Le Fay Pendragon said something really touching at the end, so I decided to give them my opinion. 

"That's a very rare trait nowadays… colour me impressed" I said with a small nod of my head. The whole group froze and jumped away. I must have surprised them quite a bit. 

The group landed on their feet as they immediately entered their battle stances, getting ready for a fight. Even though they were able to make some distance between us, ultimately, it was meaningless as I could manipulate Space. 

"Yo! Since you guys were already talking about me I thought it would be appropriate for me to pay a visit… don't you think?"  I asked with a grin on my face and took a swig of my beer. The whole group was gobsmacked. I think I have a knack for making everyone speechless. 

"You are the Destroyer?" Arthur Pendragon asked as he brandished his sword. That must be the Holy Sword Caliburn, but no matter how I look at it, it seems to be… meh. 

"How did you find us?" Vali asked curiously and activated his Sacred Gear, the Divine Dividing. 

"...I am everywhere at the same time" I said mysteriously and Hakai'd the beer bottle as it was empty. I noticed all of their eyes focused on the beer bottle as it disintegrated into purple dust. 

"...You are saying that you are Omnipresent?" Le Fay Pendragon asked in a worried tone and I couldn't stop myself from grinning. 

"Ding ding ding! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!" I cheered and then I created an illusion of fireworks over Le Fay Pendragon's head using my Reality Powers. She flinched and jumped away and I simply shrugged. 

The group kept looking at each other except for the voluptuous hazel-eyed Neko. She kept watching me intently. She was using her Senjutsu or whatever it was called but I didn't mind as she wasn't using it to attack me. 

I remember the term from my human memories. There was an anime featuring a blond knuckle-head idiot running around some village while screaming 'believe it'! My human part was also lazy… 400 episodes was way too much for him. It was the same reason why he had skipped One Piece too. 

After a few seconds, she released a defeated sigh and her whole body became lax. All of a sudden, she bowed her head, surprising the rest of the group. Before anyone could ask her what she was doing, she began to speak up. 

"...Can you please spare my sister, nya~? Even with all of us combined, we can't put a scratch on you, nya~. You can kill me in her place, nya~, but please let her go" the Neko begged and gave me a pleading look. There were no pretences or anything, she was simply begging for her sister's life for hers. 

"Kuroka! What the hell have you done to her?!" Bikou accused me while pointing his staff towards me. I simply rolled my eyes. Why am I the only one who is always blamed when someone tries to surrender?

"No! He hasn't done anything to me, nya~… I am doing this out of my free will, nya~. I used my Senjutsu to sense his power and his power seems to be endless, nya~" Kuroka hurriedly explained, she didn't want any of them to make any mistakes. 

"Ho… your Senjutsu can do that? Once again, colour me impressed" I said as I cocked my head sideways. The hazel-eyed Neko was an interesting girl… hmm… but what should I do about her? I simply can't go back on my word but Luna would love having two cute Nekos. 

"Destroyer?" All of a sudden a new voice spoke and my eyes focused on the origin of the voice. It was the Dragon sealed inside the Divine Dividing. 

"Ddraig had a lot of things to say about you… he was extremely happy when I saved him" I said with a grin and the owner of Divine Dividing, Vali Lucifer frowned. 

"Saved him?" The White Dragon Emperor, or otherwise known as Albion Gwiber asked in a confused tone. 

"Oh yes, saved. You see he wasn't happy with his current host or his fate of being sealed inside a damn Sacred Gear for the rest of his existence. I offered to save him and he took the chance. Obviously, I saved him and he got a new body along with a massive upgrade"

"Now, I would like to extend the same offer to you" I offered and everyone's eyes focused on Vali Lucifer who was scowling right now. 

"Can I have some time to think about it? I kind of like my current host" Albion said and I simply shrugged. 

"You have a month… in a month I will be exterminating the Devils, your current is a Devil too… I might accidentally erase your existence along with his" I said in a dismissive tone. Vali Lucifer was about to blow his gasket. 

"Vali!!! Don't do anything stupid! You might lose your existence!!" Unfortunately, Albion stopped him from doing anything stupid. 

"Yes, don't do anything stupid. You still have a month to live… just pray that the remunerations are adequate. You could also train, maybe then you would be able to at least entertain me" I said in a mocking manner. Vali could only grit his teeth in anger and rage as he lowered his head. 

Then my eyes focused on Kuroka. "Can you turn into a cat?" I asked as Kuroka seemed to slightly frown at the question. 

"Nya~?… yes" Kuroka said with an unsure look on her face. I nodded my head in understanding. 

"So, your sister can do that too, right?" I asked and once again she gave me an unsure look. 

"She doesn't know how to do that but I could teach her, nya~" Kuroka answered, not sure where I was going with that line of questioning.

"Good… both you and your sister are spared and you will be coming with me" I said with a satisfied look on her face. She completely stilled for a moment and then nodded her head. Then she turned towards her teammates and she gave them an apologetic look. 

"Sorry, nya~. I know you guys have done a lot for me but my sister is my top priority, nya~" Kuroka said as her ears plopped on top of her head and her tails stopped swishing behind her back. 

"...Don't need to be so dramatic… It's not like I am imprisoning you. You would be free to leave and visit your friends but you will be staying in my house" I said and rolled my eyes. Did she think that I was going to sell her or something?? 

Hmm… I think it was my bad. With her past, it must have been obvious. "You mean I would be able to leave,nya~? What if I run away,nya~?" Kuroka asked in a bewildered tone. 

"Omnipresence…" Le Fay Pendragon muttered, reminding everyone that I was present everywhere. 

"Yes…" I deadpanned. "It's was great meeting all of you… even you, Vali Lucifer, tell Ophis I said hi" I said with I disappeared along with Kuroka… 

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