The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 420

Chapter 420: Disagreement in Kyoto...

[POV Reo] 

I don't know if I should laugh or groan. I understand that Kokabiel stole the Excaliburs, but why the fuck is he trying to pull me into his cute little agenda. 

Kokabiel is simply at the epitome of stupidity… I simply can't understand why can someone stupid like Kokabiel was able to survive long enough to become a Cadre… he is fucking pathetic. Oh well… anyway, he would die. So no biggie. 

Hela definitely wasn't my first choice when I wanted to ask someone to write a letter for me. In fact, choosing Fleur would have been much better but unfortunately, Hela's handwriting was the best among all the girls. 

It might have something to do with her insanely high dexterity. I had said previously that she could have been an insanely good doctor, alas, her father had already forced her on a different path… waking up in Hela's tender care after getting injured would have been scary and amusing at the same time. 

At first, Hela wanted to write the letter in blood, it would have been pretty amusing but I had to dissuade her. After grumbling for a second she did start writing the letter. Thankfully, I decided to proofread the letter before sending it away. 

Hela's letter was very colourful if nothing else… I was pretty amused when I read the original letter. Unfortunately, I had to remove a few sentences like decorating the halls with your innards, ripping out spines, or splitting skulls. You know things like that. 

I also had to remove the cute little skulls she had drawn here and there. Even after editing it so much, the letter was pretty rude and offensive… Alas, I shrugged my shoulders and sent it away. Even if they get offended, it is not like they could do anything… 

"Are you sure that it would be fine?" Kuroka asked me in an unsure tone. I simply rolled my eyes. josei

"...You don't have to worry about anything… If they try anything, Hela will take care of them" I said and Kuroka gave me an unsure nod. 

"What if they try to use my sister?" Kuroka asked and this time I didn't roll my eyes as this was a pretty valid question from her perspective. 

"Kitty, once again it won't matter. My husband can control Space, if they try something like that then he can get your sister with just a thought" before I could answer Kuroka's question, Hela decided to answer her. 

Kuroka could only dumbly nod her head. "So, where are you going?" Hela asked curiously. 

"I had decided to train a couple of Dragons for the upcoming war, they are to be quite useful" I said and Hela nodded her head. 

"Sure… have fun" Hela saved and waved at me. I appeared inside the forest where Ddraig was living. I found Luna reading Ddraig a story while sitting on his snout. The scene was pretty comical but when Luna is involved, anything is possible. 

"Oh… Reo, are you here to take Ddraig for training?" Luna asked as she looked up from the book. 

"Yes… but I guess you were having quite some time with Ddraig here?" I asked and Ddraig lit up like a Christmas Tree. It was hard to notice with his red scales but they did get slightly brighter. 

"Oh, yes! I have been reading him Alice in Wonderland" Luna beamed with a bright smile on her face and I simply nodded my head. 

"Oh… that's nice. So Ddraig, are you ready? Luna could always finish the story after we came back" I said and Ddraig didn't know how to react so he simply nodded his head. 

Moments later, I disappeared with Ddraig and appeared inside the Dimensional Gap. The two of us appeared in front of another massive Dragon. Ddraig's eyes grew wide in shock and surprise. My smile widened. 

"Ddraig, meet your training partner Great Red" I said in a cheerful tone. Hmm… I am really good at surprising others… 

[POV Fleur] 

"I think I need to have one of these in our house. This feels relaxing" Ororo said with a content look on her face. 

Yes, I would have to agree with Ororo here. She does seem to have a more than valid point. Perhaps, we should ask Reo to arrange one for us or we could always make one for ourselves on our own. 

"Fuck it! Let's take this one…" Nemuri said and I hissed in disapproval. 

"No, we can't do that. This is a historical spot, we can't desecrate it" I said and Nemuri simply blinked in confusion and then shrugged her shoulders. 

"Sure, whatever. I was not saying that we should steal this… I was saying that we should buy this" Nemuri pointed out and I had to stop myself from groaning. A Lady doesn't groan! I reminded myself. 

"That's the same thing, you degenerate pervert" I said and she tilted her head and after a second, a deranged giggle escaped her lips. 

"I think we should have brought Momo too" Dora carefully pointed out. Her questionable fetishes aside, I agree with her. Even though I do see the appeal of her fetishes but I think all of that should remain inside the bedroom. 

"Nothing could be done as Momo was busy and Rumi wanted to train" Ororo said with a 'What can you do?' look on her face. 

Since we had nothing to do in this world, there wasn't anything in Kyoto which we hadn't seen during our old trip but this was much better than sitting around in the house getting bored. Nat was busy hacking into various government networks. 

Momo was already busy with her newer projects and Jean was busy with Unohana, she was learning medical techniques from the bi-polar woman. Rumi was being Rumi, she was busy training, I wonder if she is trying to become strong enough to destroy anything with One Punch. 

Luna was busy with her new pet. She had said something about reading him a story and left. Hela was also being her usual self, she was looking around for something to kill. So, that left the four of us. So, we decided to visit Kyoto to relive the old memories. 

At first, we had visited the Bamboo Forest and then after spending a couple of hours there, we decided to visit the Ryouan-Ji. Currently, that is where we were and all of us have been talking about the beautiful Zen rock garden. 

"Someone is following us…" Nemuri said in a sing-song voice and I slightly frowned. Even though I don't fight, I should have noticed them, right? 

"Oh… yeah. They have been following us for quite some time, though I wonder what they want" Ororo said in a neutral tone. Am I the only one who didn't notice anything? Yes… looks like I am the only one as Dora didn't look even a little bit surprised. 

"So, what now?" I asked and gave them a questioning look. Dora and Ororo have a lot of combat experience while Nemuri is so-so, but she does have her Alter Ego. I am the most useless one in the department of combat. 

It's not like that I would be helpless but compared to the three of them, I am simply a novice. So, I will simply follow their lead. If they say jump then I will ask how high. That would be unbecoming of a lady but I don't want to resurrect right now. 

"For now, we would do nothing. Whoever they are, they probably won't attack us in crowded places" Dora said with a very rare serious look on her face. 

"I also want to avoid combat unless it becomes necessary" Ororo said and Nemuri simply shrugged. Ororo's eyes focused on Nemuri. "Alter could travel through shadows, right? Send her to spy on them but tell her to be careful" Ororo said and Nemuri gave the woman a subtle nod. 

"She is gone… according to her, only one of them seems to have a somewhat decent level of power, while everyone else is a mob" Nemuri said after a few moments. 

"Okay… we will still follow the initial plan. Let them follow us as long as they don't attack" Dora said and everyone gave her a small nod. So, I could only nod my head. 

After that, we made our way to the Nishiki Market. We kept looking around the stores while having fun, but I could see that the three of them were continuously keeping an eye on our followers. Now, even I was able to sense them. 

It was almost afternoon when we finally left the Nishiki Market. All of a sudden, Dora, Nemuri, and Ororo stopped walking as a black-haired man approached us. Several men were trailing behind the black-haired man who was approaching us. I could clearly sense that all of them were using some sort of illusions to hide their true selves. 

"How may I help you, mister?" Nemuri questioned as she cocked her head sideways. 

"Our leader wishes to meet you" the man said in a neutral tone without an ounce of emotion in his tone. I was finally able to see the man's true face. He had a crow's head in place of his head and he had talons in place of his feet. I also noticed two black wings behind the man. 

"We probably can't deny the offer can we?" Ororo asked and the crow-man simply tilted his head. 

"No, you can't" the man said coldly. 

"Is there a chance of your leader coming here to meet us since they are the ones who wish to meet us?" Dora questioned and I felt the man clench his hands in anger. 

"As I have said, our leader wishes to meet you. You will be coming with me, and I will use force if necessary…" the man said in a firm tone. Both Dora and Ororo shrugged and Nemuri's smile thinned. 

"Then we have reached an impasse" Nemuri said and Dora and Ororo released their Divinities… 

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