The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 421

Chapter 421: Agreement in Kyoto...

[POV Fleur] 

"Then we have reached an impasse" Nemuri said and Dora and Ororo released their Divinities. The crow-man's eyes grew wide in shock and horror. Really, they didn't even know that we had two Gods within our group?

The man quickly looked around to see the humans watching us. Hmm… that could be a problem but they would probably be collateral damage so it's fine, I suppose or we could always use an area-wide Obliviation Spell. The man took back several steps in fear and worry. 

"Are you mad?! You are in the middle of a…" the man began to say but Nemuri's giggle cut him off. 

"They will be collateral damage… pity" Nemuri said, shocking the man. Gasps were heard everywhere around us. The humans who had been watching the show until now gasped in fear after hearing Nemuri's words. 

All of a sudden a golden Magical Circle appeared between ourselves and the crow-man's group. The light shimmered and a blond woman dressed as a shrine maiden came into our view. The woman's chest was massive. 

I am surprised that her breasts hadn't spilled out of her excuse of a kimono. The woman's facial features were very delicate and her eyebrows were cut very short and round, a sign of nobility. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail reaching all the way down to her legs. 

(Image Here) 

This woman is also hiding behind an illusion, this is surprising. We have another nine-tailed fox on our hands but I hope that she isn't a degenerate pervert like Nemuri. The woman turned around and gave the crow-man a pointed look who simply cowered back in fear. 

"Erase everyone's memories, we can't reveal the Supernatural World to the humans" the woman said softly but in a firm tone. It was clear that it was an order. 

"Let me help you with that…" I said and activated the area-wide Obliviation Spell. The woman raised her delicate eyebrows when she noticed the glassy sheen in every Human's eyes. 

"You didn't see anything unusual, neither did you hear anything unusual. You will forget everything that has happened here. Now, leave" I said and the humans started to walk away completely ignoring us. The woman gave me a soft smile. 

"Thank you for your assistance… My name is Yasaka and I am the leader of this region. Can we retreat to a more private place?" The woman offered and from the corner of my eyes, I looked towards the other three. 

Nemuri gave a small understanding nod. "Sure, lead the way…" Nemuri said with a smile and the woman simply smiled and started to lead us towards a nearby traditional Japanese restaurant. 

The five of us found ourselves inside a giant hall. There were more of those crow-man, all of them prostrated themselves in front of Yasaka. The five of us finally found ourselves inside a big room. All of us took our seats and Yasaka ordered a swan-like woman to bring some refreshments. 

"Firstly, I would like to apologize for my servant's rudeness" Yasaka said in a polite tone. Nemuri gave a small nod signifying that we accepted the apology. 

Sometimes I am really surprised by the degenerate pervert, sometimes she could be so polite and traditional while the other times she is just… a degenerate pervert. Well, I can always ponder about all those things at a later date. 

"So, how may we help you?" Nemuri asked and this time several swan-like women entered the room carrying various types of refreshments. They quickly placed the trays on the table and left. 

"...I was simply curious about a fellow nine-tailed fox" the woman said and Nemuri simply raised her brows and dropped her illusion. Two fluffy purple ears appeared on top of her head and nine fluffy purple tails appeared behind her back. Those tails are very comfortable, no arguments there. I always love cuddling with them. 

Yasaka also dropped her illusion and revealed her two fluffy golden ears on top of her head and nine fluffy golden tails behind her back. "I admit that the two of us do have some similarities but the two of us are very different" Nemuri said after as she leaned back in her chair. 

"...You are not a Youkai?" Yasaka questioned and Nemuri simply shrugged. 

"No idea… I know that I am a Nine-tailed Fox. Is there a way to find out if I am Youkai or not?" Nemuri questioned and picked up the chips plate. 

"There are but they are sensory abilities. I was able to sense another Nine-tailed fox nearby but I couldn't tell if it was a Youkai or not… that is the reason why I decided to arrange a meeting" Yasaka said and Nemuri gave her a small nod. 

Dora was already busy stuffing her face with food while Ororo was simply sipping juice while eating fish chips. "Is your group perhaps related to the Destroyer?" Yasaka asked and Nemuri gave her an inspecting look. 

After a few seconds, Nemuri picked up the juice glass and took a small sip. She fiddled with glass for a second. "Yes, you are right. We belong to his group" Nemuri said and Yasaka seemed to release a relieved sigh. 

Looks like Reo had already made quite a name for himself in this World. I have heard everything but at that time I wasn't interested in these matters. Looks like I should start paying more attention to this sort of stuff. 

"May I invite all of you for a trip of Kyoto from the Supernatural side, I can guarantee all of you would be really surprised" Yasaka offered. Even I could understand what the woman was trying to do. She was simply trying to get in our good graces. 

"Sure, we would love to" Nemuri accepted the offer with a smile. After finishing the food, the five of us decided to leave the restaurant. This time Kyoto felt really different… it seemed to be more colourful. Until now, it seemed to be kind of bland. 

"Why does everything look slightly different right now?" Unable to hold back my curiosity, I asked Yasaka. 

Yasaka gave me a soft smile. "There is a barrier around Kyoto stopping everyone from seeing the Supernatural World. I have brought the four of you on the other side of the barrier" Yasaka said and I frowned. I didn't even notice the barrier until now. 

"Oh… that must be what I noticed. At first, I thought about destroying it but then I decided against it since it wasn't hurting anyone" Ororo muttered and Yasaka paled for a second. 

"All four of you noticed the barrier?" Yasaka questioned and the others nodded their heads. So, I was the only one who didn't notice the barrier. Yasaka seemed to look down at her feet for a second. It looks like I need to start training, I can't always depend on my resurrection ability. 

"So, you are the leader of the Youkais?" Dora questioned with a curious look on her face. Yasaka simply nodded her head with a smile. 

"Cool!!" Dora exclaimed loudly and tripped. Fortunately, she was able to stop herself from falling. The five of us spent hours visiting various places in Kyoto. Wherever we went, we found a lot of Youkais going about their lives. 

It was a lot different than what we remember from the Marvel World, this time Kyoto seemed to be a lot more beautiful and colourful. I have also noticed several crow-men following us. Apparently, they were called Tengus, they were Yasaka's guards. josei

"So, which pantheons do you two belong to?" Yasaka questioned and both Dora and Ororo simply tilted their heads in confusion. 

"I don't understand your question…" Ororo trailed off and Dora simply bobbed her head with Ororo's statement in agreement. 

"Um… I mean you two are Goddesses, right? You must belong to a pantheon" Yasaka said and once again both Dora and Ororo simply looked at each other and shrugged dismissively. 

"They don't belong to any pantheons. Consider them to be free Goddesses" Nemuri answered Yasaka's question with a smile. Yasaka clearly didn't know what it meant to be a free Goddess but she still nodded her head. 

"By the way, thanks for the special trip, Yasaka. You wouldn't mind if I visit at a later date, would you?" Nemuri questioned and Yasaka simply smiled. 

"Of course not… you are free to visit anytime you want. In fact, all of you are free to visit anytime" Yasaka said with a smile Dora seemed to cheer. 

"Brill!! I loved the food" Dora exclaimed with a cheerful look on her face. 

"Unfortunately, we would have to cut this short as we need to return" Nemuri said with a sad smile on her face and Yasaka gave us an understanding nod. 

After that, I Phoenix Flamed into Knox while the others used their own teleportation methods… 

[POV Reo] 

"Are you two ready?" I asked Hela and Kuroka. Surprisingly, Hela was dressed in a black and dark-green business suit and Kuroka was dressed in a kimono, the kimono was similar to what she usually wore but this was much more decent. 

"Of course… I have been waiting for your arrival" Hela said and pecked me on the lips. My eyes focused on Kuroka who simply nodded her head and the next moment the three of us appeared in front of the Gremory Castle…

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