The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 425

Chapter 425: A Chat with Yachiru Unohana...

[Knox, Kuoh Forest] 

"You need to relax… you are way too tense, Jean" Yachiru Unohana said softly as she stared at Jean's attempt at healing an injured dog. 

"But the dog has lost way too much blood, if I don't hurry then she will die" Jean retorted heatedly but Unohana simply smiled. 

"Yes, but relaxing your body doesn't mean that you can't have fast movements. This way you would just tire yourself before you finish healing your subject" Unohana pointed out and approached Jean and grabbed her shoulders. 

"Just slacken your shoulders, it would help you a lot" Unohana muttered and after a few moments, Jean slackened her shoulders and she did notice that she felt a lot better. 

"Thanks" Jean mumbled with a slight flush on her face and Yachiru simply smiled kindly. 

"It is completely fine, Jean. Healing is a delicate art unlike taking a life. Healing someone takes time, patience, and effort…" Unohana said softly as she sat down in her initial spot and tilted her head with a kind smile on her face. 

"Then why do you kill?" Jean asked in a low tone. She didn't want to accuse the woman but it wasn't a secret that the kind healer was a bloodthirsty murdering maniac. 

Even after Jean's question, Unohana's smile didn't falter or fade. In fact, her kind smile brightened. "It's my passion… killing makes me feel alive. I revel in that feeling… I have spent centuries trying to deny what I am but I have decided to start living again" Unohana finished in a kind tone. 

"Just like Momo and Fleur love inventing new things, Rumi likes to train and fight strong opponents, you like healing and medicinal techniques, the same way, I love killing" Unohana said and Jean simply tilted her head in confusion. 

"Then why did you learn to heal?" Jean asked curiously. 

"At first, I simply wanted to extend my fights and my Bankai had a side-effect so I needed to learn how to heal… but as I started to deny my true nature, healing started to take a major role in my life" Unohana said with a kind smile on her face. 

Jean finally finished closing the dog's wound and she released a relieved sigh as the dog's pulse stabilized. Jean used her Telekinesis to take off her gloves and wiped the sweat off her brows. The bloody gloves floated towards the dustbin and she dropped them inside. 

"That was really taxing… So did I pass?" Jean asked in an amused tone as she picked up a water bottle. 

"No… you still need more work" Unohana said with a smile and Jean could only nod her head in disappointment. "You have learned a lot from me in the past couple of years but you still have to learn a lot" Unohana finished and once again Jean nodded her head. 

"So are you liking this world?" Jean asked as she sat down beside Unohana. 

"...Hmm… It's a lot different than my original one but I do miss healing the others. I still remember when the members of other squads arrived to get healed" Unohana muttered with a melancholic look on her face. 

"You know, with your expertise you could always start a Supernatural hospital. I am pretty sure, you won't have any shortage of patients" Jean said and Unohana simply shook her head.

"I don't think that's possible any longer. Hela might get called anytime and I would have to go with her…" Unohana said and Jean nodded her head in understanding. 

"I am thinking of opening a Supernatural Hospital… It's just an idea and I have yet to decide everything. First of all, I would need to find some reliable staff" Jean mused and Unohana was interested. 

"Don't forget to inform me if you do decide to open the Supernatural Hospital, I might not be able to stay there all the time but I will help as much as I can" Unohana said and Jean beamed at her with a bright smile on her face. 

"So, when are you going to talk with Reo?" Jean asked and for a moment, Unohana froze and she acted like it was nothing and she tilted her head in confusion. 

"What do you mean by that?" Yachiru Unohana asked in a confused tone. josei

"You know, you don't have to act like that. All of us have noticed the jealousy in your eyes whenever Hela is getting intimate with Reo… you are also interested in him, don't even try to deny it" Jean said and for a few moments, Unohana didn't say anything. 

"...Since how long have you noticed?" Unohana asked and Jean simply grinned. 

"Only after a year" Jean said with a teasing grin on her face and Unohana felt like she had sucked a very sour lemon. 

"Does everyone know?" Unohana asked in a low tone and Jean simply nodded her head. 

"Reo doesn't know I guess… sometimes, he is just clueless but I can't say for sure with all of his wicked powers…" Jean said with a shrug and Unohana nodded her head after a few moments. 

"So, even Hela knows about it?" Unohana asked and Jean nodded her head. 

"She knows, her glowing green eyes are pretty sharp. I have never seen her miss any detail" Jean said and Unohana simply sighed in a defeated manner. 

"So, none of you have any problems with that? I mean he is all of your man?" Unohana asked and Jean started to chuckle after hearing the questions. 

"That is exactly the fact, he is all of our man. I am already sharing him with 9 other women. So, I think it's too late for me to worry about something like that" Jean said after she finished chuckling. 

Yachiru Unohana also understood that it was a pretty stupid question to ask. She had tried looking for a man but with Reo's presence, every other man simply seemed to be dull and boring. To Yachiru Unohana, all of them were losers. So, Unohana had to return her attention back to the most eligible man, Itsuki Reo. 

"...I don't know, I simply don't know how to approach him" Unohana said and once again Jean started to chuckle. 

"You are worrying too much… you simply need to ask him, you know. That would be best… you don't need to make intricate plans to woo him or anything" Jean said and Unohana could only nod her head in understanding. She carefully stored the information inside her mind. 

"I already know from Momo that he loves mature women, he was smitten with Nemuri" Jean said with a giggle and Yachiru Unohana gulped after imagining the implications. Only after a few moments, a small blush appeared on her face. 

Yachiru Unohana has lived for more than a millennia but she was immature in this regard. But the information she got from Jean was very important, she already had a huge advantage. 

"Momo and Luna are the only ones he had accepted when they were young" Jean pointed out with a grin and once again Unohana stored the information inside her mind. 

"...I will invite him for some tea… do you think he would accept that?" Unohana asked and for a moment, Jean wasn't sure as Reo was never known to like tea but he might accept. 

"I am sorry but I can't confirm that… I don't think Reo is interested in tea but he did accept Flavia's invitations from time to time… there is a high chance that he would accept, especially with your mature woman Charm at work" Jean said and Unohana decided to invite Reo for some tea and snacks. 

"Luna probably knows if Reo is going to accept or not but there is a very little chance that she would reveal such a thing" Jean grumbled in a disappointed tone and Unohana could only tilt her head with a disappointed smile. 

"Can you tell me what types of snacks Itsuki-San likes?" Unohana asked and Jean simply gave the kind and gentle woman a bewildered look. 

"Itsuki-San?" Jean asked in an incredulous tone and Unohana simply tilted her head in confusion. 

"Of course, it would be rude to refer to him without any honorifics" Yachiru Unohana said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Jean simply blinked in bewilderment. The woman must have something wrong with her head. 'Well, she is a murder happy woman who also likes to heal with a kind and gentle smile on her face' Jean remembered. Obviously, the woman had something wrong with her head. 

"Sure… whatever you feel comfortable with, Yachiru" Jean said dryly and Unohana gave a satisfied nod. 

'Manners and traditions must be maintained' Unohana thought with a satisfied look on her face. 

"...About your question. Reo likes to have spicy snacks and ice cream. He loves that thing but ice cream won't go along with tea so, you should probably arrange for something crispy and spicy" Jean said with a thoughtful look on her face. 

Unohana stored all the information inside her mind. "I also love spicy food, other types of food seem to be pretty bland" Unohana said and Jean simply nodded her head. She loved all types of food but she knew that some people preferred spicy foods. 

"By the way, thanks for all the help, Jean" Yachiru Unohana beamed with a bright smile on her face and Jean could only smile at that… 

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