The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 426

Chapter 426: The Neko Sisters (END)...

[POV Reo] 

The invited families finally finished swearing loyalty to Hela. They were obviously reluctant as hell but there wasn't anything they could do with as the Devil Kings had already sworn loyalty to the woman. 

The Devil Kings don't have much power in the political arena with the existence of the Devil Council but outside the political arena, the Devil Kings were the strongest pillars. 

Sirzechs Lucifer was in charge of the internal Affairs of the Underworld. So, there wasn't much the other Devil Kings could do when he had decided to bow in front of the Devil Council. It was a mess of politics. 

I couldn't stop my face from twitching when I heard Jean's and Unohana's conversation. I was interested but I knew doing something like that would come to bite me in the ass… their intuition is very dangerous and Luna and Hela probably know about my Omnipresence and I have already told Kuroka. 

So, I used all of my Mind Powers to ignore the conversation. Eavesdropping on a women's exclusive conversation will never end well for you. No matter how strong you are, you cannot beat Omniversal Rules. 

I only allowed Hela to have free reign tonight due to the absence of Millicas Gremory. Venelana Gremory had asked the Sitris to babysit Millicas Gremory hours before we arrived. Now that all the unpleasantries were over, I decided to cancel the Space barrier around the Neko sisters. 

"Are you two okay?" I asked softly while sipping wine. Kuroka was clutching Koneko tightly. Both of their faces were quite pale. Their lineage must have affected them due to Hela's raw bloodlust. 

"Yes… you moved us away before we could be directly exposed to her bloodlust" Kuroka said in a slightly shaky tone. 

"...What is going to happen to Buchou? Do I need to leave her peerage?" Koneko asked me with a stoic look on her face but it was clear that she was also pretty shaken. 

"Nothing as long as she listens to Hela now and if you don't want to leave her peerage,that's completely fine… but that's not my decision" I said and gave her a sidelong glance. 

"...You know you condemned the Devils, right?" Kuroka asked me cautiously and I simply shrugged. 

"They were already condemned… with all the corruption and shit going on. Well, I simply didn't want to kill off the whole Race and decided to teach them a hard lesson" I said shrug. Only the first part was true… hard lesson, my ass.

Sirzechs Lucifer annoyed me so much that I decided to shove their whole Race into Hela's tender care. I almost feel pity for them… Well, the keyword being almost. At least, Hela will whip them into something respectable. 

"...Kuroka, can I stay with Buchou and the others?" Koneko asked carefully after she finished contemplating my words. 

Kuroka obviously wasn't happy with that development but there was no way that she would force her sister to leave her friends. Kuroka knew that leaving Koneko in the Underworld was a mistake but she couldn't change the past now. 

"...If that's what you want" Kuroka said slowly. Koneko knew that her sister wasn't happy but she didn't want to leave the ones who had saved her from execution. 

"You could always come and visit me… I am pretty sure everyone will understand" Koneko said in a monotone and glanced at me. Kuroka immediately understood what her estranged sister meant. Kuroka turned towards me and gave me a grateful smile. 

"Husband! Let me introduce you to everyone…" Hela chirped in a sing-song tone gesturing everyone towards me. I took a deep breath and got up from my seat. This is the reason I liked to stay away from politics and stuff like that. 

Politicking wasn't one of my stronger points and there was a huge chance that I would get annoyed and erase everyone, that is why I avoided mingling in the political arena. Nemuri loved politics and stuff like that so I had dumped everything on her… 


"I want this incident dealt with extreme prejudice… there could be no mistakes, one step in the wrong place and we will have something worse than War on our hands" Archangel Michael warned the Pope in a serious tone. The Pope carefully nodded his head. 

The Pope knew that the theft of Excaliburs was a serious matter but he didn't think that Archangel Michael would himself come down from Heaven to warn him. He could understand a messenger but Archangel Michael himself? 

This was the first time the Pope had laid eyes on a high-ranking Angel. The Pope gulped at the implications. This was a messy situation, that was something obvious or someone like Archangel Michael wouldn't have bothered to visit in person. 

"Of course, your holiness!! We will even capture the one responsible and punish them suitably" the Pope said with a slightly nervous look on his face, the Pope's brows were filled with sweat. 

Michael gave the man a complicated look. He wanted to say no but doing that would cause more problems. He even wanted to call off the whole retrieval mission, but he knew doing that would have caused dissatisfaction among the ranks of Holy Knights. 

That was something he couldn't afford right now. Heaven existed due to the faith of believers and only due to the Crunch's existence, humans still had faith in God and Angels. The whole situation was out of his hands right now. Heaven needed the Church for their continued existence. 

"Yes, but once again I would like to remind you of the stakes… no matter what we can't have another war on our hands and War would be the least of our worries if this ends badly" Archangel Michael reminded and the Pope could gulp loudly. 

After a few moments, the Pope finally nodded his head nervously. Michael gave the man a satisfied nod and disappeared in a bright flash of golden light. The Pope wiped his brow with a worried look on his face and decided to remind the Agents of God he had sent on the retrieval mission to be careful. 

'There is no shame in being careful…' the Pope hurriedly thought and pressed the switch to summon an underling… 

[Knox, Kuoh Forest] 

"You seriously did that?" Unohana asked Hela in a somewhat excited tone and Hela nodded her head with a smug look on her face. 

Reo informed the girls about the latest development after returning last night. The other girls didn't know how to react to the story but they did pray for the Devils. Thankfully, the girls had used Satan instead of God, so it was fine. 

Since Yachiru Unohana wasn't one of Reo's women, yet. So, she was the only one who hadn't heard the story. Kuroka wasn't also one of Reo's women but she was present right there when everything happened. 

Once again everyone sitting around the dining table prayed for the Devils but thankfully none of them used God. Kuroka didn't know if she should pity the whole Devil Race or not. She didn't know much about either Unohana or Hela, but she knew that both of them were insane murdering maniacs. 

Kuroka wasn't directly exposed to Hela's bloodlust but she had felt that even from within the barrier. Her lineage was extremely sensitive to stuff like that so both Kuroka and her sister have felt how potent Hela's bloodlust was. 

"You wanna join me, Yachiru?" Hela asked with a grin and everyone already knew the answer. It was a pretty stupid question. 

"Of course. What type of question is that?" Unohana asked softly with a huff and Hela simply cackled after hearing Unohana's question. 

"Yes, it was a pretty stupid question but I still needed to ask" Hela admitted with a sinister grin on her face and Unohana simply tilted her head with a kind smile on her face. 

"There will be some fools who would try to deny my authority but as a Goddess of Death, it is my duty to lead them to Death's realm" Hela said in a firm tone and her eyes started to glow menacingly. 

"As your dutiful General, it is my duty to help you with your endeavours" Unohana said with a kind smile and once again Kuroka grimaced after hearing their words. They were insane and deranged. 

"Don't forget the Naberius Clan" Reo reminded the two excited murdering maniacs from the end of the table and both Hela and Unohana eagerly nodded their head even though Unohana didn't know shit about the Naberius Clan. 

"So, Reo… are you going to be free today?" Fleur asked suddenly, changing the topic. 

"I don't have anything urgent to attend… I guess we could have a date. It has been some time since the two of us have gone on a date" Reo said with a teasing smile on his face and Fleur could only nod her head. josei

"That's what I had in my mind… maybe travel around and look around" Fleur said with a satisfied grin on her face. Reo immediately started to wonder where should he take the woman. Moments later, a grin appeared on Reo's face as he found the appropriate place to take Fleur…

(A/N: Can anyone guess the World Reo decided to take Fleur?)

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