The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 427

Chapter 427: Taming the Devils (I)...

[Technology Department, Underworld]

"So. Grayfia. How did someone like you end up working for someone like Sirzechs Lucifer?" Hela asked in an amused tone as the silver-haired maid was dutifully following the green-eyed insane woman.

"A lot of things happened during the Civil War which made me change my allegiance" Grayfia answered cryptically and Hela simply tilted her head with a grin. Hela didn't mind the lack of information.

"Oh… is that so. So, tell me Grayfia, what do you think about me?" Hela asked for a moment, Grayfia flinched after hearing the question.

"...I think you are a merciless tyrant, an insane murderer and a psychopath" Grayfia said without an ounce of emotion in her voice. Hela simply started to cackle after hearing Grayfia's words. Grayfia never expected a reaction like that.

"She got you there…" Unohana chirped in from the side. Her voice was kind and gentle. Hela simply nodded her head with an amused look on her face.

"Grayfia… your deduction was on point but you missed several points. I like waging wars and I also love torturing people" Hela finished with a grin and once again she started to cackle in mad glee.

Grayfia internally grimaced but there was nothing she could do at this moment. Right now, she was really worried about the survival of their Race. 'At least, we have a chance to survive. The Destroyer wanted to eradicate our Race' Grayfia contemplated as she kept walking behind Hela.

A couple of hours ago, Hela had arrived at Gremory Castle along with another woman named Yachiru Unohana. After that, the two of them grabbed Grayfia and took her to the Technology Division to remove her Evil Piece as Sirzechs Lucifer had already released her from the service of the Gremory Clan.

It took Ajuka Beelzebub only an hour to remove Grayfia Lucifuge's Evil Piece. Now, Grayfia Lucifuge was once again a free Devil. She might be a free Devil but she wasn't free from her duties as a maid. From today onwards, she was the maid of Hela, the Goddess of Death and War.

Grayfia had tried to discern the personality of the woman accompanying Hela but she had failed to find anything conclusive. From what she saw, Yachiru Unohana was a kind and gentle woman. Grayfia simply couldn't understand how a woman like Unohana could accompany a psychopath like Hela.

"So, when is the meeting going to start?" Hela asked when she finally stopped cackling.

"We still have two hours before the meeting starts" Grayfia dutifully answered Hela's question.

"Grayfia, be honest with me… do you think that the Underworld could go on like this? I mean do you believe that it could be ruled by the Devil Council?" Hela asked curiously and Grayfia didn't answer for a couple of minutes.

"...No" Grayfia answered with a stoic look on her face. Grayfia had seen the level of corruption in the Devil Council, to be honest, she was disgusted by that. Was this why she had decided to betray the Old-Satan Faction?josei

All the goodness aside, Grayfia didn't like how Sirzechs Lucifer dealt with the internal affairs of the Underworld. She could understand that he wanted to avoid another Civil War among the Devils but Grayfia believed that Sirzechs Lucifer should have dealt with the Devil Council with a firmer stance.

Sirzechs Lucifer was so strong but he still allowed the Devil Council to take control of the Underworld. The Devil Kings were the rulers of the Underworld in name only.

Grayfia hated all of that but she was just a maid at the end of the day. Strongest Queen of the Underworld, a pretty fancy title but that was what it was… a title.

"Oh… is that so? I like that you are being honest with me here" Hela said with an understanding look on her face. Unohana also nodded her head in agreement. Unohana had no idea why Hela had decided to take a maid.

'It must have been one of her whims' Unohana concluded inside her mind after a few moments.

"So, Grayfia… is there anything interesting in the Underworld? I mean the meeting doesn't start for two hours… I might get bored" Hela practically whined and Grayfia didn't know how to react to that.

"...We could look around Lilith for the time being. It is the biggest city in the Underworld" Grayfia answered after a couple of seconds with a thoughtful look on her face.

For the next two hours, Hela, Unohana, and Grayfia kept browsing through the stores like normal women. The three of them were getting weird looks from everyone as Grayfia was pretty famous in the Underworld and everyone knew her as the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer and the maid of the Gremory Clan.

Hela and Unohana were obviously the oddities and everyone simply wondered that the two women were probably Gremory Clan's important guests or why would the head maid of Gremory Clan and Sirzechs Lucifer's Queen show around two random women.

Grayfia was also having a hard time believing her eyes. Hela and Unohana were browsing through the stores like normal women while chatting around like sisters. Hela seemed to be almost normal without displaying any sort of her insane tendencies.

"We should be heading towards the meeting. It's almost time" Grayfia pointed out from the back and both Hela and Unohana nodded their heads.

"Lucifuge-San, why don't you prepare a Teleportation Circle. I want to try it out" Unohana requested in a polite and gentle tone.

Once again Grayfia didn't know what to think of that as she wasn't used to being referred to like this. Once again Grayfia found herself contemplating how the woman got along with someone like Hela.

"Of course, Unohana-Sama" Grayfia said politely and started to prepare the Teleportation Circle. Hela simply gave Unohana a questioning look but Unohana simply tilted her head kindly and Hela shrugged.

"It's done, Hela-Sama, Unohana-Sama" Grayfia called out with a stoic look on her face. Both Hela and Unohana stepped into the Teleportation Circle and moments later, the silver circle started to glow brightly and all three of them disappeared in a flash of silver light.

Moments later, the three of them appeared inside a building. Hela nodded her head with a blank look on her face. "It felt so unnecessarily... long" Hela muttered and Unohana simply nodded her head. Grayfia decided not to make any comment.

"So… this is the Devil Council Chambers, right?" Hela asked and Grayfia answered with a polite nod. Hela could sense several old Devils inside that room along with the other Devil Kings and their respective family heads.

Hela raised her right hand and several green-coloured Magical Circles appeared in her hand. Hela smashed her hand on the floor creating a green wave. Grayfia slightly frowned when she sensed the properties of the green wave. Hela had apparently nullified their ability to Teleport away.

'Was this why Unohana-Sama asked me to use the Teleportation Circle?' Grayfia questioned but she shook off her doubts. Even if it was true, she was Hela's maid so accusing one of her friends would ruin her maid image.

"Looks like everyone is excited…" Unohana pointed out when everyone felt Hela's magic wash over their bodies. A savage grin appeared on Hela's face and she practically kicked down the door.

'I don't understand why she is so obsessed with broken doors' Unohana said internally and rolled her eyes. Hela always did that and to be honest, Unohana would have preferred knocking on the door. 'Kicking down someone's door is so rude' Unohana reminded herself internally.

The whole group became silent when Hela kicked down the door and Grayfia tried her best but she couldn't stop her eyebrows from twitching in annoyance. That was a perfectly fine door.

"How dare you??!!!" One of the old Council Members raged as he climbed down the stairs. Hela simply cocked her head in amusement.

A small orb of Devil Energy formed in his hands as he approached Hela. He didn't know who the woman was but he was pretty sure that she must be some lower-class Devil or he would have seen her before. He wasn't planning to kill Hela, he simply wanted to show the lowly Devil her place.

"Ho…" That was all the old fool of a Devil Council Member could say before Hela grabbed the front of his face and ripped it away along with the man's whole frontal skull.

The man choked for a moment and dropped to the floor while spasming. The man's brain was still twitching and Hela dropped the man's face with a dismissive look on her face. Unohana was internally elated by the sheer brutality of Hela. No matter how many times she saw that, it never got old for her.

Once again, the whole Devil Council became silent. Most of them didn't even understand what happened as Hela was extremely fast. Those who noticed what Hela had done simply grimaced and their faces turned green. Zekram Bael even flinched back in fear.

Grayfia was one of the Devils who had noticed Hela's handiwork and she decided to down all of her emotions behind her maid facade. Even the Devil Kings who were battle-hardened couldn't stop themselves from grimacing.

After a few moments, a lot of Devils started to puke out their guts due to the scene in front of them. Hela nodded her head with a satisfied look on her face. She was able to instil some amount of fear in them but she was going to kill a lot more by the end of the day.

"Good morning, Devils. Let me introduce myself, I am Hela, the Goddess of Death and War and from today onwards, I will be ruling over your Race" Hela declared as a matter of fact. A sadistic grin appeared on Hela's face and her green eyes started to glow brightly in excitement...

(A/N: I have decided to make a power stone quota after I finish my assignment.

I have noticed that a lot of readers aren't giving power stones even if they are reading the story. I write this story for free and I also don't have a p a t r e o n, so Power Stones and popularity are my only motivation to write.

If the Power Stones don't reach the quota then my update schedule will get a massive cut.)

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