The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 428

Chapter 428: Taming the Devils (II)...

[Devil Council Chambers] 

"Good morning, Devils. Let me introduce myself, I am Hela, the Goddess of Death and War and from today onwards, I will be ruling over your Race" Hela declared as a matter of fact. A sadistic grin appeared on Hela's face and her green eyes started to glow brightly in excitement.

"What is the meaning of this!!" Another one of the old geezers exclaimed loudly. Grayfia almost rolled her eyes. These old fools don't seem to have any type of self-preservation instincts. Hela simply raised an eyebrow and gave the old man a questioning look. 

"Devil Kings! Why are you just standing there? She just killed one of our esteemed Council Members" another member of the Devil Council growled angrily.

"Because they have already decided to accept me as their Ruler" Hela answered before the Devil Kings could say anything. 

The Devil Kings gave the woman a small nod and gathered behind Hela, once again surprising almost everyone present inside the room. Zekram Bael discreetly glanced towards Lord Gremory, Sitri, Astaroth, Glasya-Labolas and none of them looked surprised. It was pretty clear that the four of them had also submitted in front of the woman. 

"Now, the question is… How many of you decide to kneel before me?" Hela questioned, her eyes glowing brightly. Once again, everyone except a few shuddered in fear. 

"You can't do that!! We will neve…" someone began to say but before he could finish what he was saying, his head rolled off his shoulders. Unohana standing behind the man with her Zanpakutou in her hand. 

Grayfia's eyes were wide in shock and fear. The Unohana she knew was completely gone, unlike before, the woman's eyes weren't filled with kindness. Unohana's eyes were currently gloomy and menacing. Even her kind and gentle smile were gone, replaced by a cruel grin. Unohana's braid was also undone, giving her whole visage a frightening image. 

Grayfia finally sensed Yachiru Unohana's true nature. 'She is just like Hela…' Grayfia mentally gasped in horror. Now, she finally understood how someone kind like Yachiru Unohana got along with someone like Hela. 'But how? Her aura was kind and gentle?' Grayfia hysterically questioned internally. 

The Devil sitting behind the beheaded Devil shrieked when the blood spurted out of the beheaded man's neck. "Pathetic…" Unohana said and bisected the Devil who had just shrieked in fear. Once again, a lot of Devils turned away from the gruesome sight. 

"Yachiru… you killed that poor Devil. He didn't even do anything" Hela pointed out and Unohana didn't even seem to be bothered in the slightest. 

"He was pathetic…" Unohana said and Hela could only blankly stare at the woman. 

"Fine… Fine…" Hela shrugged dismissively. "Oppose me and you will be cut down. It is your choice… I give you five minutes to decide your fate" Hela said and most of the Devils inside the Council Chambers gulped loudly. 

An arrogant looking blond man stood up from his seat. He had a sneer on his face and he looked down at Hela with a disgusted look on his face. He scoffed in disdain. "I don't fear someone like you… after all, I am immortal. A Phenex" the man snorted in disdain. 

Zekram Bael and several other smarter Lords cursed inside their minds. Some Lords also agreed with Lord Phenex, at least internally. They wouldn't bow in front of a woman, their family held too much importance in the Underworld. Even the Devil Kings had to listen to their demands. 

"Ho… is that so?" Hela questioned and tilted her head. A smile appeared on Lord Phenex's face but before he could give her an answer, Hela appeared in front of him. Lord Phenex instinctively took back a step. Hela's hand shot forward and her fingers wrapped around Lord Phenex's throat. 

She raised up the man with an amused look on her face. "Immortal are you…" Hela mused and snapped the man's neck like a twig. "That simply makes you a good punching bag" Hela said with a grin and Lord Phenex couldn't say anything as Hela's grip was way too tight… he couldn't even scream. 

Hela slammed the man on the seat, breaking everything around them. Hela raised her fists and she started to slam down her fists on the defenceless man. Bones breaking noises were heard as Hela kept brutalising the man with an amused grin on her face. 

All the Devils who were previously thinking that they could negotiate or force the woman to listen to their whims were sweating like pigs. The Devils cringed away from the sight of Lord Phenex. Hela finally stopped brutalising the man and grinned. 

Lord Phenex was nothing more than a puddle of flesh of tissues, muscles, bone shards, and organs. Flames covered the man as he started to heal but the process was very slow. It was clear that the man was going to take some time to heal. 

"Take your time… I will get back to you after I finish killing all of the Devil Council Members" Hela said looking down at the mass of mangled flesh. Alarms bells went off inside the minds of the Council Members but there was very little they could do. 

Yachiru Unohana brandished her Zanpakutou and slashed the nearby Council Member in half. Hela appeared in front of another Council Member and grabbed the man's shoulder and with the application of a small margin of her physical prowess, she ripped apart the man from the middle, splattering the man's innards. 

Unohana raised two fingers and purple lightning erupted from her fingers. "Hado #90, Kurohitsugi" as soon as the woman finished the chant, another Council Member was engulfed in a purple-black coffin with several spear-like protrusions. 

(Image Here) 

Moments later, the spear-like protrusions pierced the coffin and after a second, the coffin dispersed, leaving behind a mangled mass of flesh. Hela's hand plunged into a Council Member's chest and with a strong yank she pulled out the man's spine along with his skull. 

Hela swung the spinal cord and the head still attached at the end of the spinal cord smashed on another Council Member's head. Both heads exploded like watermelons splattering brain matter everywhere around them. josei

Unohana scowled as Hela took a double kill. She swung down her Zanpakutou bisected another Council Member. Hela grabbed the last member of the Devil Council, Hela gently grabbed the man's jaw. Only after a second, Hela ripped the man's jaw, the man's whole frontal torso came off along with his jaw. 

"Ho… I wasn't expecting that" Hela mused with an amused grin on her face. After a few moments, a lot of Devils started to puke. Both Hela and Unohana grimaced and appeared near the entrance of the Council Chambers, but Hela didn't forget to bring Lord Phenex with her. 

The man was almost healed completely. Hela slammed down the man and slammed down her foot on his chest, her foot went right through the man's chest. Hela pulled her foot out of the man's chest and she kneeled down beside the man. Once again she started to brutalize the man with her fists. 

Moments later, Lord Phenex was once turned into a mass of mangled flesh. Hela stood up and looked at the Devils. "Now… decide" Hela called out in a firm tone. Zekram Bael was the first one to rise up. He quickly appeared in front of Hela and kneeled down. 

Zekram Bael was one of the oldest Devils, he knew that there was no way out of this. Either you kneeled in front of this tyrant or she would kill you. Simple as that. They would have a fighting chance if the Devil Kings hadn't joined the insane woman. 

That was another sign. The Devil Kings were the strongest Devils and if they had decided to submit to the woman then the woman was probably stronger than all of them… combined! Zekram Bael wasn't stupid like the Members of Devil Council, as soon as the woman had declared that she was going to rule over them, he knew that there was no other choice. 

Lord Gremory, Sitri, Astaroth, and Glasya-Labolas stood up from their seats and appeared behind Hela revealing that they had already bowed before the woman. The other Devil Lords looked at each other for a few moments before they gulped simultaneously. 

None of them wanted to die… and none of them wanted to turn out like Lord Phenex. So all of them stood up one by one and appeared in front of Hela and kneeled down. Hela looked around with a satisfied look on her face. Hela's eyes finally focused on a certain Lord of a Devil Family. 

A predatory glint appeared in Hela's eyes. Hela didn't know the man but her husband had shown her a picture of the man last night before returning to Knox. Since Lord Naberius was looking down, he didn't notice the predatory glint in Hela's eyes. All of a sudden he shuddered as he felt a huge amount of bloodlust. 

"Ah… Lord Naberius, a Lord of a soon to be extinct Devil Clan. All of you, please bid farewell to one of your fellow Lords…" Hela said loudly in an excited tone… 

(A/N:When I posted yesterday's chapter. Only 225 Power Stones were voted to my story.

Today, when I last checked, I had 1301 Power Stones voted to my story. That means, yesterday, my story received more the 1000 power Stones.

See, that is why I was decided to make the quota decision. Now, I understand that newer stories need more votes than established ones but but that doesn't mean that we don't appreciate Power Stones.

No need to despair or anything. I will probably make the quota of 400 Power Stones per day. I think that would be fine. I don't think that too much to ask with the recent results...)

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