The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 429

Chapter 429: Taming the Devils (END)...

[Devil Council Chambers] 

"Ah… Lord Naberius, a Lord of a soon to be extinct Devil Clan. All of you, please bid farewell to one of your fellow Lords…" Hela said loudly in an excited tone. Lord Naberius's blood froze in his veins as he paled drastically. 

"My my… you look quite unhealthy. Are you sure that you aren't one of those bloodsuckers? I had thought that Devils aren't pale like you" Hela mulled with an amused look on her face as she made her way towards the terrified head of the family. 

With a lot of difficulties, Lord Naberius was finally able to raise up his head. The man was sweating like a pig and his pupils were dilated in fear. "W-why?" Lord Naberius stuttered out in fear and fell over his ass as Hela was finally standing in front of him.

"Nothing personal… I assure you" Hela said with a grin and Lord Naberius was trying to crawl away from the insane woman. With an amused glint in her eyes, Hela placed her foot on Lord Naberius's ankle and put some pressure on it. 

"Arrrghhh!" The man started to scream on top of his lungs. Most Devils grimaced at the casual display of cruelty. Moments later, a bone-crunching sound was heard and Lord Naberius started to howl in pain. Hela started to cackle in mad glee. 

After a few moments, Hela finally stopped cackling and lifted her foot from the man's ankle. Currently, Lord Naberius looked too pitiful as tears were rolling down his cheeks. Other Devils also pitied the man but they couldn't do anything for the man. 

"Lady Hela, may I ask what his crime was?" All of a sudden, Lord Belial asked. Hela's glowing eyes focused on the Devil and a grin appeared on her face. Hela was impressed with the man's courage. He looked like one of those righteous guys. 

"You may" Hela stated and cocked her head sideways. Moments later, Diehausar Belial finally understood that Hela wanted him to ask the question if he wanted an answer. 

Diehausar Belial gathered all of his courage. "Lady Hela, what was his crime?" He asked in a firm tone and Hela's eyes focused on Grayfia Lucifuge and the Devil Kings, then her eyes flickered back to Lord Belial. 

"You can ask the Devil Kings or my maid… Personally, I don't care about his crime. I am simply using him to make an example of him" Hela said and in a dismissive manner. Diehausar Belial frowned slightly but there wasn't much he could do, so he decided to keep his mouth shut. 

Hela knew that Reo had ordered her to kill off the Naberius Clan but she didn't need to tell that to everyone. The Devil Kings and Gremory Family already knew the reason but at the end of the day, it won't matter. 

"Umu… it seems that I have wasted a lot of time. Let's pay a visit to the Naberius Territory before they go extinct" Hela said and she started to emit greenish-black smoke. 

Some tried to back away from the smoke but everyone was engulfed by the smoke and moments later, everyone disappeared from the room leaving behind the dead bodies. Even the mutilated Lord Phenex was taken along with them. The whole group appeared outside the Castle of Naberius Clan. 

Once again, several green Magical Circles appeared in Hela's hand and she slammed down her hand on the ground creating a green wave. Hela noticed that Phenex was almost healed completely so she decided to brutalize him again. It's not like he could run away. 

"I brought all of you here to witness the end of a whole Clan… this is what is going to happen if any of you decide to betray me. Believe me… It won't matter wherever you hide, I will find you and your family" Hela said in a menacing tone and released a little bit of her bloodlust. 

Everyone except the Devil Kings, Grayfia, Unohana shuddered in fear and gulped loudly. "Please… please… don't do this. Please… I will give you anything, money, servants… anything. You just need to ask. I will do anything…" Lord Naberius started to beg. 

Begging was his last hope as there wasn't anything else he could do. He knew he couldn't fight someone like Hela, he would be killed before he could even take the first step. He couldn't run away because whatever the woman had done was stopping anyone from teleporting away. 

"Anything you say?" Hela questioned curiously. A hopeful glint appeared in Lord Naberius's eyes. Even though his broken ankle was hurting like hell, he started to kowtow in front of the woman. A lot of Devils thought that Hela was going to spare the man and his clan. 

"Yes, I will do anything… I swear" Lord Naberius said respectfully and Hela got a thoughtful look on her face after hearing the man's words. Hela started to tap her chin in a thinking manner as she started to walk around the man. josei

All of a sudden Hela stopped and nodded her head. "Then you can die" Hela said like it was the most obvious thing in this world. Before Lord Naberius could protest, Hela's hand pierced the man's back. 

Hela placed a foot on the man's back to get better support. With a yank, Hela pulled out the man's spine along with his skull. All the Devils grimaced at the sight. Those with weak stomachs had already emptied their stomachs or they would have puked again. 

Unohana simply rolled her eyes. "I will never understand your obsession with pulling out spines" Unohana grumbled with an annoyed look on her face, surprising all the Devils. 

"This is an art and I am the best artist. You wouldn't understand" Hela scoffed and Unohana snorted in disbelief. 

"You are wrong. Butchering someone is art… making the perfect cut, watching as the blood and organs spill out" Unohana said with a dazed look in her eyes. The Devils shifted uncomfortably as they were Devils, not Demons.

"I use a sword too… but ripping apart your enemy with your bare hands is more appealing" Hela insisted and Unohana simply shrugged. 

"If you say so" Unohana said not wanting to budge from her opinion. Hela wanted to continue the debate but she remembered there was something important that she needed to deal with.

"This isn't over Yachiru, we will discuss this later" Hela reminded the woman with a serious look on her face and Unohana didn't bother to give a reply but she also had a serious look in her eyes. 

"Arise…" Hela said and Astral Figures started to form in front of Hela. This shocked the Devils, they didn't know what sort of power this was but Hela internally grinned as this would be enough for an example. 

"Do you want to join them?" Hela asked Unohana who simply shook her head in denial. 

"There are way too few of them…" Unohana said and Hela simply shrugged. She looked back towards her Astral Army. "Kill everyone in there…" Hela muttered as the Astral Figures sprinted towards the castle. 

The Devils kept watching the whole scene with horrified looks on their faces. Hela started to whip Phenex with the spine of late Lord Naberius. Everyone except Unohana gulped in fear and terror while Grayfia and Devil Kings had grim looks on their faces. 

"What sort of power is this? How many can she even make?" Ajuka Beelzebub blurted out all of a sudden. 

"Millions" Unohana said kindly with a kind smile on her face. With the current setting, her kind persona was looking even scarier. Some Devils flinched back in fear and Unohana simply tilted her head in confusion as she saw their reactions.

"Ah… it is finally over" Hela called out as she finished brutalizing Lord Phenex for the third time. The Castle of Naberius Clan was already in ruins, everyone inside the castle was dead and Hela's Astral Army dispersed now that they were done. 

"Now that all the formalities are over… let's lead your Race to their true glory!!!" Hela exclaimed loudly as her eyes started to glow brightly. Unohana smiled kindly after hearing Hela's proclamation. 

Only Hela and Unohana looked enthusiastic and the Devils were really having serious doubts about their continued existence in the not so distant future… 

(A/N: There is a good news... I finally finished the project. From tomorrow onwards, I will be going back to my usual release schedule. Oh yes, of course. I will post the Power Stone quota too... I am going through my emo stage).

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