The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: If I were granted an afterlife, I could vanquish evil

Chapter 1: If I were granted an afterlife, I could vanquish evil

If I were granted an afterlife, I could vanquish evil . . .

The deafening BOOOOM!!! echoed through the cosmos, as if the very essence of the world trembled in response.

A mammoth mountain, once an unyielding titan of nature, shattered into innumerable fragments, casting a barrage of broken rocks high into the heavens. These scattered remnants birthed clouds of dust that obscured the world, concealing all from view.

Yet, from within this chaotic maelstrom, a solitary figure emerged with an explosive shout. This figure emitted a radiant brilliance reminiscent of thunder and lightning on a tempestuous night, hurtling forward at breakneck speed. His velocity was such that it left behind an extended plume of dust, curving and coiling like a majestic Chinese dragon in motion.

In the immediate aftermath, a multitude of silhouettes burst forth from the swirling veil of dust, etching countless lengthy streaks of chaos as they avidly pursued the lead figure, as if driven by an otherworldly compulsion.

"The three most formidable factions have forged an alliance, marshaling a force of 3496 cultivators, relentlessly pursuing me across a span of thirty-seven thousand miles! Aha... the lengths to which you are willing to go to extinguish me are truly remarkable!" the lead figure exclaimed amidst the tumultuous symphony of conflict.

With a thunderous cacophony, Cha Eun Xiao – the man at the forefront – abruptly halted on a hovering rock, executing a swift pivot coupled with a maniacal, unrestrained laughter. From his grasp, a luminous blade of light shot forth like a celestial lightning bolt, racing toward the oncoming horde.

This was his final, desperate gambit.

The radiant blade cleaved through the crowd with the ferocity of a lightning strike, eliciting anguished cries. Yet, as some fell, others ascended, continuing the fray even as they bled into the sky before descending to the earth.

Cha Eun Xiao now bled profusely, a consequence of his previous strike rendering him incapable of aerial maneuverability.

Sitting like a lofty mountain, standing like a great rainbow; acting like a storm surging, moving like a thunderbolt.

These four verses perfectly encapsulated the essence of cultivators who had attained the exalted Grade of Daoyuan

Despite having been the foremost among all Daoyuan cultivators, Cha Eun Xiao was now akin to a spent bullet, devoid of the energy required for flight. Upon landing, the rocks beneath his feet swiftly stained crimson with his blood.

Gasping heavily, Cha Eun Xiao's eyes still bore a defiant, mocking glimmer. "Humph, I may find myself teetering on the precipice with no avenue of escape, and I may not survive this day. Nevertheless, I can assure you that most of you will meet your end alongside me!"

The rocky platform beneath him adorned the pinnacle of a colossal mountain. As he turned to survey the scene, he exuded an imperceptible aura of regal composure even in the throes of impending disaster.

Hundreds of cultivators stood rooted in place, their eyes filled with trepidation as they gazed upon Cha Eun Xiao. Far behind them, beyond the scope of visual perception, lay a path composed of countless lifeless bodies, a gruesome trail carved over thousands of miles across mountains and rivers – a chilling testament to the price they were willing to pay for Cha Eun Xiao's demise.

However, even as Cha Eun Xiao stood on the precipice of defeat, none dared to advance in this moment, for they knew that any step taken forward would result in instant death, consigning them to join the ranks of the fallen, accompanying Cha Eun Xiao to the depths of hell.

There was no room for doubt; the message was as clear as day.

For the figure that stood before them was none other than Cha Eun Xiao, the Xiao Monarch!

In the realm of the firmament, Cha Eun Xiao was a legend, a name whispered in reverence and awe. The 3496 cultivators from the three factions had orchestrated elaborate traps and deployed countless strategies in their relentless pursuit of Cha Eun Xiao, spanning a treacherous journey of thirty-seven thousand miles. Yet, Cha Eun Xiao, single-handedly, had decimated nearly every one of the 3496 pursuers, leaving behind a trail of shattered landscapes and heaps of lifeless cultivator bodies wherever he tread.

Who could dare to underestimate such a formidable individual? josei

Even as he neared his end, none dared to challenge the might of Cha Eun Xiao's sword.

"Xiao Monarch! We would not have banded together in this concerted effort to hunt you down if it were not for your relentless animosity towards us," sighed a wise elder in the crowd, his exhaustion palpable. "I simply cannot comprehend why our esteemed Xiao Monarch would suddenly declare war against us and seek our destruction. Your actions have wrought losses on both sides, and it serves no purpose. Why have you done this?"

Although the three factions had finally been presented with the opportunity to vanquish their mutual adversary, Cha Eun Xiao, the cost they had paid was staggering. They had lost nearly ninety percent of their warriors in this cataclysmic battle, and the losses were of such magnitude that they would require a millennium to recover. The three factions faced the grim prospect of forfeiting their premier status within the Qing-Yun realm, as rival factions ascended, further compounded by the relentless pursuit of the Palace and the Temple.

Yet, they remained befuddled. They could not fathom the motives of this enigmatic Xiao Monarch. It was as though he had inflicted harm upon himself, with no discernible gain.

Cha Eun Xiao sneered, his voice tinged with resolute bitterness. "Don't you understand? Truly, you fail to grasp it? Ah..."

With a chilling, almost macabre contortion of his wounded body, he peered down at the gaping cavity in his chest, where his entrails were grotesquely exposed. "You three factions may have been embroiled in unsavory dealings, matters that I had chosen to disregard. However, when you forcibly seized all the resources for cultivation, manipulated energy sources, and monopolized valuable practice materials, stifling the growth of others in the Qing-Yun Realm, you crossed a line. Your tyranny, your oppression, and your destruction of others' futures—these were what I abhorred. And when I detest something, I take it upon myself to rectify it."

"No, Xiao Monarch! You are mistaken! Only the virtuous should possess the world's treasures. Those who seek self-improvement should adhere to the law of the jungle. We have committed no wrongdoing!"

"What -hah!" Cha Eun Xiao erupted in laughter, interspersed with fits of coughing. "The virtuous, you say? You're absolutely right. The treasures of the world are there for anyone to claim. Whoever seizes them has every right to ownership. I can't dispute that. But let's talk about your definition of virtue. You slaughtered millions of innocent people, all in your quest to control those mystical mountains. You used their souls as sacrificial offerings to construct your power vein. You turned thriving, prosperous towns into desolate wastelands, rife with death and cold. And then you had the audacity to cover your tracks by claiming these places were plagued and that you had to take such actions to save the realm... How many times did you mindlessly obliterate entire communities and distort the truth over these years? How dare you lay claim to virtue? Such a virtuous fa?ade! HAHAHAHA!!"

His laughter was wild, unabashed, and laced with mockery.

"Sure, all cultivation resources are yours. Anyone who dares to take even a fraction will receive no mercy, and their entire family will meet their end – no survivors! You people started with excessive force, and I'm simply responding in kind. It shouldn't be that hard to comprehend," he added with a sardonic smile.

After Cha Eun Xiao's words, the trio leading the crowd – the heads of the three factions, wore visibly uncomfortable expressions.

"So, in essence, your fight against us is all about justice... safeguarding cultivators from our injustices?" The sage-like elder spoke with a hint of sarcasm. "Aha, what a noble figure you are, Xiao Monarch! However, even after your demise today, who will dare to stand up against us? The three factions may have sustained heavy losses, but we haven't been obliterated. In no more than a thousand years, we'll fully recover. What a pity. After today, the renowned Xiao Monarch will be no more!"

"As long as I draw breath, I'll never let you achieve that! If I die... the world won't concern me anymore," Cha Eun Xiao replied with indifference. "As long as I live, my sole purpose is to obliterate you scoundrels!"

Though he spoke with disdain, he couldn't shake the profound sorrow within him for not being able to exact revenge for his brother – it remained his life's greatest regret.

"I see. We understand," the elder nodded slowly, his eyes gleaming with a fanatical, murderous glint. "Enough talk. We'll end your life! You won't survive this!"

He waved his hand and ground his teeth. "Go! Kill him! At any cost!"

All the warriors launched an all-out attack simultaneously, channeling their full power. Hundreds of them staked their lives, unleashing every ounce of their strength in this ultimate assault. A multitude of lights and sounds intermingled with formidable forces, converging upon Cha Eun Xiao like a colossal storm.

The combined might of the three factions truly shook the earth and heavens. Dust billowed into the air, concealing the landscape beneath. The mountains, where Cha Eun Xiao had previously stood, disintegrated into rubble. Countless shards of rock soared through the tumult, shattering everything in their path.

Despite his laughter, Cha Eun Xiao was truly exhausted after this month-long battle. Every movement felt like a Herculean effort. He was defenseless against this torrent of destructive attacks, yet he faced his adversaries with a nonchalant smile.

Just moments before impact, he uttered words that resounded through the chaos.

"It's a shame that I fought alone and couldn't eliminate all of you! If given a second chance, I promise I'll sever every one of your heads... Fighting alone and allowing you villains to escape with your lives is my lifelong regret!"

In the final moments of his life, the indomitable loner known as the Xiao Monarch came to a profound realization about his greatest weakness – his solitude.

Despite having risen to the ranks of the supreme masters in this world, Cha Eun Xiao found himself woefully inadequate when confronted by the overwhelming might of the three most formidable factions.

BOOOM! A deafening explosion ruptured the sky, transforming the towering mountain into a cascade of dust-shrouded pebbles and rocks.

Dust billowed, and boulders tumbled.

In his final moments, the Xiao Monarch left behind poignant parting words,


(I have no regrets about this arduous life, but I lament my powerlessness to vanquish the wicked. If only I could be reborn with a sword in hand, I would rid the world of all malevolence and laugh triumphantly beneath the heavens.)

Amidst the haze, the sage-like elder gazed upon the aftermath with a somber expression and muttered, "Even if you had realized... you still wouldn't have stood a chance... and now, you will never uncover the truth..."

He sneered, "If only I had an afterlife with my sword in my hand, I would remove all the evil so that I could laugh out loud in the world... Humph, what a pity, Xiao Monarch, there is no such thing as an afterlife!"

"Let's go!" The elder waved his hand, prompting all the warriors to turn back and depart.

Unnoticed by all, a faint purple light had briefly flickered across the sky at the moment of Cha Eun Xiao's passing.

As the wild wind howled, sweeping away the dust and revealing only shattered rocks on the ground, the mountain had vanished.

Yet, lingering in the air was the faint echo of a voice,

"If only I had an afterlife with my sword in my hand, I would remove all the evil so that I could laugh out loud in the world..."


Suddenly, Cha Eun Xiao awoke!

His entire body writhed in agony, but amidst the pain, his mind plunged into a bewildering maelstrom.

"What's happening? Wasn't I battling the three factions? Didn't I meet my end? My body was obliterated, my spirit extinguished, and my soul departed. How can I have survived that devastating assault..." He slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of a luxurious room and the sensation of lying on a soft bed.

"I didn't die?"

He had endured the ferocious onslaught of overwhelmingly powerful attacks, utterly defenseless and incapable of resistance. He should have been reduced to scattered fragments. How could he possibly still be alive?

Cha Eun Xiao scratched his head, pondering, "Oh, right, my body... Wait a moment!"

His eyes widened in sheer astonishment as he stared at his outstretched arms.

Pale hands, long, slender fingers, more delicate and elegant than those of a young woman...

"WTF... These aren't my hands!" Cha Eun Xiao exclaimed, utterly flabbergasted, as he examined his hands in disbelief.

In the next instant, he swiftly sat up and reached for the mirror beside the bed, lifting it to his face. What he saw in the reflection left him in a state of shock.

The mirror revealed an unfamiliar youth, approximately 16 years old, with fair skin and sharply defined eyebrows. He was a handsome young man with rosy lips that could rival those of a maiden.


He hesitated at his choice of words, realizing that describing a man as beautiful might not be entirely appropriate. With a nod, he corrected himself, "Very handsome... That's better... But what in the world is happening?"

Then, a searing pain coursed through his head. Memories surged into his mind like an unstoppable tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm him once more.

Clutching his head and gasping for air, Cha Eun Xiao struggled to maintain consciousness as the deluge of memories washed over him.

"Oh, I understand now..."


Grade of Daoyuan: There are nine Grades in the level system of Realms of the Firmament.

From low to high- Grade of Renyuan, Grade of Diyuan, Grade of Tianyuan, Grade of Lingyuan, Grade of Mengyuan, Grade of Daoyuan, Grade of Xianyuan, Grade of Shenyuan, Grade of Shengyuan.

There are nine levels in each Grade, which makes it 81 levels in total.

Qing-Yun Realm: One of the realms that lie in the sky above the mortal world, where Cha Eun Xiao lived in his prior life.

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