The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: He’s known for his Eccentricity, and his circle of friends is just as Peculiar

Chapter 2: He's known for his Eccentricity, and his circle of friends is just as Peculiar

He's known for his Eccentricity, and his circle of friends is just as Peculiar . . .

Cha Eun Xiao's astonishment was so profound that his mouth remained agape. Despite his customary composure, he couldn't fathom that this seemingly impossible miracle had become his reality.

The body he now inhabited had originally belonged to another soul, a twist of fate that left him bewildered.

His current abode was the Land of Han-Yang, known in the Qing-Yun Realm as the mortal world. Curiously, even though this body had once belonged to a stranger, it bore the same name as his own, Cha Eun Xiao, a mere coincidence. The previous occupant of this body had been none other than the son of Chen Kingdom's Northern General, Ye Nan-Tian.

Upon awakening in his new life, Cha Eun Xiao found himself within the General's House. His previous night had been spent in a brothel, indulging in revelry with disreputable companions. He had returned home inebriated, only to succumb to a excruciating pain in his abdomen, which marked the end of his previous existence.

In that pivotal moment, a small fragment of the Xiao Monarch's soul clung to existence and, by an extraordinary twist of fate, merged with the dying body.

"I believe I comprehend my current situation... No, I still can't quite grasp it," Cha Eun Xiao muttered, furrowing his brow and massaging his temples. "I felt my soul fading away... there was no conceivable way I could have survived. How did I manage to survive and be reborn in this body? It's unbelievable."

Despite his considerable knowledge, Cha Eun Xiao was utterly confounded. Such occurrences were deemed impossible, yet it had undeniably transpired in his case.

"Well, regardless... one who lives possesses hope, and now I have mine. Armed with my extensive experience, as long as I cultivate diligently, I will eventually reclaim my status as the great Xiao Monarch! When that day arrives, I shall exact vengeance upon the three factions and show them no mercy!"

With gritted teeth and a resolute gaze, he harbored a burning desire to settle the score with the factions that had relentlessly pursued him, unaware that the supposedly vanquished Xiao Monarch still drew breath.

"You scoundrels, one day you will be taken by surprise!" he vowed.

As he gathered his thoughts, a sudden and excruciating pain gripped his abdomen, contorting his face in agony. The torment felt as if his intestines were being mercilessly torn apart.

"Damn! Now I understand how this boy met his demise... he was poisoned," Cha Eun Xiao realized, recognizing the cause of his suffering. His past experiences with poison had equipped him with the knowledge to identify the symptoms. However, his awareness couldn't halt the poison's insidious advance, and he was incapacitated by the searing pain, unable even to wipe away the sweat that formed on his brow.

The young son of a general had met his end through poisoning, and even though Cha Eun Xiao had inherited the boy's body, the poison's deadly grip still lingered. Fortunately, the poison's potency had been sufficient to kill the boy, but not Cha Eun Xiao.

"It's nothing more than Qing-Ming Fruit Poison... humph," Cha Eun Xiao thought, recognizing the toxin instantly. However, his vision abruptly darkened as he realized the poison had reactivated. He urgently attempted to muster his spiritual power to counteract the poison's effects, only to make a startling discovery. His body no longer housed the spiritual power he once possessed as the Xiao Monarch. Instead, he was now merely a playboy from a general's household, someone who had dabbled in spiritual martial arts but possessed no spiritual power. josei

This revelation left Cha Eun Xiao on the verge of crying out in agony, his face buried in his palm. It would be a cruel irony if the Xiao Monarch, who had survived a monumental disaster, were to succumb to the trivial Qing-Ming Fruit Poison.

As the pain intensified, Cha Eun Xiao gritted his teeth, acutely aware that his immediate priority was survival. With no other option, he mustered the very last remnants of his soul power to combat the excruciating agony that coursed through his body.

Assuming a cross-legged posture, he winced in response to the pain, then concentrated his remaining soul power. With deliberate precision, he directed it towards the source of the poison, pressing it against the toxin with determination.

A violent sputter followed, and he involuntarily coughed up blood. His complexion paled, resembling that of a lifeless corpse.

"Curses... my final reserves of soul power used to combat a mundane poison. How utterly mortifying... Who could have foreseen such a day?" He wiped the blood from his mouth, his thoughts tinged with self-deprecation. "For now, the poison must be purged, or this body will deteriorate within days... not to mention my pursuit of revenge."

"But even if I manage to survive this insipid poison... I am bereft of the power required for cultivation. All my knowledge... my refined techniques... all rendered futile."

Mournfully, he muttered, "At present, I am akin to a wealthy man in a brothel. I possess the means, and there are opportunities, yet I find myself impotent... Such a bleak turn of events. Perhaps I should adopt the title of 'Xiao Moron'..."

However, dwelling on his misfortune would yield no solutions. Resigned to his circumstances, Cha Eun Xiao understood that he needed to devise a remedy.

"Steward! Quickly, come here!" he bellowed. "Procure some herbs for me." Handing the steward a written prescription detailing a list of herbs, Cha Eun Xiao was confident in his ability to treat the poisoning without resorting to spiritual power. His education as the Xiao Monarch provided an alternative solution.

As the obedient steward glanced at the script, he appeared perplexed and scratched his head. "Um, sir... I'm afraid I have never encountered these herbs before," he admitted hesitantly. "Despite my extensive knowledge of herbs and my familiarity with the Ben Cao Collection, these names—Ice-fruit, Fire-leaf, Phoenix bloom—they are entirely unfamiliar. May I inquire where you acquired this information?"

Cha Eun Xiao slapped his forehead in realization. He had momentarily forgotten that these unique herbs were exclusive to the Qing-Yun Realm, absent in the mortal world.

"Ah, it was just a jest," he sighed, exasperated. "You may go."

Perplexed by his young master's bizarre request, the steward departed, his head still filled with confusion. "Herbs, indeed," he muttered to himself. "He thinks he can appear scholarly by scribbling down some peculiar names. Truly, there are no words."

Cha Eun Xiao swiftly proceeded to the General's study, perusing the bookshelves in search of medical texts that might contain an antidote for the poison.

"I suspected as much," he muttered, disheartened. The Qing-Ming Fruit Poison, while not formidable for someone of his stature, was exclusive to the Qing-Yun Realm. In the mortal world, no cure could be found.

"It appears the one who poisoned me left no stone unturned," Cha Eun Xiao mused. "Nevertheless, if this persists, I am in grave peril. No cure exists here, and I am stranded, unable to return to the Qing-Yun Realm. Must I simply await my demise?"

"Ah, but if the poison is unique to the Qing-Yun Realm... How did it find its way here? Perhaps the poisoner maintains connections with individuals... from up there?" His eyes gleamed with a chilling resolve.

"My lord! Lord Lan has come for a visit!" a guard announced from outside the door.

Cha Eun Xiao had an epiphany that the General's House was an exceptionally peculiar place. It wasn't the architecture or layout that struck him as odd, but rather the inhabitants. He couldn't spot a single woman around; not a housemaid, not a female presence of any kind. Instead, it was an exclusively male domain.

However, it wasn't just any group of men; many of them appeared lively, but they all carried a distinct peculiarity. They were disabled. The word around the house was that these men were former soldiers who had valiantly fought under General Ye. It was a testament to the General's virtuous character, cherishing and providing for those who had served under him.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but marvel at the apparent benevolence of his newfound father, as this was the first aspect of his current father that he had observed.

"Lan? Oh, I remember now!" Cha Eun Xiao exclaimed, his memory gradually piecing together. Lan's full name was Lan Lang-Lang, and he was the son of the Southern General. Now, Cha Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang's fathers were the two pillars of the kingdom, each commanding authority over their respective regions.

Both of them were sons of generals, and their fathers were often away from home for extended periods. This common experience forged a bond between them, leading to their close friendship. However, while Cha Eun Xiao was known for his carefree and playful nature, Lan's behavior was somewhat restrained due to his mother's influence.

There was even an amusing backstory to Lan's name.

The Southern General had a stuttering speech impediment. On the eve of Lan's birth, he had been returning home in a carriage after falling asleep during the journey. In his slumber, he dreamt of navigating treacherous seas on a ship. The next day, upon hearing of his son's birth, he attempted to recount his dream but stammered out, "La... Lang... Lang... Lang Lang..."

The steward overheard and promptly declared, "The General has made a decision... My young master shall be named Lan Lang-Lang."

And so, Lan Lang-Lang acquired his unique name and gained notoriety for it. The distinction between "Lang" and "Lang-Lang" was as vast as heaven and earth, South and North.

"Xiao-Xiao, I heard you got quite inebriated last night," Lan's playful voice reached Cha Eun Xiao's ears before he entered the room. "Only someone as wise as me managed to leave early. Thank goodness I did, or else I might have been led astray by you playboys..."

Incensed by the nickname, Cha Eun Xiao retorted, "Lan Lang-Lang, you scoundrel! Cease calling me Xiao-Xiao, or I'll give you a thrashing!"

Lan nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, grinning mischievously as he entered the room. "Weren't you quite remarkable last night? You actually got yourself hopelessly drunk in a brothel... I have to admit, I admire that, my friend."

With an indignant snort, Cha Eun Xiao replied, "Humph! How did you find out? Did you send a spy to my house?"

Lan burst into laughter, replying, "I wouldn't waste my time spying on your wretched abode."

After exchanging a few light-hearted remarks, Cha Eun Xiao took a closer look at his best friend. Despite hailing from a well-off family, Lan had a frail physique. His clothes appeared oversized, but it was merely an illusion; he was exceptionally slim, with the robe seemingly hanging off his frame. There couldn't have been more than 100 grams of flesh on his entire body. His peculiar features included arched eyebrows, a flat nose, prominent lips, and naturally crossed eyes.

What caught Cha Eun Xiao's attention the most was the enormous, thick hat Lan wore, despite the sweltering weather. He soon learned from his newfound memories that this peculiar choice was due to a prior affliction with favus, a fungal infection that had led to significant hair loss, leaving him nearly bald. Hence, the hat served as both a necessity and a quirk.

With a resigned sigh, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but think, "Oh no... I've been reborn into a peculiar individual's body, and now I have to be friends with yet another eccentric!"

"My goodness..."

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