The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Pure Heavenly Crystal

Chapter 3: The Pure Heavenly Crystal


The Pure Heavenly Crystal . . .

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but marvel at the peculiar nature of the body's former owner, particularly when it came to his friend. It was evident that this fellow had an unruly and undisciplined personality, as evidenced by his decision to don a thick hat on a scorching day while proudly proclaiming himself a romantic.

"Come on, let's go!" exclaimed Lan Lang-Lang, punctuating his statement with hearty laughter and a comical grimace. "Last night, before I left, I spiked Zuo Wu-Ji's drink. I must check on him, just in case. That rascal has always been a thorn in our side, relentlessly opposing us. He's insufferable. After losing his father's jade ruyi, he was placed under house arrest for what felt like centuries. Only recently has he been released, and I won't let this opportunity pass me by..."

Cha Eun Xiao hesitated, considering his predicament with the poison. How could he be interested in accompanying someone like Lan Lang-Lang when he was preoccupied with such a pressing matter? However, a realization struck him. In his recollections, Zuo Wu-Ji was one of the disreputable friends he had been drinking with the night before. It was entirely possible that Zuo Wu-Ji had been the one who poisoned him.

As far as Cha Eun Xiao could remember, Zuo Wu-Ji was no less peculiar than the others. Despite being one of the "three lords" in town alongside Cha Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang, he always found reasons to oppose the other two, leading to frequent disputes and a lack of reconciliation among them. The term "three lords in town" was, in fact, used mockingly to describe them.

A local doggerel had even been composed to characterize them:

The three lords in town, how wonderful; They were short in businesses, but good at squandering their family fortunes; They had gold, and silver too, but gave it out for mirth; They had no faces, but they were foppish.

The Northern General, he had a son named Xiao; A dog mothered by tigers, was such a punk.

In the Southern General's House, was like a rough sea; The man who named Lang, was a black sheep;

The minister Zuo was talented, with a son named Wu-Ji, Who had mortgaged the jade ruyi; What he used the mortgage for was food, drinks, toys, and gals; He was such a lord, the top of the three!

Within this verse, there was mention of a jade ruyi, a valuable item. Zuo Wu-Ji, in his reckless spending, had run out of money a few days prior and had resorted to mortgaging a jade ruyi from his father's collection, which, while not exceedingly rare, was still a treasure worth at least 500 kilograms of gold. Zuo Wu-Ji had squandered it for a mere 50 kilograms of silver, leading to a severe reprimand from his father and establishing his reputation as the ultimate black sheep of the Kingdom of Chen.

Zuo Wu-Ji's extravagance had set him apart within the trio of lords, and he had become the most notorious figure among them. His reckless spending, unparalleled even by the others, had earned him this distinction.

"Come on!" urged Lan Lang-Lang, his excitement palpable, causing his crossed eyes to widen. He grabbed Cha Eun Xiao, pulling him out of the house with fervor.

The two dandies clambered into a carriage. Cha Eun Xiao was still adjusting to this newfound life of luxury, while Lan Lang-Lang peered through the raised curtain, enjoying the sights. He couldn't resist rubbing his lips and letting out a loud whistle. The sharp sound startled the women and girls on the street, sending them scurrying away in alarm.

During the carriage ride, Cha Eun Xiao suddenly sensed something unusual. This sensation caused his heart to race, a feeling he recognized well. It was a unique ability he had possessed for some time but had never fully understood. This ability allowed him to detect treasures and valuable items when they were nearby, causing his heart to race in response.

It was unexpected for Cha Eun Xiao to retain this ability even after his rebirth, but he couldn't deny its potential advantages in his new life.

However, his current confusion stemmed from the fact that they were in the mortal world, and he couldn't fathom what treasure could trigger this ability in such a place.

As they continued on their journey, the sensation grew stronger. When they finally came to a stop, Cha Eun Xiao felt that the treasure was right within arm's reach.

Stepping out of the carriage and looking up, he saw the words "Zuo Xiang Fu" written in gold on the gate of the House of the Minister.

The source of the unusual sensation was, in fact, within this house.


Upon their arrival, Zuo Wu-Ji greeted them with a volley of insults. "Lan Lang-Lang, you scoundrel! Did you drug me last night? Damn you! You nearly got me killed!"

Clearly, the resentment harbored by this individual towards Cha Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang had been etched into his very being, an indelible mark impossible to erase. Their playful banter had always been a constant between them, with neither side conceding defeat. While he himself had occasionally set traps for Cha Eun Xiao and Lan Lang-Lang, it had all been in good fun. He could scarcely believe that they had actually drugged him.

In the past, the trio of lords had been evenly matched, but now he had seemingly secured the title of the biggest loser, much to the amusement of the other two. Zuo Wu-Ji couldn't help but grind his teeth in frustration every time he laid eyes on them.

However, Cha Eun Xiao paid Zuo Wu-Ji no heed. He was fully engrossed in his observations, fixated on a particular table in the living room of the house.

Upon the table sat a simple white jade-bottomed case, and atop it rested a nondescript white stone. Its surface appeared coarse and unremarkable, save for a pair of intricately engraved fully spread wings.

To any casual observer, it might have appeared to be just another ordinary ornament within the House of the Minister, never recognized as anything of significant value. But Cha Eun Xiao was different; his focused gaze bore into it with unwavering intensity.

As he continued to examine the stone, a profound sense of delight began to wash over him.

"Yes! It is! I can't be mistaken! That's the Pure Heavenly Crystal! It's an actual treasure!"

He could hardly believe his fortune. So soon after his reincarnation, he had stumbled upon an incredible treasure.

The Pure Heavenly Crystal was not a mere legend; it was an existence rooted in the annals of history. It took a staggering ten thousand years to form and an additional thousand years to grow just one inch. Such a treasure was beyond the wildest dreams of those in the Qing-Yun Realm, let alone the denizens of the mortal world!

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