The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: You think you’re unreasonable? Watch me!!

Chapter 19: You think you’re unreasonable? Watch me!!

You think you're unreasonable? Watch me!!

Cha-Eun Xiao had nearly completed his shopping spree when he sensed a peculiar disturbance in the surrounding qi. It beckoned him, diverting his attention before he could even speak.

Following this unique qi signature, he traced it to a dusty box tucked away in a remote corner of the store. He inquired, "What is that?" while casually picking up the box.

The sales clerk, rather than attempting to embellish the item's value to secure a higher price, chose to be honest. He confessed, "Hmm… I have no idea, to be honest. Even our manager isn't sure. It might just be some strange weed, seemingly of little worth. The only peculiar thing about it is that it never withers. Despite being in the box for several years, it remains vividly green. Perhaps it has some use... but our staff doesn't really know."

Ordinarily, shopkeepers might flatter a customer's discerning eye and claim that they'd stumbled upon a treasure to maximize profits. However, this particular sales clerk had worked here long enough to develop keen intuition. Recognizing Cha-Eun Xiao's status based on his attire and demeanor, he wisely chose to speak the truth rather than risk potential trouble.

He understood clearly that individuals like Cha-Eun Xiao were not to be trifled with.

"Hmm? If it's useless, why do you keep it?" Cha-Eun Xiao queried, holding the box.

The sales clerk, showing signs of embarrassment, admitted, "We collected it several years ago... I've forgotten the details. In any case, we've been unable to sell it, so it's been relegated to a corner, gathering dust."

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded and then nonchalantly declared, "I'll take it. Give me a price."

Internally, he couldn't contain his elation. He thought, "What do you mean 'might just be some weird weed'? Or 'isn't something valuable'? And 'always stays green'? You ignorant fool! This is Heaven's Cyan!"

From a tiny sapling to a mighty tree, it required ten thousand years. To brew it into tea, the drinker could ascend to the heavens!

The Heaven's Cyan seedling grew an inch every five hundred years, requiring ten thousand years to develop fully. On the last day of this ten-thousand-year cycle, the sapling would rapidly grow into a one-foot diameter tree before returning to its usual rate of growth, an inch every five hundred years.

It needed neither sunlight nor water, nor was it affected by weather or seasons. It simply required a secluded space to naturally absorb qi from the air.

Few were aware of the existence of Heaven's Cyan, but Cha-Eun Xiao possessed extensive knowledge about it, even knowing what it looked like when it blossomed: the Tree of Cultivating Tea.

Regardless of one's cultivation level, even someone at the pinnacle of the Grade of Daoyuan, like Cha-Eun Xiao in his previous life, could accelerate their cultivation with Cultivating Tea.

In Cha-Eun Xiao's discerning eyes, the Heaven's Cyan in the box was over nine thousand years old, on the cusp of becoming a Tree of Cultivating Tea.

When he realized the value of this treasure, his astonishment knew no bounds. It was an exceedingly rare find, a treasure so precious that it was nearly priceless. In the Qing-Yun Realm, a single pot of Cultivating Tea was worth at least 100,000 Golden Crystals. The cost of an entire Tree of Cultivating Tea was beyond imagination.

However, even if someone discovered the Heaven's Cyan, it would require an entire ten thousand years to complete a single growth cycle and obtain its tea leaves. The question was, who in this world could live for ten thousand years?

In the heart of the Qing-Yun Realm, where the Tree of Cultivating Tea was a precious rarity, there existed a tale of an extraordinary encounter that Cha-Eun Xiao, a man of extraordinary luck, was destined to experience. It was a story about a unique botanical wonder known as the Heaven's Cyan, a mystical plant that had thrived for an astonishing five thousand years. Little did Cha-Eun Xiao know that his knowledge of this 'weird weed' would soon lead him on an unexpected journey.

As he stood in the midst of a low-grade mortal world, he couldn't help but be astounded. There, in the most unlikely of places, a nearly blossomed Heaven's Cyan quietly absorbed the life-giving qi of its surroundings. It was as if fate had presented him with an impossible opportunity, a chance to grasp the unattainable.

In the quaint little shop that held this botanical treasure, a curious salesclerk blinked in disbelief as Cha-Eun Xiao expressed his desire to purchase it. The salesclerk couldn't fathom why anyone would want such a humble plant, and he stammered, "You... You want to buy it? Well, it hasn't been priced yet. Are you sure you want it?"

Cha-Eun Xiao, equally perplexed, retrieved a note worth five silver bars from his pocket and offered it. "How about this? Is it enough for you?" he asked.

The salesclerk's eyes lit up with delight as he accepted the note. To him, this transaction felt like a small fortune for what he had considered an inconspicuous weed.

However, just as the deal seemed settled, a slow and weighty voice reverberated through the shop. "I will take it, for 50 silver bars," declared a silk-robed man who had entered with an air of authority. It was Mu Chen-Bai.

The salesclerk was dumbfounded. "A weed that has sat here untouched for three years, and now suddenly two customers want it, and they're even raising the price!" he mumbled to himself.

Claiming the role of the first interested party, Cha-Eun Xiao furrowed his brow, sensing that something was amiss. "Who is this guy?" he wondered silently. He had detected a strong undercurrent of hostility in Mu Chen-Bai's demeanor.

Mu Chen-Bai, unfazed, spoke coldly, "Just offer your price. As long as the deal isn't finalized, the highest bid prevails."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes gleamed with determination as he decided to play this escalating game of wits. "Five hundred silver bars," he declared.

Mu Chen-Bai countered swiftly, "Five thousand."

Undeterred, Cha-Eun Xiao raised the stakes once more, his voice dripping with resolve, "Fifty thousand."

Anyone who knew Cha-Eun Xiao well would have recognized the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. He was far from pleased with this unexpected turn of events.

With a smug grin, Mu Chen-Bai continued his relentless bid escalation. "Five hundred thousand."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Fifty thousand," he repeated firmly.

Mu Chen-Bai chuckled, relishing in the provocation. "Five million," he proclaimed, confident that his vast resources and status in the capital rendered any price reasonable.

Little did he know that Cha-Eun Xiao, driven by determination and a touch of fury, was about to make a statement. "Fifty million," he declared, his voice unwavering.

In this escalating war of bids, Mu Chen-Bai's confidence wavered for the first time. Yet, he remained resolute, determined to show that no matter the cost, he would not be bested. "Five hundred million," he announced, a glint of stubbornness in his eyes.

As the salesclerk watched in amazement, the battle of fortunes raged on, fueled by pride, rivalry, and a determination to possess the enigmatic Heaven's Cyan, even if it meant bidding with seemingly inexhaustible wealth that neither of them truly intended to part with.

However, right after Cha-Eun Xiao had voiced his defiance, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. An excruciating pain shot through his abdomen, contorting it into a concave shape. In a swift WHOOSH, he found himself propelled into the air, leaving him bewildered and disoriented. And then, as if the universe itself had decided to interject, a voice reverberated in his ears, echoing with indignation, "Fxxk your five! Hundred! Thousand!!"

Cha-Eun Xiao's blood boiled with fury, his once-calm demeanor giving way to unbridled rage. "How dare this scoundrel provoke me, the illustrious Xiao Monarch!" he seethed, his thoughts aflame with indignation.

Without a moment's hesitation, Cha-Eun Xiao unleashed a vicious kick squarely into Mu Cheng-Bai's unsuspecting abdomen. The force behind it was so tremendous that it sent Mu Cheng-Bai hurtling through the doorway, crashing through the portiere, and hurtling into the bustling street beyond.

The spectators could only marvel at the sheer audacity of the kick. In one moment, Mu Cheng-Bai had been conversing, and in the next, he found himself subjected to a resounding defeat, forcibly ejected from the establishment.

With a resounding PUFF, Mu Cheng-Bai made a forceful landing on the street, coincidentally landing atop a sizable basket of persimmons. Yellow pulp now adorned his person, covering him from head to toe. However, his descent didn't conclude there, as he rolled over, inadvertently introducing persimmon pulp into his mouth. At this point, it appeared as though he had decided to enjoy a hearty snack, sprawled out on the remnants of the toppled basket.

Mu Cheng-Bai, despite being a cultivator of some repute, had been caught entirely off guard by this girlishly effeminate-looking lord who had managed to astonish him with a kick of unparalleled force. The 'flight' he had just endured had left him not only physically battered but also profoundly embarrassed.

Even his retinue of guards stood rooted to the spot, utterly unable to respond as their master was propelled through the air like a rocket.

Suddenly, the shop's tranquility was shattered as a cascade of angry, unfiltered words erupted from outside. Cha-Eun Xiao, now completely incensed, raged vociferously, his words punctuated by resounding thuds as he continued to rain blows upon his hapless adversary.

"You dare! I won't let you get away with this! You think you can snatch it from me? You, you..." Cha-Eun Xiao's expletives filled the air, punctuated by the sounds of blows landing.

A moment earlier, his thoughts had been unequivocal. "This provocateur clearly came seeking confrontation. Whether he's aligned with Wang Da-Nian or the Crown Prince's Palace, or just a simpleton, it matters not! Today, I will teach him a lesson he won't soon forget, no matter his stature!"

With renewed vigor, Cha-Eun Xiao delivered yet another punishing kick to his opponent before seizing the coveted box. He hastily returned to the shop, leaving a 5 silver bars note on the counter as payment for the enigmatic weed. With the box secured, he dashed back to the street, planting his foot squarely on Mu Cheng-Bai's prone form and proceeding to deliver a flurry of punches, each striking with the ferocity of a tempest.

The first punch left Mu Cheng-Bai's left eye swollen and bruised, while the second mirrored its effect on the right. What had once been a man was now a panda, with a reddened nose and a mouth rendered dark from the blows.

Mu Cheng-Bai, a member of the younger generation from one of the eight noble clans, had achieved the cultivation level of Renyuan, though he was admittedly more adept in literary pursuits than martial arts. However, when Cha-Eun Xiao had unleashed his unexpected kick, Mu Cheng-Bai's primary qi had dispersed, rendering him powerless and sprawled in a pitiable state on the ground, unable to mount any resistance.

In a flurry of relentless punches, Cha-Eun Xiao pounded away at his adversary, rendering him incapable of uttering more than a single word. "You..." was all Mu Cheng-Bai managed to gasp before a brutal blow silenced him, the words he had intended to speak returning to the depths of his throat.

"Me? What about me! You brought this upon yourself, you scoundrel!" Lord Cha-Eun Xiao proclaimed, his spirits soaring high as he demonstrated his proclivity for rascally antics in the midst of a captivated crowd.

In this bustling street, Cha-Eun Xiao embodied the essence of a popular adage—when diplomacy fails, the actions of a scoundrel can be remarkably effective.josei

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