The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: You want to kill me? I will kill you!

Chapter 20: You want to kill me? I will kill you!

You want to kill me? I will kill you! ! !

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the bustling street, a palpable sense of excitement and curiosity enveloped the gathering crowd. Their chatter, like an orchestra tuning before a performance, gradually rose in volume as they clustered around the two combatants. In the midst of this unfolding spectacle, Cha Eun-Xiao, the young scion of the renowned General Cha, had become the focal point of animated discussions. Whispers and hushed exchanges spread like wildfire as individuals in the know quickly revealed his true identity to those in their proximity.

Amid the growing buzz, the voices of the onlookers painted a vivid picture of their reactions:

"Whoop! I could have sworn I recognized that figure. It turns out to be none other than young Lord Cha, General Cha's son."

"No wonder he's so ruthless. He rode that man like there was no tomorrow, relentless with his punches."

"Indeed, he's Cha Eun-Xiao, the young lord. For him, this is just another ordinary day, almost routine..."

"Absolutely right. It would be incredibly unusual, odd, and downright otherworldly if he didn't engage in a brawl. But who's the unfortunate fellow on the receiving end?"

"I haven't the faintest clue. Today must be his unluckiest day..."

As the gossip continued to ferment, the drama took an unexpected turn when the two guards of Mu Cheng-Bai arrived on the scene with furious howls. They plowed their way through the throng, fists clenched and directed towards Cha Eun-Xiao. Unfazed, Cha Eun-Xiao calmly glanced over his shoulder before decisively springing into the air, executing a swift and graceful aerial maneuver. In mid-flight, his right foot connected with one of the guards, producing an audible snap akin to breaking bones.

A piercing scream of agony emanated from the hapless guard, echoing through the street. Whether Cha Eun-Xiao had intended it or not, upon landing, his foot landed with pinpoint precision on Mu Cheng-Bai's most sensitive area.

Mu Cheng-Bai's pained cries reverberated through the crowd, creating a vivid tableau of his suffering. He curled into a fetal position, resembling a prawn, tears streaming down his face, snot dribbling from his nose, and his visage contorted in sheer torment.

On the other side of the street, Cha Eun-Xiao had already initiated a skirmish with the two guards. While the Mu clan boasted an abundance of expert cultivators, there was no doubting their prowess. However, Mu Cheng-Bai, accustomed to relying on his influence to resolve matters, had brought along only two sycophantic guards. While they were Renyuan-grade cultivators, they lagged behind Mu Cheng-Bai in terms of skill. His intention had been merely to take a leisurely stroll, and he hadn't anticipated the need for heavy protection. After all, all three of them were of the same Renyuan grade, which typically sufficed for common situations.

Yet, Mu Cheng-Bai had gravely miscalculated, for he had unwittingly encountered Cha Eun-Xiao, an unreasonably foppish young lord imbued with astonishing strength. Consequently, Mu Cheng-Bai bore the brunt of a severe thrashing this time.

Amidst this chaotic confrontation, Cha Eun-Xiao couldn't help but ponder inquisitively, "What's happening here? Why are these guards so ineffectual, despite their facade of skilled cultivators—firm strides, keen gazes, and robust physiques?"

Just as curiosity gnawed at Cha Eun-Xiao, a voice, now exhausted and abashed, erupted from behind him, urgently shouting, "Go, get him! Beat him up! If he dies, I'll take the blame!" The once calm and resonant voice had undergone a startling transformation.

Mu Cheng-Bai stood as the embodiment of the youthful lineage within the venerable Mu clan, even though his direct lineage was not of noble descent, his life had flowed like a tranquil river, untouched by the torrents of adversity. Within the Kingdom of Chen, his status as the crown prince's elder cousin ensured that his every desire was readily fulfilled. A formidable clan's robust backing safeguarded his position, rendering him an unassailable figure in the eyes of those who knew better.

But how could he possibly endure such a grave dishonor?

On this fateful day, Cha-Eun Xiao had vanquished him with a swiftness akin to a father chastising an errant child. Despite his customary sagacity, an overwhelming tide of rage had inundated Mu Cheng-Bai's normally rational mind.

What made it all the more galling was the knowledge that he had been defeated by Cha-Eun Xiao, a figure often dismissed as a foolish dandy. This knowledge compounded his sense of humiliation, and he found himself lamenting, "When news of today's events inevitably permeates the capital... the entire kingdom will soon learn that I, the esteemed young Lord Mu, was soundly thrashed by one of the three foppish lords, Cha-Eun Xiao... How can I hope to endure the crushing shame that will undoubtedly follow?"

As soon as the order was issued, the guards metamorphosed into fierce warriors.

Truth be told, they were deeply disconcerted by the recent turn of events. In their eyes, Cha-Eun Xiao was nothing more than a buffoon with impractical movements, feeble punches, and a glaring lack of resolve. Yet, for some unfathomable reason, they found themselves incapable of landing even a single blow on him. These seasoned guards had been pushed to the brink of their capabilities time and time again, leaving them in a state of profound despondency.

Nevertheless, now that they had received their master's orders, they were prepared to go to great lengths to subdue Cha-Eun Xiao.

With a swift, metallic *shiiing*, they drew their gleaming swords, the blades capturing the sunlight and casting radiant reflections. Their movements were fluid and precise as they honed in on Cha-Eun Xiao with their razor-sharp weapons.

The first blade zeroed in on Cha-Eun Xiao's throat, its path deceptively altering course thrice to confound its intended target. Simultaneously, the second sword targeted Cha-Eun Xiao's waist, leaving him no avenue for evasion.

The two swords moved in perfect synchrony as they slashed menacingly toward Cha-Eun Xiao. Their allegiance to the General's House mattered little to them; their sole objective was to dismantle this foppish lord.

In the eyes of Mu clan members, extinguishing the life of a mere general's offspring in the mortal realm was as ordinary as a Monday morning ritual.

His status held absolutely no sway over their judgment.

"In this bustling marketplace, the crowd of onlookers has swelled to an overwhelming multitude. It's as though they've circled around us, eagerly anticipating the unfolding spectacle. Those three individuals can easily disregard this commotion, thanks to their backing by the royal forces, but I...I can't," Cha-Eun Xiao mused, his thoughts a tempest of conflicting emotions. "Yet, the burning desire to exact vengeance surges within me..."

As he contemplated his predicament, a sudden resolve seized him. With the fluidity of a fish navigating the ocean's depths, he gracefully pivoted his body and slipped away from the confrontation. Simultaneously, he raised his voice to a crescendo, bellowing, "MURDER!!! HELP!!!" His feet propelled him in a frenzied sprint away from the scene.

Cha-Eun Xiao fled with unsteady steps, his demeanor now betraying fear rather than pride. In this moment, the prospect of embarrassment paled in comparison to the gravity of his situation. Reaching the nearest street corner, he swiftly vanished from sight, opting for escape over decorum. Curiously, he appeared disoriented, unwittingly veering westward, away from the sanctuary of the General's House.

He had chosen to distance himself from safety, fleeing in the opposite direction.

"You two are utterly inept! Pursue him, now!" Mu Cheng-Bai seethed with fury as he repeated his command. Although he had managed to regain his footing, his grasp on his lower region remained vice-like, the pain unabated. His facial muscles contorted in spasms, and his breaths came in ragged gasps.

The profound loss of face he had suffered fueled his determination to apprehend Cha-Eun Xiao at any cost. Never before had he endured such a public humiliation.

The guards, stung by the indignity inflicted upon them by this foppish lord, wasted no time in pursuit.

Mu Cheng-Bai, notwithstanding the smoldering agony in his crotch, followed closely behind his two guards. In a matter of seconds, the tumultuous altercation had vanished, with both aggressor and victim fleeing the scene, leaving the spectators bewildered.

Only after a while did the onlookers regain their composure, and conversations erupted anew. "Undoubtedly, he's one of the 'three foppish lords' brawl in the street, before the public, as though it were some kind of honor."

"That man who was beaten, he didn't seem like an innocent party either. He actually intended to kill someone in broad daylight, right here on the street."

"He didn't just intend, he was actively pursuing it. If Lord Ye hadn't made his escape in the nick of time, he might have been reduced to a gruesome sight..."

"I've had my fill of this for the year. The world these lords inhabit is truly beyond our comprehension..."

Meanwhile, Wang Xiao-Nian had been amongst the spectators, a sly grin playing on his lips.

He thought with disdain, "Humph, Cha-Eun Xiao, you remain oblivious to the peril you've courted and the formidable adversary you've challenged. In the end, you're nothing but a lost cause! Not even your father's return could salvage you now. To these individuals, your life holds no value whatsoever!"

With a malevolent smile curling his lips, Wang Xiao-Nian turned away and silently departed. He had no intention of trailing after these four men to witness Cha-Eun Xiao's inevitable demise. First and foremost, he lacked the means to do so, and secondly, he had no desire to become entangled in the murder of Cha-Eun Xiao.

The General Ye might not possess the means to confront Mu Cheng-Bai, but he could certainly hold Wang Xiao-Nian accountable for his actions.

Hence, even though Wang Xiao-Nian reveled in the satisfaction bubbling within him, he dared not utter a word. His mind was already racing with thoughts of how to ensure that Mu Cheng Bai wouldn't implicate him in this turbulent affair.


Cha-Eun Xiao traversed the labyrinthine streets and alleys, appearing to flee in a haphazard fashion. Yet, his route selection was far from arbitrary; he deliberately wove through increasingly deteriorating surroundings. Ahead lay the city slum—a desolate expanse of ruins.

Beyond this urban wasteland stood a relatively sizable hill, and beyond the hill sprawled a dense forest. On the far side of the forest, a tranquil lake shimmered. These were the deliberate creations of mankind in Chen-Xing City—a triumvirate of natural features: a hill, a forest, and a lake.

The three relentless pursuers, however, exhibited a determination bordering on unyielding resolve, their attitude communicating, "We will chase you to the highest heavens and the deepest abyss!"

Unbeknownst to them, the closer they drew to Cha-Eun Xiao, the nearer they inched toward their own demise.

As Cha-Eun Xiao fled, he gradually amassed a palpable aura of deadly intent.


Cha-Eun Xiao had an innate sense that the man he had just pummeled was no ordinary individual. While he couldn't place a name or face to the man, his instincts cautioned against acting rashly. He had no inclination to invite needless trouble, and although his blows had been merciless, they had not harbored lethal intent.

However, Mu Cheng-Bai harbored a fervent desire to end Cha-Eun Xiao's life. josei

The two guards had already committed to a lethal offensive.

Typically, Cha-Eun Xiao would dispatch his adversaries—especially those intent on taking his life—with ruthless efficiency. "You wish to kill me? I shall reciprocate!"

Hence, he had deliberately chosen a circuitous route, leading his pursuers to this secluded location.

Pretending extreme exhaustion, Cha-Eun Xiao reached the hill's summit, feigning vulnerability. He appeared on the brink of collapse, a facade of weakness. The three men perceived their own eagerness to end this foppish lord's life surging to new heights.

"You scoundrel, you've run out of escape routes at last!"

"We could have killed you in the heart of a bustling street, and now you've guided us to this desolation? Fear not, for we dare to end you here. Fool! You've gravely erred by taking this path—your route to damnation!"

Descending the hill, Cha-Eun Xiao surveyed his surroundings. To his satisfaction, the three men were correct; there was nary a sign of another soul in the vicinity. "Indeed, this is the perfect place to dispose of their bodies, unnoticed by anyone," he thought with a sinister smile.

Dusk cast its shadow as Cha-Eun Xiao arrived at this desolate spot.

Finally, he ceased his feigned tottering and abruptly accelerated, becoming a streak, an arrow cutting through the air. The whoosh of displaced leaves heralded his entry into the forest.

The two guards hastened in pursuit, their urgency palpable. Yet, as they ventured deeper into the woods, disquiet gnawed at their hearts. An unsettling sensation crept in, and when they turned their gaze in Cha-Eun Xiao's direction, they were utterly stupefied.

The foppish lord, who had initially resembled a stray dog, now stood before them, an embodiment of calm composure. His countenance exuded an eerie ease, unsettling his pursuers.

Cha-Eun Xiao clasped both hands behind his back, his lips curling into a disdainful smile. With a calculated nod, he delivered his chilling words, "Impressive, gentlemen. You've dutifully carried out your orders, obediently chasing me to this remote location on your master's command.'s journey is long and arduous, scorching in the sun and freezing in the snow. It's rife with obstacles and thorny brambles. To live as you do is a true ordeal. Why not allow me to alleviate the suffering that is your existence and bring it to an end?"

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