The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Your Father Is A Peerless Figure!

Chapter 76: Your Father Is A Peerless Figure!

Your Father Is A Peerless Figure! . . .

This was a remarkable evening, marking the first time the four of them had gathered for dinner since the engagement of the young couple, Cha-Eun Xiao and Su Ye-Yue.

As Prince Hua-Yang savored a couple of drinks, he couldn't help but let out a heartfelt sigh. "If your father were here, this occasion would be truly perfect..."

Princess Hua-Yang, seated beside him, nodded in quiet agreement.

There was an observable shift in Prince Hua-Yang's demeanor towards Cha-Eun Xiao. At least for now, the lingering aversion had given way to a more favorable disposition. Cha-Eun Xiao's recent actions had played a role in this transformation, most notably the gift of the exquisite spear he had presented to Prince Hua-Yang before the latter embarked on his upcoming battle.

Indeed, such a gesture was far from typical for a young man of his age.

Prince Hua-Yang reflected on their families' enduring bond. "Our families have shared a close connection over the years," he began. "Yet, we've rarely had the opportunity to share a proper meal together. Your father has remained vigilant in guarding the northern borders, seldom returning to the capital. Meanwhile, I have been stationed in the capital, unable to leave even for a single day. Whenever your father does return, it signifies my departure to other regions..."

Su Ding-Guo, Prince Hua-Yang, wore a gentle smile as he continued, "When your father's return heralds peace in the north, I must shift my focus to urgent matters in other parts of the kingdom. It falls upon me to attend to these crucial tasks." josei

He cast a knowing look in Cha-Eun Xiao's direction. "Though it may sound somewhat arrogant to declare that only I can manage these responsibilities, it is a reality. Your father is certainly capable, but he has a penchant for leisure. He never squanders a minute of his precious vacation time."

Cha-Eun Xiao remained quietly dignified, his attention directed toward his meal and drink.

Observing her father and then stealing glances at Cha-Eun Xiao, Su Ye-Yue couldn't conceal the warmth in her smile. Her thoughts appeared to be lost in something tender, causing her cheeks to take on a charming shade of red.

Raising his cup, Cha-Eun Xiao offered a toast to Prince Hua-Yang and posed a thoughtful question, "I'm curious about how you and my father became such close friends."

For a fleeting moment, Su Ding-Guo's eyes were veiled with nostalgia, as if lost in a distant reverie. He responded with a gentle tone, "Your father... truly is a remarkable figure."

Cha-Eun Xiao, taken aback by the term 'remarkable,' contemplated its weight. 'Remarkable' was not a word one casually tossed around.

Cha-Eun Xiao's own criteria for 'remarkable' applied to only a select few individuals in both the Land of Han-Yang and the Qing-Yun Realm.

However, he mused, "Even if he's considered remarkable only within the Land of Han-Yang..."

"As a prince of this kingdom, I have encountered many distinguished individuals. I possess some insight into greatness. Yet, even after all these years, your father remains an enigma. It's as if he emerged from the shadows... and regards the world from a unique vantage point."

Prince Hua-Yang's voice carried a deep yearning for times gone by.

Following these sentiments, he directed an irate gaze at Cha-Eun Xiao, his tone suddenly shifting to frustration. "You, you insensible fool, have never truly comprehended the extent of your father's sacrifices on your behalf. You remain blissfully unaware of the sacrifices he has made for you! You ungrateful, foolish rascal! You unappreciative young troublemaker! You scoundrel!"

Cha-Eun Xiao was left utterly speechless.

"What in the world is going on with him?" he wondered. "We were enjoying our meal, drinks, and heartwarming conversation, praising my father... and now he's unleashing his anger at me out of nowhere... I even gifted him a 750,000-silver-bar spear! This old man has actually cursed at me! Could he be drunk, or perhaps he took some odd potion?"

Princess Hua-Yang couldn't hide her dissatisfaction with her husband's harsh words. She intervened, her voice carrying a note of admonition. "You... please choose your words more carefully. Why resort to cursing?" She frowned and continued, "Especially in front of the young ones, let's maintain our decorum. You are a prince, after all..."

Prince Hua-Yang, seemingly unapologetic, responded defiantly, "Decorum? Spare me the talk of decorum! What good is my princely title without his father? I would have perished long ago! What use is dignity to a dead man?"

He struck the table for emphasis and pointed accusingly at Cha-Eun Xiao. "You little rascal! You might seem somewhat improved now, but recalling the wretched brat you used to be, I can't help but wish to tear you limb from limb! And then, I'd feed your... parts to the dogs!"

A deep blush colored the cheeks of both Prince Hua-Yang and Su Ye-Yue as they averted their eyes, clearly embarrassed by the unexpected outburst.

[What in the world did the old man just say? He actually talked about feeding his own son-in-law's... parts to the dogs... How absurd!]

Cha-Eun Xiao stood in stunned silence, completely at a loss.

[Why... Why is he so emotional?]

Cha-Eun Xiao knew that the previous occupant of his body hadn't been a saint, but even so, he was just a teenager. Could he really have been that terrible to warrant such vehement curses?

In Prince Hua-Yang's eyes, Cha-Eun Xiao was now the embodiment of misfortune, and his emotional outburst left Cha-Eun Xiao feeling like a pariah.

Prince Hua-Yang eventually halted his tirade and let out a deep sigh.

"In those days..." It was evident that he was reliving the past once more.

"That year, I led our forces against the Kingdom of Lan-Feng. Our aim was to rescue our beleaguered thirty thousand brethren, so we launched a daring attack on the enemy's troops. Unbeknownst to us, Lan-Feng had set a deadly trap, awaiting our arrival. What I did was effectively lead our soldiers to their doom..."

Prince Hua-Yang's voice trembled as he recalled the fateful events.

"When it seemed like our demise was inevitable, a masked figure in white descended from the heavens, wielding only a sword. He landed amidst the three hundred thousand Lan-Feng soldiers and guided me in carving a path to freedom."

"Thanks to this extraordinary cultivator's intervention, I survived. More importantly, if he hadn't appeared, my leadership would have crumbled, and the title of 'Invincible Military God' would have been a laughingstock."

"On that day, the sun painted the sky with crimson hues. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers clashed in the ultimate battle of the war." He gazed out the window at the sky as he spoke softly. "The earth was soaked in blood, and every combatant, on both sides, had been driven to madness by the relentless slaughter. In the midst of that chaos, a voice, impatient and resolute, resounded: 'Who is Su Ding-Guo?'"

"Though the voice came from a distance, it carried across the entire battlefield. You must understand, this was a conflict involving hundreds of thousands of individuals. Even thunder would have been drowned out. Yet, this voice silenced all combatants at once!"

"I was among my troops, and I suspected there was a formidable cultivator among the enemy ranks, seeking to kill me and capture my flag. Despite knowing my odds of victory were slim, I couldn't afford to show weakness before my men. So, I responded with resolve, 'I am Su Ding-Guo! Reveal your name! I don't kill those without names!'"

As Prince Hua-Yang recounted these memories, it was as though he had been transported back to the horrific battle. His voice quivered, and his features contorted with a mix of terror and trauma.

Concerned for her father, Su Ye-Yue reached out to hold his hand for comfort.

Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, Prince Hua-Yang chuckled. "But really... 'I don't kill those without names'? It was mere bravado. In that single battle, I ended the lives of over a thousand men, none of whose names I knew. My words were an attempt to bolster my own courage. The adversary I faced was unlike any I had ever encountered, a level of strength I had never imagined. While generals shouldn't fear death in battle, facing such a formidable foe left me truly terrified..."

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a newfound fondness for his father-in-law, who had opened up and shared his innermost thoughts and humiliating experiences with them.

"...And then," Prince Hua-Yang continued with a gleam in his eye, "that voice declared, 'You are Su Ding-Guo? Excellent. Allow me to bestow upon you a gift.' Suddenly, I beheld a luminous streak from the mountaintop, a streak of such brilliance that it appeared to outshine the sun itself. The light grew larger and larger, longer and longer, mightier and mightier... until it reached the very midst of the battlefield!"

His storytelling had captured the rapt attention of his audience, particularly Su Ye-Yue, who couldn't help but blush at her father's enthusiastic retelling of this momentous event.

[What an incorrigible old man,] she thought with an affectionate smile. She glanced at Prince Hua-Yang and playfully chided, "Father, do you always have to share the most scandalous parts of your stories?"

Prince Hua-Yang chuckled heartily, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, my dear daughter, those are the moments that make the tales memorable!" He then winked at Cha-Eun Xiao, who had been listening intently.

Cha-Eun Xiao, in the midst of processing the vivid description of the sword light, couldn't suppress a slight grin. His father-in-law's storytelling was certainly one-of-a-kind.

[Longer and longer? Bigger and bigger? Harder and harder...]

He couldn't help but glance at his own lower region before coughing discreetly and raising his cup. "Remarkable! Truly remarkable!" he commended, taking a sip of his drink.

Prince Hua-Yang, lost in his reminiscences, continued, seemingly oblivious to the unintended double entendre. "That sword technique cleaved through the enemy ranks as effortlessly as one would crush dry weeds and splinter rotten wood!" His voice was filled with awe as he spoke, "You often hear the phrase 'crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood' used to describe how an army defeats its foes with ease. But on that day, I witnessed the embodiment of that phrase—a peerless expert in action!"

He paused, his expression deeply contemplative. "After that devastating stroke, thousands lay fallen at his feet, yet he remained unperturbed. To my astonishment, his attire remained immaculate and unsullied amid the carnage!"

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