The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Questions About His Parents

Chapter 77: Questions About His Parents

Questions About His Parents . . .

Prince Hua-Yang's voice resonated with unwavering passion, his face flushed with excitement as he recounted the events that had left an indelible mark on his life.

"Blood trickled across the blade of his sword," he declared, his eyes glittering with the intensity of his memories. "Each drop formed a crimson cascade, falling to the ground like a macabre rain. His gaze, sharp as honed steel, bore into me as he inquired, 'Su Ding-Guo, I can singlehandedly turn the tide of this battle, but in exchange, you must grant me a favor. What say you?' Without hesitation, I replied, 'As long as you can secure victory, you may even claim my head!' The man in white nodded, saying, 'Very well. Follow me.'"

Prince Hua-Yang's narrative held the room in rapt attention as he painted a vivid picture of that fateful day.

"Our dialogue contained not a single superfluous word. Without hesitation, he led the charge into the heart of the enemy formation. We fought relentlessly, our movements a chaotic dance across the battlefield. Employing extraordinary martial skills, he deftly redirected the flow of battle, rallying my scattered troops under his command. From start to finish, the man in black remained unwavering in his pursuit, his blade a relentless storm of death."

He paused, his eyes softening with reverence. "That man in white was your father, Cha Nan-Tian!"

The revelation stirred emotions within Cha-Eun Xiao. "Do you mean my father saved you for my sake?"

Prince Hua-Yang couldn't help but smirk at the astute deduction. "Well, it seems there's hope for you yet! Indeed, it was for your sake. Once we had broken free from the encirclement, before I could even express my gratitude, he said, 'Now that I've fulfilled my part of the bargain, it's time for you to honor yours. I require your Seven Hearts Nine Seeds Dreamy Lotus.' Despite being covered in more than fifty wounds from the battle, he showed no concern for his own injuries as he made his request."

Cha-Eun Xiao's astonishment was evident. The significance of the Seven Hearts Nine Seeds Dreamy Lotus dawned on him.

[The Seven Hearts Nine Seeds Dreamy Lotus—an invaluable remedy for congenital afflictions.]

He had been afflicted since birth, suffering from poisoning, and enduring damage to his Jing and Mai. His infancy had been marked by frailty and life-threatening conditions.

This rare lotus was the solution—a miraculous cure that was not only precious but exceptionally rare. The name "Dreamy Lotus" stemmed from its elusive nature, often thought to exist only in dreams.

Prince Hua-Yang chuckled as he continued, "I stumbled upon it by sheer chance during a battle on a snow-covered mountain. Buried beneath an avalanche, I uncovered the Seven Hearts Nine Seeds Dreamy Lotus once I managed to dig my way out. Although I had treasured it dearly, after that fateful fight, I had no hesitation in saying, 'You may have it!'"

Returning to the capital, his first act had been to send the precious lotus to Cha Nan-Tian. "It was this very gesture," Su Ding-Guo said with warmth in his smile, "that solidified the bond of friendship between your father and me."

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a profound appreciation for his father's actions.

[My father accomplished something truly remarkable—a lone warrior battling his way through a sea of enemies to secure the cure for his ailing son. The title of 'peerless figure' is well-deserved.]

The image of Cha Nan-Tian fighting relentlessly within a massive encirclement with just a solitary sword left Cha-Eun Xiao's heart surging with pride.

"What your father did for you," Prince Hua-Yang gazed at Cha-Eun Xiao with a mix of exasperation and concern, "was beyond extraordinary. He was consumed by worry for your well-being, willing to sacrifice everything for your sake. Yet, here you are..." He trailed off, sighing deeply, the disappointment palpable in his eyes.

The memory of Cha Nan-Tian's heroic deeds weighed heavily on Prince Hua-Yang's mind, casting a somber shadow over their celebratory gathering.

Cha-Eun Xiao took a deep breath, a sense of empathy washing over him. Though he wasn't the subject of Prince Hua-Yang's criticism, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the emotions that 'Cha eun Xiao' should have felt in this moment.

[In my previous life... If only I could have had a father like that, someone who would selflessly sacrifice everything for his son... How happy and fulfilled I would have been,] he mused, reflecting on the missed opportunities of his past existence.

As his thoughts coalesced, a new question emerged from the depths of Cha-Eun Xiao's mind. What about his mother? The mere mention of 'mother' stirred a curious mix of warmth and loneliness within him. Despite living two lifetimes as a man, the memory of his mother still held a special place in his heart.

[My mother... Such a warm feeling, yet tinged with a trace of longing... I've never met my parents in either life. I never knew who gave birth to me, and I remained ignorant even in death. But now, I must have a mother, right? I should have one!]

Prince Hua-Yang's expression darkened as he spoke in a subdued tone. "I'm afraid I can't provide an answer. I never had the chance to meet your mother, and your father never mentioned her."

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback. He had long assumed that his mother was no longer alive, but Prince Hua-Yang's response hinted at hidden complexities surrounding her absence.

[Nobody has ever spoken of my mother in my presence. My father never mentioned her... If she had passed away, why would everyone keep silent about her? There's something mysterious here.]

He chose not to press further, but the matter left an indelible impression on him.

After a brief pause, Su Ding-Guo continued his narrative. The Seven Hearts Nine Seeds Dreamy Lotus had played a significant role, but it wasn't solely responsible for Cha Nan-Tian's miraculous recovery. Under Su Ding-Guo's recommendation, Cha Nan-Tian sought an audience with the king of the Kingdom of Chen. In exchange for the kingdom's most potent medicine, Cha Nan-Tian had to become a sworn brother to the king and guard the northern border for two decades. The medicine, with its extraordinary properties, succeeded in restoring Cha-Eun Xiao to full health.

The story, though familiar to Cha-Eun Xiao through earlier accounts, continued to stir emotions within him. A father's sacrifice for his son was a powerful testament to love and devotion.

Yet, beyond the initial excitement, Cha-Eun Xiao's inquisitive nature led him to ponder the mystery of the Dreamy Lotus's limitations. The lotus was renowned for its curative properties, capable of vanquishing any poison or ailment in the Land of Han-Yang. However, its effects on him had been less transformative than expected. This discrepancy hinted at an extraordinary condition—one that might originate from realms beyond their own.

[Could it be that my father, mother, and even the steward are not natives of the Land of Han-Yang? Perhaps they hail from a higher realm...]

As he contemplated the pieces of his family's puzzle, Cha-Eun Xiao's focus shifted to Prince Hua-Yang's revelations. The recollection of Cha Nan-Tian's valiant battle and selfless actions left him awestruck.

"An incredible feat indeed," Cha-Eun Xiao remarked, his admiration for his father evident. "To think that my father could accomplish such a remarkable act—a solitary warrior, fighting his way through countless adversaries to secure a cure for his ailing son. He truly deserves the title of 'peerless figure.'"

The image of Cha Nan-Tian single-handedly slicing through the encirclement with just a sword in hand stirred a profound sense of pride within Cha-Eun Xiao.

Prince Hua-Yang, however, was not done with the narrative. He revealed that after the battle, a new prince named Prince Hua-Yang had emerged in the kingdom—Su Ding-Guo. Due to his immense contributions, it was only fitting that he received a royal title. However, this momentous development remained hidden from the public eye, and a secret of even greater significance lingered.

"To become the king's sworn brother naturally resulted in a princely title. Yet, your father adamantly refused this honor," Prince Hua-Yang recounted, his tone tinged with melancholy. "In the end, the king had no choice but to decree that the title be reserved for your clan within the royal family records. This was a secret that no one ever disclosed."

The revelation held a sense of intrigue, adding yet another layer of complexity to Cha Nan-Tian's already enigmatic life story.

Prince Hua-Yang chuckled heartily, his voice carrying a tone of amusement as he broke the news to the small gathering. "You see, in the eyes of the people, there's only one prince with a different surname in our kingdom. Yet, the reality is quite different. There are two of us, and we both received our titles simultaneously."

The revelation elicited smiles from those gathered around the table. It was a delightful secret shared among them, a testament to the bonds of brotherhood that extended beyond blood.

As the conversation drew to a close, Su Ding-Guo, fueled by another cup of liquor, gently tapped Cha-Eun Xiao on the shoulder. His words, while soft, carried the weight of a father's hopes and expectations. "Xiao Xiao, my boy, remember this. Don't ever disappoint your father."

He continued, his voice taking on a comforting tone. "I've observed a significant change in you in recent days. You've shed the frivolity of your past self. It's a welcome transformation, my son."

With the dinner winding down, Prince Hua-Yang succumbed to the effects of the alcohol and decided to retire for the night, his wife dutifully accompanying him. Left alone at the table were Su Ye-Yue and Cha-Eun Xiao.

Inwardly, Cha-Eun Xiao had the urge to return home. He had achieved what he had come for and felt that there was no need to prolong his stay. The most pressing matter at hand was to address his newly acquired Divine Weapon with Demonic Edge. josei

"Ahem, I think it's time for me to take my leave," Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled nervously, his hand lightly touching his head. After enduring a night of criticism, he felt as though he had willingly subjected himself to a form of torture.

"What did you say? You're leaving?" At first, Su Ye-Yue blushed and appeared demure, a picture of a bashful lady. However, when she heard Cha-Eun Xiao's intention to depart, she abruptly shifted gears, her demeanor becoming assertive. "What's this? You were perfectly content being critiqued by my father all night, and now, when you're alone with me, you suddenly want to leave? Hmph, you'll have to move if you dare!"

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but sigh in resignation. "Please, my dear lady..."

"A 'dear lady' won't save you!" Her words carried a playful bite as she rested her hands on her hips, feigning indignation. Evidently, she was reaching for the whip gifted to her by Cha Nan-Tian—the infamous husband-disciplining tool.

With a hint of amusement, Cha-Eun Xiao conceded defeat. "Alright, alright. I didn't actually want to leave. I just wanted to see if you'd ask me to stay."

"Humph!" She didn't seem entirely convinced but was satisfied that Cha-Eun Xiao would remain. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she proposed a plan. "Let's head to the backyard. They say a smart man and a beautiful girl, beneath the moon and amidst the flowers, share a certain... amorous connection. Well, you know what I mean."

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but groan and hold his forehead. Deep within his heart, he sighed in resignation.

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