The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: The Unruly Smiling Lord

Chapter 85: The Unruly Smiling Lord

The Unruly Smiling Lord . . .

Meng Zi-Xiao's life and his journey as a government official had been fraught with obstacles, or so he believed. He harbored a deep-seated conviction that these hurdles were the machinations of Cha Nan-Tian, calculated to make him suffer and thwart his ambitions.

In the present moment, as he sat amidst the opulence of the Crown Prince's Palace, Meng Zi-Xiao saw an opportunity for retribution. With Cha-Eun Xiao isolated and seemingly vulnerable, he had seized the moment to redirect the conversation, all the while nursing past grievances.

He cunningly navigated the discourse to an inescapable juncture, intent on settling a score. Meng Zi-Xiao aimed to confront Cha-Eun Xiao as a means to subdue Cha Nan-Tian, thereby influencing the Crown Prince to form a profoundly negative opinion of the Cha Clan. In this calculated gambit, he aspired to lay the foundation for the eventual extermination of the entire Cha Clan when the Crown Prince ascended to the throne—an ambition akin to divine providence materializing.

As the verbal challenge unfolded, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself in a precarious position. He bristled with indignation, unable to suppress the mounting pressure. Engaging in a confrontation would offend the Crown Prince, a dangerous course of action tantamount to treason. And yet, to remain silent in the face of such a slanderous tirade was equally intolerable.

Unbeknownst to Meng Zi-Xiao, Cha-Eun Xiao had little regard for the Crown Prince and, therefore, felt no compulsion to appease him. Furthermore, Meng Zi-Xiao was oblivious to the integral role Cha Nan-Tian played in the king's affairs, which only heightened the potential peril of his provocations.

Cha-Eun Xiao responded with a mixture of laughter and scorn. "Meng Zi-Xiao, an insignificance in your own right," he retorted. "It is not within your purview to determine my intellect, judge my intentions, or cast aspersions upon the royal authority. You are bereft of the privilege to pass judgment on a distinguished general or myself. Who do you presume yourself to be? Rest assured, if you dare besmirch my family's honor once more, your lifeless body will grace the capital's streets. Perhaps not tomorrow, but perhaps even now!"

"As for General Ye," he continued with a sardonic smile, "I cannot vouch for his character, but one thing is certain: a man of your caliber is worth less than the lowliest beast or bird in his presence. 'A man worse than a beast' is a description that befits you perfectly."

With an air of nonchalance, Cha-Eun Xiao fixed his gaze on Meng Zi-Xiao. "If someone seeks to question my actions," he declared, "they should be astute and judicious in their approach. However, you, a mere speck of insignificance and refuse, dare to raise your voice against me? It is nothing short of absurd—an immense jest. A wretch who knows not the virtue of showing deference to his superiors. No wonder you were deemed unfit for the king's service."

"This is the epitome of 'dog meat can never grace the table,'" Cha-Eun Xiao sneered. "In fact, calling you a dog would be an affront to canines themselves. Do you truly believe that by groveling at someone's feet, they will bestow upon you the scraps of their favor?"

He then turned his attention to the issue of threats. "Even the Crown Prince himself has not dared to threaten me," Cha-Eun Xiao pointed out. "He extended an invitation for a dignified conversation over dinner. And yet, you, a pitiful wretch, have chosen the path of intimidation. Do you hold yourself in higher regard than our esteemed Crown Prince? Spare us your impotent threats and resign yourself to a subservient role!"

With that resounding shout, the entire hall fell silent, the weight of Cha-Eun Xiao's words hanging heavily in the air. Nobody could have anticipated that this seemingly frivolous Smiling Lord, one of the "three foppish lords," would suddenly erupt in such a manner during a banquet hosted by the Crown Prince himself. His fiery diatribe was akin to a thunderclap in the tranquil palace.

Meng Zi-Xiao's visage had transformed into a furious shade of purple, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and humiliation. In this pivotal moment, the maelstrom of emotions he experienced nearly drove him to consider a dire act of self-harm.

Cha-Eun Xiao's words, though laced with a veiled threat, bore the unmistakable imprint of his intentions. With a touch of ruthless mockery, he even likened Meng Zi-Xiao to a dog, one undeserving of its master's favor—a biting insult that cut through the air.

Inside, Meng Zi-Xiao seethed with fury, his inner tempest threatening to erupt. If circumstances allowed, he might have contemplated tearing Cha-Eun Xiao apart, a visceral release for his mounting rage. Yet, in reality, he could only harbor such thoughts, for he lacked the audacity to act upon them.

Firstly, he was the scion of a renowned general, a connection fraught with implications that demanded caution. Secondly, they were in the Crown Prince's residence, amid a sumptuous feast hosted by the Crown Prince himself. As infuriated as he felt, he dare not take any untoward action before the Crown Prince issued a directive. Thirdly, Cha-Eun Xiao's threat held real weight; the Cha Clan possessed the means to make him vanish without a trace, and even if his disappearance were discovered, no one would dare cross the Cha Clan for his sake.

After suffering such humiliation, Meng Zi-Xiao found himself cornered, and his only recourse was to meet Cha-Eun Xiao's menacing words with a bitter vow. "I shall remember your words," he declared through clenched teeth, his eyes locking onto Cha-Eun Xiao with unrestrained ire. "A day will come when our paths cross again. We shall then witness the veracity of your claims."

Cha-Eun Xiao retorted with a mocking tone, "Observe this individual closely," as he gestured at Meng Zi-Xiao, "What a timid creature he is. Despite my loud outburst, his sole reaction is to 'remember.' What exactly will he remember, I wonder? But let me offer you some advice today, Meng Zi-Xiao. I trust you'll find it invaluable."

With an air of indifference, Cha-Eun Xiao casually seized a chicken leg from his plate and flung it squarely at Meng Zi-Xiao's visage, splattering grease and sauce across his countenance. His words dripped with sarcasm. "Your lesson is simple: since you've willingly adopted the role of a dog, it behooves you to act like one. When commanded to eat, you eat; when ordered to refrain, you obey, even if the food is thrust upon your face."

He continued, his tone scornful. "When commanded to bark, you bark twice, and failure will only result in your hide being flayed for my evening repast. Do you comprehend? Now, off with you!"

Meng Zi-Xiao trembled visibly, his face cycling through various hues, from pallid to crimson, then back to pallor. The depths of his humiliation were evident, but sympathy for his plight was nowhere to be found among the onlookers. He had, after all, brought this ordeal upon himself.

In the wake of Cha-Eun Xiao's eruption, the hall fell into a hushed silence, the resounding echoes of his rebuke lingering palpably in the air.

Breaking the quietude at last, the Crown Prince, maintaining his composure throughout, addressed Cha-Eun Xiao. "Lord Cha-Eun Xiao," he remarked, "your words are sharp, your actions fierce. However, they seem to underestimate my position, do they not?"

A wry smile crossed Cha-Eun Xiao's lips as he responded, "Your Highness, you are ever perceptive. I merely rendered assistance by imparting a lesson to your counselor, a minor gesture that requires no acknowledgment. I extend my most gracious welcome to the wisdom of your judgment."

In a tone that bespoke warmth and camaraderie, the Crown Prince added, "Meng Zi-Xiao is more than a mere dog; he is my confidant, akin to a brother."

These words resonated deeply with many in attendance, evoking sentiments of admiration. "A true Crown Prince," they thought, "one who exhibits elegance and magnanimity."

Undeterred by the unfolding drama, Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled softly. "Not a dog, but a brother—though I stand corrected," he remarked. "I suppose the distinction lies in the subtleties. However, Your Highness, when I raised my voice against him, I noticed you remained silent. If you had interceded, I would have tempered my words out of respect for your wishes. Even though I may hold him in disdain, I would have shown him mercy. But you chose silence. Might one interpret this as your tacit agreement with my assessment? Did his words transgress in your eyes?"

In this exchange, Cha-Eun Xiao had deftly positioned himself as a defender of decorum, awaiting the Crown Prince's implicit approval for his previous actions.

The atmosphere in the room had taken a disconcerting turn, with an air of tension palpable as it hung heavily around them. The Crown Prince, clearly vexed, struggled to find words to respond to Cha-Eun Xiao's audacious comments.

"Furthermore," Cha-Eun Xiao continued, his tone remaining unperturbed, "when Meng Zi-Xiao made his exit in haste, why did you not extend the courtesy of allowing him to remain? After all, should not brothers treat each other with kindness and understanding?"

Guan Zheng-Wen, his voice now stern, interjected, "Lord Cha-Eun Xiao!"

"Please, allow me to finish," Cha-Eun Xiao replied, his demeanor calm yet resolute. "The Crown Prince invoked the term 'brother,' a word laden with significance. It led me to ponder the intricacies of your relationship. You see, both of your rivals in the battle for the throne, they are your brothers by blood."

He paused briefly before continuing with a sardonic twist to his words. "To think you wage a bitter struggle against your own flesh and blood in your pursuit of the throne. It is an intriguing spectacle, is it not?"

A sardonic sneer curled his lips as he spoke, his words carrying an overt challenge to the established order.

"You engage in fraternal discord, all in the name of power and ambition. These rivals, your true brothers, stand in direct opposition to you. Tell me, what manner of 'brotherhood' is this? I must admit, I find myself quite baffled."

As his words sank in, an uneasy silence settled over the room. The audacity of Cha-Eun Xiao's remarks had left those present dumbfounded, and the atmosphere grew heavy with a sense of impending rupture. josei

"This Cha Eun Xiao," someone muttered in the hushed stillness, "is utterly unscrupulous."

The Crown Prince, his countenance darkening by the moment, struggled to maintain composure, while Guan Zheng-Wen trembled with inner turmoil, grappling with the enormity of the situation. Cha-Eun Xiao's words had stripped away the veneer of deference that had cloaked the Crown Prince's authority.

Gradually, the room erupted with accusations directed at Cha-Eun Xiao, the outpouring of indignation mixing with disbelief.

"You dare to besmirch the Crown Prince's name?"

"How dare you question the Crown Prince's integrity?"

"This is treason, Cha-Eun Xiao!"

Faced with this collective condemnation, Cha-Eun Xiao opted not to retaliate. He remained silent, his gaze fixed steadily upon the Crown Prince. Guan Zheng-Wen, meanwhile, continued his measured observations, now with a discerning eye.

The Crown Prince, far from unfazed, exhibited an intricate blend of caution and discomfort in his countenance, the depths of his reaction veiled from those in attendance. Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes remained inscrutable, akin to a serene autumn pool, offering no insight into his thoughts.

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