The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: The Truth Is Meaningless

Chapter 86: The Truth Is Meaningless

The Truth Is Meaningless . . .

In the halls of the palace, Lord Cha-Eun Xiao found himself in a conversation that had taken an unexpected turn. The Crown Prince, with a tone that carried both humility and contemplation, admitted, "Lord Cha-Eun Xiao, I must humbly admit that I had not fully grasped the extent of your capabilities."

This confession didn't provoke the anger one might have anticipated from Cha-Eun Xiao's bold speech. Instead, it prompted the Crown Prince to let out a sigh, a sigh that hinted at a deeper level of introspection.

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao remained remarkably composed, replying, "Your Highness, it is perhaps because there has never been an occasion where anyone had reason to hold me in high esteem. It's only natural that such thoughts elude you."

The Crown Prince's demeanor was genuinely disheartened as he continued, "I bear the responsibility for this oversight."

Regret had begun to creep into the Crown Prince's being, and it was a poignant realization. Cha-Eun Xiao wasn't the frivolous and foolish individual that the rumors had painted him to be. Far from it, he displayed a sharp intellect and cunning.

Though his actions might appear audacious, like those of a ruffian, every move he made was strategically calculated to achieve a specific goal. Every word he uttered and every action he took were infused with a profound sense of purpose and razor-sharp precision.

Here stood a capable individual, the son of the second most influential figure within the military, representing the distinguished Cha Clan from the General's House. Now, he found himself in direct opposition to the Crown Prince, and their destinies seemed intertwined, leading them inexorably toward a clash.

The Crown Prince had belatedly realized that since Cha-Eun Xiao's arrival, the young lord had telegraphed his intentions with a complete disregard for traditional decorum. His demeanor communicated a clear message: "I am here to disrupt the status quo."

There had been opportunities earlier to alter the course of events, to maintain harmony. Had the Crown Prince been willing to abandon his original plans, he might have steered the situation in a different direction. However, that opportunity had passed unnoticed.

Step by step, the Crown Prince's followers had unwittingly targeted Cha-Eun Xiao, inadvertently forcing him to set his sights on the Crown Prince himself. At this juncture, there seemed to be no turning back.

Guan Zheng-Wen, witnessing the unfolding events, couldn't help but sigh. He understood the profound sense of loss that was weighing on the Crown Prince's heart. There was a palpable feeling of regret in the air.

The Crown Prince recalled a story from his past when he had shared a drink with his father, the King. On that occasion, the King had been in high spirits and had shared a meaningful statement: "Nan-Tian guarding the north can ensure me twenty years of peace!"

Who was Nan-Tian?

Cha Nan-Tian!

And who was Cha Nan-Tian? The father of Cha-Eun Xiao!

At the time, the young Crown Prince had failed to grasp the true significance of his father's words. But now, he understood.

Before Cha Nan-Tian assumed command of the northern territories, the region had been embroiled in constant conflict with its neighbors, particularly the Kingdom of Lan-Feng. It had faced incessant border skirmishes and struggled to defend its frontiers. The entire kingdom had been teetering on the brink of financial ruin due to the ongoing northern conflict.

The tale took a twist as it delved deeper into the minds of its characters. In those years past, the northern affairs had been a thorn in the side of the King, a source of constant strife and instability. However, with Cha Nan-Tian at the helm, a transformation of epic proportions occurred. He became an insurmountable bulwark, quelling the uncertainty and securing victories in the northern theater.

For the King, what was once a source of concern had now become a source of immense pride. The name Cha Nan-Tian was synonymous with success and invincibility.

But as the narrative shifted back to the present, a question hung in the air: Could Cha-Eun Xiao replicate his father's astounding success? As the only son of the legendary Cha Nan-Tian, he appeared to be virtually invulnerable.

Invulnerability, a quality more commonly associated with mythical figures, was now linked with Cha-Eun Xiao in the eyes of the Crown Prince. Unlike his father, Cha-Eun Xiao didn't adhere to a rigid code of honor. He possessed the ability to wear a multitude of masks, ranging from audacious and unscrupulous to cunning and resourceful, adapting his approach to the demands of each situation. He was a master manipulator of events, turning them to his advantage.

In the eyes of the Crown Prince, Cha-Eun Xiao had evolved into an extraordinarily formidable and unpredictable figure. Regret gnawed at the Crown Prince as he acknowledged that they had become adversaries, their paths irrevocably diverging.

Yet, there was a deeper layer of regret lurking beneath the surface, something the Crown Prince found difficult to express. It was a revelation that came far too late, when the chasm between them had already widened.

With a heavy heart, he realized, "Becoming the adversary of someone with his intellect and cunning is nothing short of a reckless move. Yet, astonishingly, recklessness is precisely the path I chose."

As he glanced at Cha-Eun Xiao, his heart in turmoil, he couldn't help but release a sigh, a sigh that carried the weight of his own choices. Guan Zheng-Wen, who had been an observer of this unfolding drama, joined in that sigh, sharing the burden of their mutual regrets.

In hindsight, the Crown Prince berated himself for not seeing the depth of Cha-Eun Xiao's capabilities earlier. He questioned how he had underestimated someone who displayed such boundless vigor and confidence, walking through the Crown Prince's Palace as if he owned it. After all, Cha-Eun Xiao was the son of Cha Nan-Tian, the sole heir of the Cha Clan. Could such a position truly produce a black sheep? It seemed increasingly implausible.

Turning to Cha-Eun Xiao, the Crown Prince spoke, his tone a blend of weariness and curiosity, "Cha-Eun Xiao, I hope you can provide me with an explanation."

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, he signaled for the others to leave the table, and maids swiftly cleared away the remnants of their meal before discreetly departing. Only Guan Zheng-Wen remained by his side, standing faithfully near his throne.

Cha-Eun Xiao's brow furrowed, and he replied with a hint of defiance, "An explanation? I'm curious to know what kind of explanation you seek."

The Crown Prince chuckled softly, his expression revealing fatigue and exasperation. "I need to understand your involvement, if any, in the death of Mu Cheng-Bai."

His words carried a note of annoyance as he continued, "You see, even if you were truly the foppish lord you portrayed yourself to be, I might not have been so quick to cast you aside. Your potential value is undeniable. But sometimes, one's duty must take precedence, even if it clashes with one's desires."

Guan Zheng-Wen wore a bitter smile, recognizing the intricate and tangled web of motives and loyalties that had brought them to this point.

The dialogue between the Crown Prince and Cha-Eun Xiao delved into the complex intricacies of their relationship and the unfolding events.

The Crown Prince emphasized the gravity of the situation, particularly when it involved a woman, whose interests were at stake and couldn't be ignored. His fatigue was evident as he continued, explaining how not addressing this matter could jeopardize his future endeavors, especially when the woman in question had both a place in his bed and an influential background that couldn't be provoked.

Cha-Eun Xiao expressed genuine empathy, acknowledging the predicament the Crown Prince faced.

The Crown Prince, determined to uncover the truth, locked eyes with Cha-Eun Xiao and pressed on, "So, I seek the truth. I need an explanation."

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao let out a sharp, almost mocking laugh, questioning the significance of the truth. He challenged the Crown Prince's motives, pointing out that actions had been taken without knowing the truth initially. He raised doubts about whether providing evidence of his innocence would make any difference, given the Crown Prince's intentions. josei

A contemplative silence settled between them, highlighting the complexity of the situation.

Cha-Eun Xiao continued, his tone laced with cynicism, suggesting that the Crown Prince had no intention of sparing him, regardless of his guilt or innocence. He questioned the Crown Prince's motives and alleged that the pursuit of an honorable pretext for his execution was at the heart of the matter.

The Crown Prince's curiosity was piqued by Cha-Eun Xiao's assertions, and he inquired further, prompting Cha-Eun Xiao to unveil his perspective. He accused the Crown Prince of requiring a reason for executing him, despite taking actions against him in the past without concrete evidence. Cha-Eun Xiao emphasized that, ultimately, reasons held little sway in the grand scheme of things.

This confrontation led to a deeper understanding of the power dynamics at play. Cha-Eun Xiao's rebellious disposition and the potential consequences of his demise were explored, highlighting the precarious situation the Crown Prince found himself in. Cha-Eun Xiao concluded by suggesting that the Crown Prince's actions appeared futile and devoid of meaning, with only his initial move bearing any semblance of wisdom.

The Crown Prince was left in a state of confusion, questioning Cha-Eun Xiao's reference to his initial decision regarding the Mu Clan's involvement. The tension between the two characters continued to escalate as they grappled with their conflicting motives and interests.

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