The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 961

Chapter 961: Weird Attitude

Chapter 961: Weird Attitude

Weird Attitude . . .

They found themselves in a state of bewilderment, but neither dared to voice their confusion. It seemed improbable that the esteemed Great Elder Xuan Bing would merely stand before them. Whatever the case, they had no choice but to remain in her presence, refraining from any reckless actions that might spell their doom.

Summoning his courage, Han Bingxue took a deep breath and addressed the enigmatic figure, "Please forgive us, lady. I am Han Bingxue. We did not anticipate your arrival, and thus, we failed to extend our greetings. However, I am curious. Why do you obstruct our path?"

Han Bingxue possessed a resolute demeanor, just as he would when confronting Wu Fa, the realm's foremost cultivator. His countenance remained unwavering, even in the presence of Xuan Bing. He was prepared to engage in a formidable battle, willing to lay down his life for the cause.

He held the belief, "Cha Eun Xiao is too feeble. He could hardly withstand the energy unleashed during her attack. I am the one best suited to endure it. If Xuan Bing initiates combat, I will need to expend my life to ensure Cha Eun Xiao's survival."

Fully on guard, Han Bingxue's query prompted Xuan Bing to finally speak from within the shrouded fog.

Yet, when she spoke, her voice quivered ever so slightly before feigning a tone of icy indifference.

"Hmm... Han Bingxue? You are Han Bingxue?" Xuan Bing's tone sounded aloof, with a hint of teasing. "It is said that Han Bingxue, the Frost Sword, is one of the most handsome men in the realm. Why, then, do you appear as you do now? Does it cause discomfort to those who behold you?"

The remark struck a chord with Han Bingxue, revealing a vulnerability he had been trying to conceal. He had not anticipated that Xuan Bing would taunt him in this manner. Given her stature, the comment had an adverse effect, causing his complexion to pale. Han Bingxue retorted, "I was scratched by a cat. So what?"

Xuan Bing responded, her voice seemingly suppressing laughter, "By a cat? Even the marks on your face..." She went on to narrate an anecdote from the Qing-Yun Realm. It involved an official who was celebrated for his exceptional talents, both in martial arts and literature. His handsome appearance left little to be desired, except for one aspect—he feared his wife. One day, the official's face bore scratch marks, and when questioned about it, he replied, "Scratched by a cat..."

Though Xuan Bing recounted the tale of the official, she was, in reality, teasing Han Bingxue. Her intention was to convey, "You were scratched by your spouse! You're henpecked!"

Han Bingxue's complexion turned ashen as he retorted, "What a delightful story! Truly magnificent, Elder Xuan Bing! I had no idea that the illustrious Xuan Bing, who could awe the entire realm, possessed such a sense of humor. Remarkable..."

He had, unwittingly, taunted a lady and failed to maintain his composure, overcome by anger. Shortly after uttering those words, he regretted his lack of restraint. He had been conversing with Xuan Bing, the renowned figure, and his remarks had been tinged with sarcasm. He was essentially inviting his own demise.

To his surprise, Xuan Bing merely smiled, though her voice sounded somewhat hoarse as she replied, "Han Bingxue, this young man at your side... he..."

Yet, her words trailed off, leaving an unsettling silence.

This puzzling turn of events perplexed Cha Eun Xiao. "I have never heard her voice," he mused. "But why does it feel strangely familiar? How is this even possible?"

In truth, he had never encountered the notorious Lady Devil of the realm, not once. Yet, an inexplicable sense of familiarity lingered, baffling him. josei

Undaunted, Han Bingxue responded, "This is my brother!"

Xuan Bing's voice emanated from the enigmatic fog once more, her tone nonchalant as she uttered, "Oh, your brother..."

Her tone seemed to convey a sense of relief, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

However, she ceased speaking thereafter, leaving Han Bingxue in a state of confusion. "What is the matter with her? What does this mean?" he pondered. "Does she even understand what she's talking about? She taunted me, insinuating that I am henpecked! Now she inquires about Cha Eun Xiao and breathes a sigh of relief upon receiving my response. Could it be that she harbors some affection for me? And perhaps she believes that Cha Eun Xiao and I are a couple?"

The implications were earth-shattering, and Han Bingxue was decidedly narcissistic. That much was certain.

Cha Eun Xiao exhibited a distinct response to the situation. Rather than perplexity or fear, he was primarily befuddled by the Great Elder Xuan Bing's enigmatic demeanor. Thus, he decided to seek clarity and inquired, "Great Elder, have we crossed paths before?"

Xuan Bing maintained a prolonged silence before responding with an unadorned, "No."

The ensuing quietude hung in the air, shrouding them in an icy stillness. Cha Eun Xiao found himself at a loss for words, while Han Bingxue continued to harbor his remarkably self-absorbed thoughts. And amidst this silence, Xuan Bing directed her unwavering gaze at a single individual who remained oblivious to her scrutiny.

The three of them stood together, yet Han Bingxue deemed the hush insufferably peculiar. He couldn't help but wonder, "What is amiss with Xuan Bing? Her behavior... It's just... Unfathomable!"

Cha Eun Xiao, too, grappled with confusion, pondering the enigma before him. "What is the meaning of this?" he mused.

Xuan Bing neither departed nor displayed any intention of doing so. Her presence was imposing, yet she radiated an aura of chilling detachment. It appeared as though she was poised for a confrontation, yet she remained stationary.

The uncertainty loomed, leaving Cha Eun Xiao and Han Bingxue uncertain of her motives.

It was during this enigmatic interlude that Xuan Bing unexpectedly broke the silence with a question that none of them had anticipated. "Han Bingxue, where are you headed?"

Han Bingxue was taken aback by her inquiry, puzzled by her interest in their destination. Furthermore, he found it rather surprising that she had addressed him specifically. Gathering his thoughts, he replied, "We are en route to the Town of Cha in the Oracle District to the north."

"Town of Cha?" Xuan Bing sounded perplexed. "Do you mean the Town of Cha within the Oracle District in the northern region?"

Realizing he couldn't alter his response at this point, Han Bingxue affirmed, "Yes, that's the one. We are bound for the Town of Cha to secure a certain medicinal ingredient. That's our purpose."

The contrived explanation was transparent, and Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but roll his eyes at his companion's attempt at deceit. "You truly have no talent for falsehoods," he thought. "This is a blatantly fabricated story. Xuan Bing is sure to be incensed. Why couldn't you simply decline to provide her with any information? Why resort to a lie?"

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