The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: Go the Same Way

Chapter 962: Go the Same Way

Go the Same Way . . .

Nonetheless, Cha Eun Xiao found the unfolding events to be a surprising departure from his expectations. Xuan Bing had apparently heard Han Bingxue's explanation and, rather unexpectedly, nodded in response before remarking, "Hmm, the Town of Cha, you say? Interesting. It seems that the place may hold unique medical resources. It could indeed be a prudent choice."

Han Bingxue, wide-eyed and baffled, stared at the veiled figure concealed within the dark fog, utterly lost for words.

"Why does she believe this?" he wondered. "Could there truly be rare medical materials in the Town of Cha? I was merely fabricating a tale... I had no idea... Is she genuinely convinced?"

This turn of events confounded Han Bingxue. He couldn't comprehend why the renowned Lady Devil of the realm appeared so easily swayed by deception. An abrupt thought intruded upon his mind: "Does she... have a fondness for me?"

After a protracted silence, Xuan Bing spoke once more, stating, "It's quite coincidental. I happen to be headed for the Oracle District as well. Our paths have converged due to fate. Han Bingxue, we share the same destination. Would it be agreeable for me to accompany the two of you?"

She spoke with an air of indifference, asserting, "We may require each other's assistance during the journey, after all."

Han Bingxue remained in a state of stupefaction.

"What on earth?" he contemplated. "This sounds eerily familiar! Could it be that she genuinely fancies me?"

The excuse proffered struck him as rather feeble. Han Bingxue had encountered such excuses before in his past dalliances, particularly from the various ladies who had taken an interest in him. In the days when he had been quite the heartthrob, the wife of Wu Huitian, Ning Pinger, had been among those who frequently employed such a "coincidental" pretense to travel alongside him. Yet, Xuan Bing was the illustrious Lady Devil of the realm, a figure of great prestige, and he couldn't fathom why she would resort to such a... inelegant excuse.

"Is it too transparent?" he pondered. "You, an individual of your stature, requiring assistance during a journey? What a preposterous notion!"

The prospect of Xuan Bing harboring affection for him left Han Bingxue deep in thought. "If she truly holds such feelings for me, how can I turn her down? I dare not wound her sentiments... I am a married man, after all."

Cha Eun Xiao, too, found Xuan Bing's proposal astonishing. His eyes nearly bulged from their sockets, and he struggled to make sense of her words.

"This is simply ludicrous!" he thought. "I wouldn't be any more shocked if she had swooped down and instantly dispatched us both."

"You were flying from the north to the south previously. In fact, you even passed directly over us before doubling back upon realizing our presence," he reasoned. "And now you claim that our destinations align? What part of this journey resembles the same direction? Are you trying to deceive us or yourself?"

This predicament left Han Bingxue thoroughly unsettled. "A deity-like figure is volunteering to join us on our travels... This is an overwhelming turn of events!"

"Staying in the company of this lady is akin to handling a live bomb," he ruminated. "Who knows when she might become infuriated and summarily dispatch us both!"

"At the very least, if she does harbor affection for me and intends to act upon it... I can only acquiesce and let her do as she pleases."

"Oh my goodness! I am a man of principles..."

Once again, it became evident that Han Bingxue's pronounced narcissism knew no bounds. It was truly remarkable.

If he were to openly articulate his internal musings, he would undoubtedly encounter a fate beyond the imagination of history.

With a bitter expression, Han Bingxue ventured, "We have some private matters to attend to in that location... I do not believe... I do not believe it would be prudent for you to accompany us."

Xuan Bing responded in a cold and matter-of-fact tone, "Of course, it's a matter of privacy. My own affairs are private as well. Do you believe that official business prevails in this world?"

Han Bingxue found himself rendered utterly speechless by the unexpected turn of events. His beseeching gaze turned to Cha Eun Xiao, as if to implore, "Come on, Boss. I'm at a loss here. Can you handle this?"

Cha Eun Xiao cleared his throat and cautiously began, "Well... Uh... You see, Lady, it's just that... men and women traveling together... it can be rather inconvenient. Perhaps you might consider..."

Xuan Bing appeared to be on the brink of a smile as she responded in a nonchalant tone, "Is that so? I beg to differ. Do you intend to cause trouble for me?" josei

Cha Eun Xiao quickly abandoned the notion of further protest and fell silent, understanding that it was futile to contest her decision.

[Make trouble for her?] he thought. [On the contrary, she will be the one causing us trouble. She is our biggest challenge.]

With a resigned sigh, Cha Eun Xiao consented, "Very well, since you're so insistent, we would be most grateful for your company. Let's proceed together."

Cha Eun Xiao's decision was a testament to his pragmatism; he recognized that resisting Xuan Bing's determination was an exercise in futility. Furthermore, it was evident that she intended to accompany them regardless of their response.

What other choice did they have? To decline her offer? To challenge her? It was an unthinkable prospect.

The prospect of refusing Xuan Bing was tantamount to courting peril, a notion that Han Bingxue keenly comprehended. He cast a resentful glance at Cha Eun Xiao, silently reproaching, "Come on, Boss. Do you realize what lies ahead after this?"

He continued to harbor grim thoughts. "I may end up yielding to Xuan Bing... What a dismal fate."

Cha Eun Xiao observed his companion's bitter expression and was tempted to voice his true feelings: "I can say no, Han Bingxue. If you can persuade her to leave us be, I will promptly retract my agreement."

However, Han Bingxue knew the true magnitude of the challenge they faced. He mused, "If I had the means to send her away... do you think I would be in this predicament now? I would have already vanquished the three factions..."

Xuan Bing, meanwhile, appeared to be contemplating the situation with perplexity. "What's going on here?" she wondered. "He's newly arrived in this world, and while he has indeed improved, he remains considerably weaker than Han Bingxue. Yet, he is the one making decisions. He seems like a leader."

This unusual turn of events left her bemused. "Han Bingxue couldn't make the call, but he did. It's quite peculiar."

With the decision finalized, the trio resolved to embark on their northern journey together. Han Bingxue reluctantly accepted their new companion and remarked with a bitter countenance, "Lady, we are both of modest abilities. Our mode of travel will be on foot. As for you..."

He gestured toward the shrouded figure within the dark fog, a wry smile on his lips. "Those who recognize you may understand we are accompanied by a lady. For those who do not... they may very well believe we are traveling with a ghost."

Xuan Bing contemplated this predicament and subsequently commanded the dark fog to recede and contract. It revealed her slender form, draped in black attire and a bamboo rain hat that nearly concealed her eyes.

Xuan Bing questioned, "How about now?"

Both Han Bingxue and Cha Eun Xiao were taken aback by the transformation.

"What about now?" Han Bingxue pondered.

"Excellent! It couldn't be better. Let's proceed..." Cha Eun Xiao replied, rubbing his nose and offering a wry smile.

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