The Ex and Her Riches

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

That instantly shocked everyone present at the scene.

Upon looking up at the wall, they saw a woman standing completely still at the edge.

She was dressed in tattered clothes and had her body covered in dirt.

As everyone’s attention had been focused on the opening ceremony, no one noticed the woman making her way up there.

The journalists quickly pointed their cameras at the woman, drawing even more attention toward her.

Some of the staff members stamped their feet in anxiousness.

“What do we do? I can’t believe someone wants to commit suicide at an opening ceremony! That is definitely not a good sign!”

“Exactly! Why would she attempt to kill herself at a time like this?”

“I bet the entertainment companies that sponsored us are going to have their stocks plummet tonight!”

Gwendolyn showed no emotion whatsoever even after hearing their conversation. “Call the police and the fire department. Have them prepare the rescue cushions!” she ordered calmly.

Those words had barely left Gwendolyn’s mouth when the woman on top of the wall screamed, “Don’t call the police! Nobody leaves this place, or I’ll jump right away!”

Huh? That voice sounds so familiar…

“Eloise?” Gwendolyn called out to her with an uncertain frown.

The woman paused briefly before bursting into laughter. “Hahaha! I didn’t think you’d still remember me, Gwendolyn! Well, are you surprised to see me here?”

Behind that messy hair of hers was a pair of bloodshot eyes that glared viciously at Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn simply narrowed her eyes and stared coldly at her without saying a word.

Eloise then turned toward the group of journalists and yelled at the top of her voice, “I am Eloise Ferguson, the daughter of the Ferguson family! This woman over here framed me and got me locked up in prison! As if that wasn’t bad enough, she even had people beat me up in prison every single day! She has destroyed my life! You remember this, Gwendolyn! I will be sure to ruin your life! My blood will be all over this place and on your hands! Not even Treyton will be able to save you from the wrath of the netizens! And you, Jennifer! You ruined my relationship with Treyton and stole him from me, so you should leave the entertainment industry as well! How do you even bring yourself to face your fans after everything you’ve done?”

Her words shocked the living daylights out of those who were not in the know.

What? Gwendolyn, the biggest investor of the show, actually sent someone to prison over a personal grudge? And Jennifer, who just won the Best Actress Award, stole someone else’s man?

That was such shocking news that either one of them could cause an uproar once it was made viral on the internet.

The crowd exchanged glances and began gossiping among themselves.

As for the journalists, they had recorded everything Eloise said on camera.

Gwendolyn was the only person who remained calm throughout the confrontation.

She took a few steps forward and looked up at Eloise, who was cackling maniacally on the wall, as she said in disdain, “Do you really think those words of yours would affect me at all? You wanted to jump, right? Well? Go ahead and jump! I’m waiting.”

Jennifer stepped forward and grabbed Gwendolyn by the arm. “You can’t say that, Gwendolyn!

“If Eloise dies here, then everyone will sympathize with her regardless of whether her words were true! Her death will conceal the truths! After all, no one would be willing to sacrifice their life just to make a false accusation!

Gwendolyn patted her on the hand and reassured her, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

“You think I won’t do it, Gwendolyn? I never expected to make it out alive the moment I came here!” Eloise snapped back at her with a defiant snort.

“You’re a fugitive, Eloise. You’ll be sentenced to death once they catch you, so it makes no difference. Since your death is inevitable anyway, why not use it to frame me, right?”

Eloise froze in confusion when she heard Gwendolyn’s statement.

The fact that Gwendolyn was so nonchalant about the situation threw Eloise off completely.

“This is a new show you’re investing in, Gwendolyn! Do you know what will happen to it if I jump? Quit trying to act calm!”

Gwendolyn was starting to lose her patience at that point. “Are you going to jump or not? If yes, then hurry up and get it over with! I’ve had enough of your drama and threats!”

She then turned toward the director and said, “We’ll cancel the opening ceremony for the time being. I’ll schedule another one later.”

“Sure thing, Ms. Harris.” The director, too, knew that it was unlikely for them to continue with the ceremony at that point.

Everyone gained a new perspective on the situation after seeing how calm Gwendolyn was throughout the confrontation.

If Eloise doesn’t have the courage to jump after everything she said, then it’s highly likely that she was lying about what she claimed!

It didn’t take Eloise long to catch on and realize that Gwendolyn was trying to turn the press against her.

“Remember this, all of you! Gwendolyn is a heartless monster who forced me to take my own life, and Jennifer is a shameless wh*re who stole my man from me! Everything I said is the truth!” she yelled at the crowd and prepared to jump.

“Wait!” Gwendolyn called out to her in the nick of time. “Eloise, as tough as your time in prison may be, your sentence will someday come to an end. I’m sure your parents are looking forward to the day they can pick you up at the prison gates and welcome you home! If you do this, however, you will only disappoint them and upset them even further!”

She was deliberately trying to stall for some time after having Elven and the others sneak away.

Gwendolyn saw through the corner of her eye that they had returned with rescue cushions.

Everyone’s attention was focused on Eloise, and she had her gaze fixated on Gwendolyn, so nobody noticed Elven setting up the rescue cushions.

Eloise burst out laughing when she saw Gwendolyn easing up on her tone.

“My parents’ biggest mistake was allowing you to bully me. They deserve to suffer the pain of losing me! Don’t think for a second that your life is going to get any better with me gone, Gwendolyn! I’ll be waiting for you in the afterlife!” she yelled as she spread her arms, closed her eyes, and jumped off the wall.

The crowd screamed in panic and fear when they saw that.

Quite a number of people even rushed forward in an attempt to catch her.

The men that Cedrick had assigned to protect Gwendolyn quickly surrounded her to shield her from the crowd.

Gwendolyn knew it was probably Cedrick’s doing when she saw the dozens of bodyguards jump into action. “Did Ceddy send you guys?”

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