The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 279 276- Share Of Resources

Chapter 279 276- Share Of Resources

“The Academy is deciding to hold the Faction Leader Meeting early.”

Li Shen said.

“I’m not sure if it’s related to the recent events.”josei

Li Shen said once again after seeing the questioning looks on everyone’s faces.

“I’m leaving, I shouldn’t have to tell you all to stay put until I get back.”

Li Shen then turned to leave the courtyard, having everyone watching as he goes.

Walking to the Teleportation Hall on the Sword Pavilion, he noticed the strange movements of the disciples.

Most of them he walked by had apprehensive looks on their faces, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

“Have you heard? The Academy Alliance have taken action against the Demonic Cult, even sending out Elder-level cultivator to destroy their hideouts.”

“Of course I’ve heard, no one can stop talking about it.”

“What do you think about it?”

“What do I think? I think finally one of the Powerhouses stepped up to do something about the vile retches from the demonic cult, neither the Seven Clans nor even the Royal Family seem to not want to antagonize them. They’re all cowards.”

“You can’t say that. There’s the pack between the two factions remember? And also, there was that one hour of darkness that had once gripped the continent in the past, The Hour of the Blood Moon. They’re afraid of that incident come to pass.”

“The hour of the Blood Moon? What’s that?”

“What! You clueless fool. That’s when the Dark Moon Assassins Guild were the most feared force on the Continent. They assassinated every Top Chosen on the Rankings from our Righteous Faction in an hour. It plunged the entire continent into chaos, or at least that’s how the stories went.”

“Bah! That’s what you were talking about? Didn’t the Academy Leader go batshit crazy and raid their main hideout? He killed everyone inside including the Dark Moon Assassin Guild Leader Patriarch Evernight, not even spearing the dogs or cats.”

"Yeah, but did that bring back those geniuses killed? Plus even to this day the Dark Moon Assassin Guild is still there and is even still a top Demonic Sect in the Demonic Cult."

This was just one of many conversations Li Shen overheard as he walked past disciples.

‘It looks like everyone can sense a potential war breaking out.’

Li Shen soon reached the Teleportation Hall and teleported to the Conclave Academy. He then made his way to the Faction Leader meeting hall.

A few people cast glances at him on his way here as well as he entered the hall and sat down. But he ignored them.

He was seated at the front of the hall unlike his first time here. His contributions qualified him to be at the same level as the Top Factions.

As he sat in his chair, Lin Dong suddenly teleported inside the hall and as he went to take a seat, he saw Li Shen. He immediately grind his teeth in annoyance.

Word had spread that he and his faction were the ones to have found the Poison Demonic Sect’s hideout, that had kick-started the academy taking action.

For Ling Dong, that meant his share of resources increased, the last thing he wanted.

Soon more and more Faction Leaders from the various levels in Academy came in.

The other Top Faction Leaders appeared and like Lin Dong cast him a glance as well. Despite their anger not being as visible as Lin Dong’s own, one could still make out the displeasure and annoyance in their eyes as they looked at him.

The only person who might not have glanced at him in the hall, either because of the news of his shocking Divine Soul or his slight entanglement with the academy’s actions, was Ling Tian. He had surprisingly shown up here despite being absent every other time.



The sound of clapping could be heard and the crowd of disciples all turned to the front to go the hall to see the Head Elder.

Seeing that he got everyone’s attention the Head Elder nodded his head.

“I know it might be a surprise to have the Faction Leader Meeting this early into the year, but because of certain circumstances we decided it's best to provide you with some resources at this time.”

Li Shen heard that and his eyes narrow before a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Similar expressions appeared on all the disciples' faces as well, including Ling Tian and the others.

‘He said we, does he mean the Sword Pavilion or the Academy as a whole? And why would either echelon think a time like this would be best to give us resources? Is there really a war coming?’

Li Shen had questions but he didn’t ask them. Neither did anyone in the hall for the fact that the Elder implied it in his words but didn’t say it directly.

Maybe because he was told not to, or he himself deemed that it wasn’t necessary to tell them anymore. Either way, this had gotten them more than antsy for the incoming future of the academy.

Seeing the disciples' expressions, the Head Elder released a sigh in his heart.

‘Why did the Academy Leader order the sweep? He doesn't usually give orders or interfere with the academy’s operations much, so this order is really out of the blue. The deaths of those people in the city weren’t anything compared to previous cases, and the Poison Demonic Sect’s using mortals for their vile experiments wasn’t anything new. So why did discovering this specific hideout trigger an order of this magnitude?’

The Head Elder didn’t understand and the Vice Headmaster wouldn’t say anything, only telling him to give the share of resources early.

Thinking about how the Vice Headmaster had ordered him to divide the share of resources, he released an even more tired internal sigh.

‘He has either lost his mind making me do this or the situation has become extremely serious.’

Looking around at the crowd of disciples in front of him waiting, he opened his mouth and said.

“I will not keep you all for long as I will quickly call out the share of resources.”

Hearing that, everyone in the hall listened closely.

Coughing a bit, the Head Elder’s demeanor became strange and his voice lower a bit as he said.

“The amount of resources this time is quite smaller than usual since we would normally wait for it to accumulate by the end of the year. Ehem…”

Everyone in the hall figured this much, but seeing the Head Elder’s change in demeanor, doubts appeared in their hearts.

Meanwhile, Lin Dong was glaring at Li Shen. That meant the resources he would get were practically nothing.

The Academy's decision to share the resources this early irked him as well.

However, the words from the Head Elder caused his body to instantly stiffen.

“The share of resource accumulated will all go to disciple Shen’s Divine Sword Music Faction.”

“W-What?! That’s absurd!”

Lin Dong couldn’t help but blurt out in shock.

Chattering quickly filled the hall as everyone turned to look at Li Shen, who was busy looking at the Head Elder completely stunned.

The Head Elder ignored Lin Dong's shout and the crowd’s increasing chatter as he spoke over them and said.

“As for the other Factions, you’ll be able to submit a request to the Resource Distribution Hall to get any resources you need. With a cap limit of 1 million mid-grade spirit stones for the Conclave Factions, two hundred thousand mid-grade spirit stones for the Core Academy Faction, and Fifty thousand mid-grade spirit stones for the Inner Academy Factions.”

Everyone immediately paused at that, while contemplative expressions appeared on their faces.

Lin Ding and the others as well went into deep thought.

Was this good or bad for them?

It irked them that Li Shen was getting so many resources, but at the same time, one million mid-grade spirit stones worth of resources was a lot.

Though they couldn’t help but think about the number of resources Li Shen was getting. How much exactly was half a year of accumulated resources?

“Um, Head Elder, what about us? Does our Factions allowed to request resources?”

A Faction Leader from at the back of the hall spoke up with a hesitant expression.

The Head Elder was around a table and he sipped his tea before he nodded at that disciple.

“Yes, even Puppet Factions like yours can request resources.”

That disciple who asked the question stiffened, before he sank into his seat embarrassingly.

The Head Elder then addressed everyone.

“That is all there is to the meeting. I am sure all of you have a lot of unanswered questions to ask but do not worry. The upper echelons of the academy are handling the situation, as disciples, your only requirement now is to diligently cultivate. You are dismissed.”

With that the short meeting was over, the Head Elder waved his hand towards Li Shen and a storage ring floated over to him.

Having it land on his palm, Li Shen’s heart let out a loud thump. He wondered about the amount of resources that would be in here.

Sending his perception inside, Li Shen saw a pile of high-grade spirit stones and he was filled with shock.


//Tseth: Hey guys, remember to show some love by voting with golden tickets and power stones!//

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