The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 280 277- Being Too Cautious

Chapter 280 277- Being Too Cautious

‘W-Why is there so many?!’

With a glance and Li Shen estimated it to be around half a million.

That was not to mention the Spirit Artifacts he saw off to one side, along with the cases of wooden boxes and vials containing valuable Alchemy medicinal pills.

There were manuals of various techniques as well but they weren’t the academy’s own but ones donated or sold by disciples who acquired them outside of the academy.

“Do you like what you see?”

Li Shen heard the Head Elder ask with a chuckle.

He looked up to see while he was busy being shocked by the number of resources, the hall had cleared out some time ago.

Turning to the Head Elder, Li Shen asked.

“Can I ask why I’m getting so much resources from the academy?”

Li Shen understood this might be Ye Fei’s doing, but there were others in charge of decision-making. It was unheard of that one faction was receiving all of the resources, even if the accumulation was only equivalent for a year.

“The Sword Pavilion has acknowledged your Faction’s worth, and the contributions you’ve made. This is your reward for that.”

Li Shen’s sported an unsure expression.

Sure he made significant contributions since he started his Faction, but did it really warrant such a big payout?

Seeing Li Shen's expression, the Head Elder chuckled once more and said.

“Young disciple Shen, you are underestimating the value of the Faction you’ve built. Not to mention you yourself. In the future, we hope that you will continue to be a disciple of our Sword Pavilion and Celestial Academy.”

Hearing that, Li Shen finally understood.

“Is this a bribe for me not to leave the academy for the Imperial Academy or my uncle’s Divine Star Academy?”

Li Shen asked with an amused smile.

The Head Elder coughed in his fist awkwardly before saying.

“I do not know if that is the case, disciple Shen should also know that similar decisions have been made on the other divisions in the academy.”

Li Shen hearing that went into deep thought for a moment. Soon he looked at the Head Elder and asked.

“Head Elder, can ask you a question?”

Taking a sip of his tea, the Head Elder nodded casually while answering.

“Of course, but I might not be able to give a straightforward answer to your question or even answer it.”

Getting confirmation, Li Shen wasted no time and asked.

“Was it because I found the Poison Demonic Sect’s hideout that the Academy decided to do a sweep clean of their territory?”

The Head Elder was a bit taken aback by that as this wasn’t the question he expected Li Shen would ask.

The Head Elder paused for a moment before responding.

“I don’t think that was the case.”

“But even so, that’s how it will look to the public.”

Li Shen frowned as he said that.

“Is disciple Shen worried about becoming a target of the Demonic Cult because of this? I can surely see room for your worries but asides from the Celestial Academy, you also have your powerful Li family in your back pocket. Is there really a need to be worried?”

Hearing that, Li Shen’s frown deepen even more.

He couldn’t understand why people would think that just because he is the Second Prince and the Academy valued him, danger won’t come to him.

Isn’t that a bit naïve to think? Placing all your trust into the fact that two behemoths are backing you?

To a force like the Demonic Cult that is always being hunted, and is the enemy of everyone on the Continent. What would the difference in their treatment be if they kill someone of importance they deemed as a threat?

Completely ignoring the repercussions of eliminate him if his threat outweighs them.

‘Maybe this is me overestimating my value? But I don’t want to discard the possibility of such a day happening.’

Li Shen released a sigh internally before he stood up and cupped his fist towards the head Elder.

“I thank Head Elder for taking the time to speak with me.”

​ The Head Elder waved his hand dismissively and said.

“Small matter, and it even seems my words haven’t been able to ease your worries.”

“Regardless, I’m grateful.”

Li Shen bowed slightly before turning and exit the hall.

The Head Elder watch as he left before he thought internally.

‘He seems to want to become independent. From his decision not to rely on his family’s power to support his faction that much should be obvious. It is not uncommon for youths his age from large clans to want to leave their protected lifestyle and make a name for themselves in the cultivation world. His cautious attitude is right, and his intelligence along with his Soul Cultivation can be sharpened into a heavenly sword.’

But even with those compliments, the Head Elder sighed regretfully.

“Too bad his lifespan is limited without being able to cultivate. His family might be able to secure precious life-extended elixirs but that will only go so far. What a pity, the Heavens have bestowed him with heaven-deifying talents, but gave him a deadline to use it.”

The Head Elder could not help but shake his head repeatedly.

“The Heavens surely do not have eyes to set this fate for him. If only he could have overcome it and find a way to cultivate, but that’s impossible. No cultivator has ever been able to fix a shattered dantian or even create one from nothing. That’s not just defying the heavens anymore, that’s going out of your way to backhand the heavens right after cursing them out.”

The Head Elder took the last sip of his tea before slowly getting up.

Looking at the entrance, he made one final comment.

“But even with his limited lifespan, I can see him becoming one of the shining beacons of the Righteous Faction in the future.

“Such youthful vigor, this old body of mine yearns for those times once again.”

The Head Elder’s voice trailed off as he teleported away.

Meanwhile, outside the hall.

Li Shen had just stepped out. He had wanted to head to Ye Fei’s mountain to pick up Tai as he promised, but his brows immediately furrowed before his head suddenly shot towards the sky.

“This-Why am I sensing such strong soul fluctuations?”

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face before he looked around.

Then with a quick movement, he headed for an isolated area inside the forest nearby.

Looking up at the sky through the foliage, Li Shen's eyes narrowed.

“A few people are having a conversation with their Divine Wills. So powerful, is it the Academy Leader? I’m not sure. And a few others of the same level are there as well. ”

Li Shen suddenly got the urge to see what was going on, or what they were talking about. Maybe it was related to the potential war.

“Well, if you didn’t want anyone to eavesdrop on your conversation why do it so openly.”

Li Shen smiled mischievously before he got into a cross-legged position.

“Alright those are high-level cultivators with strong Divine Wills, no, I’m not even sure it's called Divine Wills at their level. I have to go about this carefully.”

Li Shen closed his eyes before golden light suddenly sprang from his body. The energy from the earth beneath him entered his body.

He was using the technique, the Power of the World to mask his Divine Will. He was confident in the Power of the World's ability to assimilate with the world around him completely. However, this wasn’t a technique he could use for long.

“I’ll just take a quick listen to see what they’re talking about.”

Li Shen mumbled while a projection of his Divine Soul left his body and floated upwards. It was giving off the natural energy released from the earth completely masking Li Shen's soul fluctuations.

His soul projection then floated up up up. However, he suddenly bumped into something several hundred meters in the air.

‘The Academy’s Grand Formation.’

Li Shen thought, but he only paused for a moment before completely going through it unobstructed.

Going further up, Li Shen realize either his senses were becoming sharper or that these people just weren’t concerned with someone sensing their conversation.

But he was thinking maybe it was both.

Li Shen’s soul projection paused before he looked far into the distance where mountains and luscious landscapes could be seen.

He turned his head quickly swerved to look in all directions.

The reason for this is that in every direction, he could sense these people's souls.

‘My god, is their souls encapsulate the entire continent?!’

Li Shen was so shocked his figurative eyes widen.

‘Is this what a cultivator at their level is capable of? Why do I feel like I happen upon a meeting of the most terrifying individuals on the continent? The top 1%’

Li Shen left his stupor before continuing upwards.

Immediately, a voice appeared in his mind.

“Lu Xue Wen! You’re Celestial Academy has gone too FAR!!”josei


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