The Gamer's System

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Darkness and Mischief II

Within her own realm, Yaeger was training arduously. She alone had an idea of what was truly transpiring in Mythos even before the gods decided to cut off all communication. Indeed, she knew what fate had truly come to Zeke because, he was the human who held his daughter. 

She knew that the gamer lived. She knew that he transferred bodies. She knew that, her daughter was safely kept by the gamer. Fulfilling his promise with the goddess. She knew all of this.

Yet the goddess also kept silent. This was knowledge that wasn't disclosed to all other gods. For all she knew, it was safer not to let them in on this information. She never liked them after all. In fact, she hated them even more after what happened to Zeke.

The memories of the trial she went through after the gamer's supposed death was also fresh on her head. How the gods accused her of murdering Zeke Elwood when in fact, it was those twisted minor gods that did it.

"Just you wait. I'll kill each of you once Ragnarök comes." She said, releasing another arrow which shot through the whole realm. Destroying a whole mountain into pieces in the process. 

"Ahh, I need to plant more mountains. This isn't useful for the training anymore." She told herself. 

Yeager destroyed 1,000 mountains already. This was all done on the same training session. This made her whole realm look a bit flatter, without the curves which these land forms provided. Then, just as she was about to release her final arrow, she felt a presence enter her realm. 

"To what do I owe this honor of your visit." She said, putting down her weapon.

She then made a quick spin. Raising her bow and aiming at the god who was the mastermind of all ruin on Mythos. Pier.

"Now now. I suggest you put down your weapon before one of us gets into trial again. And by someone, I mean a certain goddess of the hunt." He said, with his usual wretched smile.

"It's strange. You're not holding that staff of yours today." She noted, seeing that the god was unarmed.

"Ahh but I need to show how pure my intentions are right? And for that, I need to show how harmless I really am.

"Yeah right. Just get on with it. What do you want?"

"I'm just wondering…where has that daughter of yours gone exactly?" He said, with a crooked smile forming on his lips.

"I know that its none of my business but she hasn't been appearing on your realm for a while now. In fact, only the other beasts were coming out." 

"Huh. I'm wondering about that myself." Yaeger said, going into hunting position and aiming her weapon at Pier.

"How on earth would you know what I've been doing on my realm?" She demanded, letting out all of her intentions to go in for the kill.

"Woops. Did that slip out of my mouth? Dear me." Pier commented, looking unworried about Yaeger finding out. 

This infuriated Yaeger even more. As if that information was irrelevant on getting him executed.

"Leave before I kill you." She said, ready to release an arrow anytime.

"Now how on earth would you do that? We both know that gods can't kill each ot –." Even before Pier could finish his sentence, an arrow shot past him. Destroying the gigantic mountain behind and all the monsters that were standing in the way.

"Out." She repeated, aiming for Pier's heart.

The god of mischief simply smiled at her, laughing as he brought out a dagger. The air was tense all of a sudden and, Yaeger was sure that he was aiming to kill her. She didn't know how this could be possible with the said restriction but she felt it. She felt that Pier could really end her immortal life.

"Are we going to do this?" She asked, ready to strike at any moment.

"I don't know what you mean." Pier said in reply, with his stance slowly changing to a battle form. But then, just before anything could happen, darkness enveloped the realm.

It was a thick mist of darkness. One that felt cold enough to kill even the strongest of flames. It also felt empty. Sucking away every ounce of energy from the two gods before they could even start. Then, stepped out the beginning of all gods. Nisha.

"What in the name of all the heavens do you two suppose you are doing?" She demanded; cold and passive.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just came here to visit." Pier said, with his dagger already gone.

"Pier, none of us are allowed to enter the realm of other gods without permission. You know that as well as everyone else." 

"Is it? I must've forgotten. Silly me." He said in reply; replying nonchalantly against the queen of destruction.

"I'll be taking him with me." Nisha said, looking at Yaeger who finally decided to calm down.

"Do what you want. It's not like I can win a fight against you." The goddess of the hunt said, going back to her cabin to rest.

"Thank you. I didn't think you cared for me that much." Pier said in reply. Yet all he got was a stare from Nisha. One which seemed to look directly at his soul. 

"I'll have a word with you." She said, taking him out of Yaeger's realm immediately. 

A swirling mist of darkness covered everything in sight. Getting denser and denser until it formed the color of a never-ending oblivion. Then, all of this halted as soon as the two of them were transported within Nisha's realm.

The goddess looked at him intently. It was pier from the voice to the movements. Everything was exactly him. Even the shadow which was acting strangely was already back to normal. Yet, all of it felt unreal. She couldn't shake the feeling that, the god in front of her wasn't really Pier but someone taking his form.

"Who are you?"

"My. What a silly question. I am Pier. The god of mischief and deceit." The god said, with a sly grin drawn on his face.

It was a pointless endeavor. Nisha knew that she could gain no real information from the god yet, she still tried to get information out of him.

"Yes, that is who you say you are. But I'm not asking you to answer me with lies." She said, with the realm getting even denser.

"I am ordering you to tell me the truth before all divinity gets sucked out of that useless frame of yours." She continued, with Pier feeling his body get even heavier.

The god of mischief found it hard to breathe as the dark mist entered his lungs. In fact, he was already down on his knees, trying his best to get whatever air was left on the surroundings.

"Like I said, I am the god of mischief and deceit." Pier repeated – looking at Nisha who was unsatisfied with his answer.

"You are completely cut off from the realm of the gods once inside my domain. Nobody will feel your presence nor would they hear your cries. I can trap you hear for as long as I like until you give me a satisfactory answer." She said, threatening Pier who only laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHA. Now you're showing your true colors. That is more fitting for a person who holds on to all darkness." Pier said, with glee in his voice that disgusted Nisha even more.

"Are you not going to give me any answers?" Nisha asked once more. Unsatisfied with what the god was showing.

"You'd get punished for this you know. I won't be staying silent my dear goddess." He continued. Enjoying the amount of pain he was experiencing.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you won't be missed." She said, turning away and preparing to move out of her realm.

But as she did, she felt cold steel hitting her. 

"What?" She said as golden blood came out of her mouth.

"Peek a boo." Pier suddenly appeared behind her, kicking the goddess who fell to the ground.josei

Nisha tried moving the darkness on her room but it was fluctuating. It didn't listen to her the way it was supposed to and, she felt something else. An unfamiliar sensation for one who was never destined to die. It was death.

"Ahhh you know what's so ironic about this moment? It's that you are the queen of void. Of emptiness. Of death. Yet all of that is also foreign to you. HAHAHAHA!" The god of mischief continued bellowing in laughter; standing perfectly fine. 

"What did y-you do to m-me?" Nisha asked, feeling the cold embrace of death closing in little by little.

"I told you didn't I? That I'm the god of mischief and deceit?" He said, revealing his true nature. A barbaric god which found pleasure in death and ruination.

"That dagger was one of the creations by the dwellers. One which you lot never found out. One which I personally researched and refined because, unlike you, I've been bidding my time. I've been storing more and more power on it, fueling its energy with all the negative emotions of mortals."

Nisha began crawling out; trying to find any hole on her realm. Golden blood spilled out of her back – the blood of divinity which was rapidly leaving her body. She didn't have long to live. But Pier was not satisfied with juts this.

He stabbed her again. This time on the spinal column. Destroying Nisha's ability to move altogether and, paralyzing her in place.

"The funny thing about it however, is that it evolved at a certain point. Ohh and what a wonderful evolution it was!" He proclaimed in glee.

"You see, now…this blade can kill a god. And you are my lucky victim."

Nisha was nearing death. Everything was hazy like a dream. It was funny, moments ago she was just laughing with Chrono and Sinclair. Yet, she didn't know that it would be her last.

There were a lot of other things which Pier said to her. But Nisha couldn't hear these anymore. In fact, her hearing was slowly fading away just like all her other senses.

Yet with the last ounce of her strength, she tried performing a trick. One which went against the rules of the heavens. 

"Please don't notice." She whispered to herself as the goddess closed her eyes completely. 

Thus, it came to pass. The first ever recorded incident on the books of divinity. The queen of all gods. The firstborn Nisha.

Was brutally murdered by her own kind.

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