The Gamer's System

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Blueprints and Trickery

A lot of other things could still be said on what happened in the heavens. Indeed, a lot of questions now cover the events that transpired there. And it wasn't something which could be solved that easily. 

The series of events have gone and stirred from bad to worse. With a certain minor god benefitting from all of these. Patiently bidding his time as he gained more powers. Murdering darkness herself.

Meanwhile, back on Elysium, a certain someone just came back from another kind of darkness. Zeke woke up hearing the soft ocean waves reaching the shore. He felt the sand touching his hands. The sun was already up, warming his body up as he slowly regained all of his senses.

[Welcome Gamer]

[System repairs are underway please wait…]

"What? System repairs?" He said, getting up and feeling his head tormented by an anguishing amount of pain. One which he hasn't felt for a while now and he knew why. 

If the [System] was repairing itself, it meant that the [Gamer's Mind] was also taken down. Apart from this, none of the functions of his [System Features] worked properly. Even the [Party Feature] and the [Minimap] were unavailable for a while.

Hence, the gamer decided to mediate instead. He didn't know how useful it would be to quicken the repairs. Yet he was also sure of one thing. His state of mind has a direct effect to the [System]. And thus, he continued performing this for an hour.

It was total silence. With Zeke trying to calm his nerves as he thought of the enemy over and over again. A silhouette that could destroy his [System]. Yet, there was something odd about all of this and, for his assumptions to be proven correct, he needed to get back to the scene of the event.

"This is probably the dumbest idea I've ever cooked up in my life." He thought to himself; opening his eyes to the [System] greeting him once more.

[Welcome Gamer!] It started' with all the [System] functions being organized by Zeke back to the settings he made. 

"Okay. That takes care of the basic controls." He said, prioritizing this as he knew that the next thing he'd perform would also take a lot of time. Quite frankly, it wasn't the time he was worried about but all the questions that would come with it.

[Restore Party Members?]


[Understood. Please wait for the confirmation of the players involved.]

[Synching data…]

[Data Synch Successful! The Two Parties have been reformed!] 



"Sir Zeke!"


As soon as the [Party] was restored, Zeke got barraged by the greetings of his comrades. All having worry on their voices.

"Heron." Zeke began.

"Master! What Happened? Where are you?"

"Can you all calm down for a minute."


It was only for the duration of 12 hours. But everyone was already terrified with the thought of Zeke getting killed. This fear was even greater for both Heron and Morpheus. They didn't know what mission he went to before the communication broke. All that Heron knew as that, Zeke needed to finish some things before meeting up in the forest. And yet, Zeke never came to the designated area. Making her and Morpheus worried. 

Making matters worse was the fact that the [Party Feature] got disabled for everyone. This made things in the Demon Continent as worrisome because everyone thought that something bad happened to Zeke. Yet they couldn't leave their position because, they still had a mission t fulfill. All they could do was silently wait for him to come back.

"Wait let's get through the questions one by one okay? For now, just continue doing all the tasks I laid out for you."

Zeke could hear complaints. Some were even angry at him; scolding the gamer who had a smile on his face. 

"Relax. I can't die. Even if I do, I'll probably find a way to get back to life. That's how resilient I am." He continued.

Of course they didn't simply listen to him. So Zeke decided to [Mute] all other [Voice Chats] first. Talking with the leaders of the group one by one. He spoke with Sylph. Heron. And, Quinn who just woke up from his recovery.

"That would be all. Please do as I say. We can't run behind schedule guys." He commanded, with everyone finally heeding his words. They trusted Zeke after all and, they weren't ready to let go of this faith in him just yet. 

With this, everyone finally closed off the [Voice Chat]. Zeke moved to the next thing he needed to do which was, arranging his inventory.

"Okay. If that works, then my inventory is sure to work as well." Zeke continued; opening the command which showed all of the items he had on his bag. 

It was the items he got from both [Kezel] and Gallio's research facility that interested him the most and, none of these failed him.

"Ahh yes. This is exactly what I need." He told himself, looking at the bag filled with an assortment of goods.

He began with the scrolls. The information they held not only amazed Zeke but, sent a cold chill that crept all over his skin. On it were three operations which he synchronized with the [System]. Enabling him to open the blueprint on a [System Window].

The first he opened concerned Kezel's origins. Apparently, he was a result of countless souls forced to be mixed together. It was an entity that did not understand who it really was and so, Glade was able to turn its mind and make it believe that it was really Zeke Elwood.

"This looks like a crude version of my [Conjure]." Zeke said, looking at the whole operation. Yet it was not the operation that frightened him but the actual implications it held. And if he was right then, there was great danger awaiting them.

Zeke thought about it. How more clones bearing both his and Gallio's powers were hidden within the ranks of Glade's army. This weren't opponents which any of the elites could beat nor could Sylvia, Heron, or Morpheus. None of them would be able to handle this because, the fake Zeke's would have [The One Who Cheated Death].

Yet something was also true. That on both Elysium and the Demon Continent, only one clone has ever appeared. And this was properly dealt with by Zeke. 

But the risk was still too high. With him already thinking of countermeasures in case this was actually true. While he did, he went on and opened the second blueprint.josei

[God Killer]

This was the name given to a dagger that came next. It had a snake embedded on its handle, with an obsidian crystal that was placed on the middle of the blade. The blueprint told of how the weapon could be used to kill a god. It was exactly what Zeke was looking for. But the conditions in order for it to be such was something that Zeke couldn't perform. 

What it needed was to be fed with negative emotions. Judging by the amount needed; Zeke requires at least a thousand years in Mythos in order to charge it properly.

"I don't have time for that." Zeke told himself, knowing that his plans couldn't be delayed this long.

Yet he still took the design in mind. With all the stones and crystals that he was able to take from the area; Zeke had enough to evolve his [Death's Void] even further. Indeed, it was only a matter of time before he could arrive at a weapon of the same caliber.

"Okay. Now onto that last blueprint." As soon as Zeke opened it, he was both terrified and excite.

Right in front of him was the prototype to reaching divinity. It told everything. From the begging of the ritual. To the sacrifices needed. To the type of body which could withstand it. 

This was the real deal because it was the same formula Yaeger used to become a goddess. One which was developed by the Dwellers of old.

"Of course it'd be something like this." He said, fearing the fights that were to come. Glade wasn't back yet and he knew that if the elf ever came back, it would only spell trouble for them.

He went through the instructions patiently. Looking at all the information which was held. Yet he couldn't finish the formula for one reason. The last piece required was within the [Ruined City].

It was a place where the gods could peak at him and observe what he was doing once again. A place where they could descend anytime to end his life.

"They're really cornering me here." He said, laughing nervously as he closed all the [Notification Windows]. 

For Zeke, there was no point in worrying about these. All he could do was progress as quickly as he could. Destroying all the enemies that would come in his way. And the fastest way to do this was for him to raid the remaining continents all on his own. Taking down all the crystals in order to close the two remaining portals.

It would destroy his chances of finishing the formula for divinity. Yet, it was also an assurance that Glade won't be returning anytime soon. And it was because the rewards outweighed the losses that Zeke decided to take this as his next course of action. 

"But first I need to confirm my suspicion." He said, teleporting to the capital once again.

The silhouetted enemy was strong. In fact, Zeke couldn't even imagine how strong this enemy actually was. Nevertheless, he went because he was certain of one thing; his enemy was trapped there. 

"I hope I'm right." He said, with his heartbeat racing as he made his clone enter the area.

His heartbeat raced as the clone reached closer. Yet, something even more impossible caught him there. At the spot where his clone went, there was no castle. Even the facility wasn't underground. The clone looked through the place properly but found no hints.

Yet the puzzle didn't end there. Zeke tried asking the people of the capital for clues but they all gave him a single unanimous answer. That:

"No castle was built here."

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