The Gamer's System

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: The Winner

Quinn didn't have his weapon anymore. As mentioned, it was already broken due to the fight within the same cave. Hence, he needed an alternative. One which was provided for by the monsters which he killed within the same area.

Since some of the monsters use swords, axes, bats, and other weapons, Quinn was able to keep on getting them. The weapons shattered of course since; these were poorly made. But this didn't matter because he had enough lying all over the place; waiting for someone to pick them up. 

"Thank you for all the weapons." He said, battling through the waves of enemies with ease as he stayed on the shadows.

This was an act which he continued to do until he reached the current point. Facing the same enemy which sullied his name and reputation. On his hands were two broadswords. Five knives were hidden within his pockets and he also had arrowheads ready just in case.

"Let's dance." He said, with the monsters charging towards him.

Goblins. Minotaurs. Ogres. Orcs. These were all the monsters that fought against Quinn. Not including the four other [Mini Boss] which also waited for their time to strike.

Of course he knew that these monsters already had their eyes adjusted to the darkness so he didn't expect them to have a hard time. But he also knew that the [Darkness Veil] had the same effect of being darkness itself, making him practically invisible. This was stacked with Curio's [Shadow Step] which hid the sounds of his movement.

The move was already proven to be effective on the other parts of the cave so Quinn knew that it would also work there. The monsters didn't know what was coming to them as their allies dropped one by one on. Yet they still continued flailing their weapons in the air, trying to catch their enemy. But to no avail. 

The [Boss] seemed to notice this because, it decided to light up the room. Using the same gem on top of its staff; the [Boss] gave a violet glow to the place revealing the whole area as a consequence of this act.

"Thank you." Quinn said, with everything moving as he planned.

He used their own advantage against them. He made them blind in the darkness; one hwihc they should already have expertise on. And with the whole area clearing up, Quinn finally saw how the [Boss] looked like.

Wearing a robe of black, with linings of violet all around. The [Boss] had the same face of a goat but a bit more grotesque as six eyes were on its face. All of which looked at different directions. It had rolled horns tucked within its hood and, the creature stood at an amazing 7 feet in height. With most of its body hidden by the robe.

"At least you look like a proper opponent." Quinn said, rousing the fury of the [Boss] as it screamed. 

This wasn't any normal scream. It was one that boosted all the monsters. Quinn saw them transform immediately in a matter of seconds. With their muscles growing even more and their veins seemingly popping out of their skins. They also increased in height and now had a dark violet shade as their skin tone. Their weapons blazed with purple flames and these same creatures continued fighting the elite.

The [Boss] laughed like a madman. It saw how the elite seemed to struggle with the sudden boost of the underlings. Then Quinn sighed, finally adjusting to the power level of the opponents.

"You changed colors? So what?" He said – stabbing one monster and leaving the blade there. The weapon bursted into a pillar of ice, piercing through the monsters which were also on the back.

"You lit up the room? So what?" He continued. Quinn used his remaining broadsword and coated it in dark mana. Making a gigantic swing which cut off [50 Ogres] in half.

"You think that's enough to defeat me?" He said. Continually moving throughout the battlefield. Picking up the weapons left by the monsters and throwing them away immediately after being used.

The [Boss] was furious. It wanted the enemy dead and Quinn knew this. Thus, he waited for the chains to come for him. He waited for the [Boss] to release the same attack which he was waiting for. But the fight only dragged on yet the chains never came out.

"Could it be?" He said to himself, moving to an area where there were no monsters.

As soon as he did, the chains finally sprang from the ground. At this Quinn smiled; understanding the nature of the [Boss'] chains.

A minotaur then came. Swinging its axe on Quinn. The elite dodged this easily; throwing two knives in mid-air. One hitting the wall at the furthest back of the cave while the other pierced through the skull of the minotaur – stunning it momentarily. 

Two more axes tried hitting him during this interval. But this was only used as stepping tools for Quinn to land on the head of the unfortunate stunned minotaur.

"Coming through." Quinn said, placing both hands on his knife as he made a downward swing; cutting the monster in half.

The other minotaurs came soon after but Quinn was prepared. He had stepped all over the battlefield with [Darkness Veil] being active and this meant one thing. He could summon the hands of darkness to bind down the enemies. 

The monsters got surprised as they couldn't move anymore. Quinn didn't give them time to understand the whole situation as he took the axe and enveloped it in ice. Extending the length of the bale as it formed the shape of a scythe.

The [Boss] fired a few purple flames at Quin which force the elite to dodge once again. But he didn't let go of the weapon in fact, he used [Weapon Blink] to swap places with the knife he threw at the wall of the cave.

Quinn was in a position to clear off all the minotaurs and he didn't; shy away from doing so. 

"Don't mind if I do." Eh said, reaping all of the heads of these monsters with a single full swing. Shattering the makeshift [Ice Scythe] in the process.

The goblins came next and for them, Quinn had something special prepared. He summoned what is referred to as [Medusa Flies]. These small summons entered through the wounds of the goblins; eating at their flesh and turning them to stone slowly. Before they died, they stared at other goblins which also began getting petrified. The attack came like a wave. With the goblins getting turned to stone without any being left.

"Don't stop now." Quinn said, getting a wide grin from the [Boss] monster as the [Chains] finally came up one by one.josei

Quinn knew that this would be the outcome. He understood from the experiment he did a while ago that, the chains could bind the monsters just as much as it could bind him. It wasn't an attack that chose its targets. Instead, the [Chains] bind the closest thing within proximity. 

But the [Mini Bosses] were still alive and Quinn used them in order to execute his plan against the [Chains]. The elite evaded some while he destroyed others; using the weapons lying around. He continued this until a [Mini Boss] finally tried attacking him.

This was the moment which he waited for. Quinn dodged again using [Weapon Blink]. Effectively swapping places with a weapon planted on a dead ogre's body.

The other bosses tried dong the same and while they were at it, the long range units tried to shoot down Quinn. Yet none of this proved to be useful. Quinn continued [Weapon Blinking] all over the place. Disappearing from one area and immediately appearing on another. Firing spell after spell while he killed and avoided the [Chains]. 

The [Boss] screamed in fury. Not being able to take down its opponent. It created multiple purple flames. A hundred to be exact and, these began coming towards Quinn. But the elite also had something prepared for this.

"Oblivion" he casted; with the spell eating up all the flames emitted by the enemy.

The enemy then ordered its troops to fight. Yet, there was only silence. This was the moment when the [Boss] finally realized what happened.

With all its frustration built up, it didn't notice that Quinn already wiped out most of its forces. In fact, there were only a few loyal minotaurs left. Quinn however didn't; have any more weapon to use so he beat these monsters to death using his fists. Ripping apart one of the minotaurs, with its blood spraying all over him.

"That's it. Keep it coming! Keep on going!" He said, fight drunk and wanting more.

But as he looked around, there was nothing left. Only the [Boss] which tried binding down the human who had no weapons available. Yet Quinn simply teleported again.

"Is that all?" He asked. Appearing on another area as he swapped locations with a broken axe.

The [Boss] furiously screamed. Enough for the whole structure to shake. And at this Quinn got surprised because, all the creatures he just defeated came back to life. They weren't actually so but rather; the monsters turned undead.

"Ah so you're a Necromancer." He said, with his smile widening as the adrenaline pumped back on his veins.

"Don't keep me waiting. Let's end this."

Quinn didn't let up. He continued fighting while the [Necromancer] only got pushed back more and more. There was a limit to just how much mana it could spend after all. A limit which it soon reached as Quinn continued performing in tip top shape.

Thus, all the undead creatures finally got destroyed. Quinn stood in the middle of the battlefield, soaked with all the blood that came with the fights. He stepped on the ground coated in the same liquid as he went his way toward the [Necromancer].

The monster attacked Quinn head on. It tried using its staff to beat down the enemy as a last resort but even this proved to be futile. With Quinn grabbing the staff effortlessly with a single hand.

"And here I thought you'd actually pose as a real challenge." Quinn said, with the monster firing a spell that hit Quinn's mask. It blew up the equipment; revealing his face while the [Chaos Poison] began working its way through his body.

The [Necromancer] thought that it already won. That it was a checkmate. Yet a fist found its way through the monster's chest; grabbing on to its heart and taking it out. The creature only had fear on its face as it watched its own heart slowly beating until…it was no more.

"I'm going to be needing this." Quinn said, feeling the effects of the [Chaos Poison] kicking in as he said:


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