The Gamer's System

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: The Race

[You have gained the skill – Chaos Poison Immunity]

[You have gained the skill – Necromancy]

[Skill Description: Allows the user to raise nearby corpses to life for a limited time.]

[You have gained the skill – Shackles of Death]

[Skill Description: Allows the caster to bind enemies using the chains of the dead.]

[Skill Requirement: 1,000 mana points per casting.]

"Hmm this should be enough." Quinn said, moving his body and feeling the immunity kcik in.

He looked at the crystal which was on the top of the staff. No matter how he stared at it, the crystal fitted the hole of the wall in front of him. Yet no effect came upon placing it. The crystal just stayed there; making Quinn think about something else. He immediately contacted the other elites to inform them of his idea.

"Guys." Quinn began, with everyone responding immediately.

"Hey Mr. leader what part are you in now?" Jake asked in a competitive voice.

"Oh I'm already finished." Quinn replied passively.

"You're what?" Curio said in reply, with everyone else laughing in amazement.

"Nevermind that. Listen." Quinn said, making everyone else stop for a while.

"When you fight at the [Boss Stage] look for a crystal that the monsters are keeping. Whatever color or form it may be."

"Why is that Quinn?" Kaguya asked; curious.

"Well you see, I got one from the [Boss] monster on my area and it fitted perfectly on the wall. But there was no effect. I'm guessing we all need to place the crystals for something to activate."

"That's very witty of you Mr. leader." Sylph commented as she also listened in on the conversation.

"Anyway, I'll be staying here for a while. Just hit me up if you guys need any help." The leader of the elites said.

"Like hell I will!" Jake replied and with that, their [Voice Chat] finally ended.

Everyone was glad that Quinn finished first. It made the mission much more bearable because. they not only gained motivation but confidence knowing that they'd be the laughing stock of the group if they failed to complete what a single elite member could.

"Guys remember that bet?" Gawain said, opening the [Voice Chat] again.

"Yeah what of it?"

'I'm in." Gawain said.

"What do you mean you're in? Quinn already finished man."

"Then let's just see which among the four groups can finish first. What do you say." The elite sniper furthered.

"Sounds fine by me." Jake replied in excitement.

"Yeah count me in." Mirio confirmed.

"Boys." Was the only thing Kaguya said as she had no say about the matter anymore. With three leaders agreeing to it already.

Thus, the elites all made their way with a smile on their face. And an excitement that they couldn't hide. They continued clearing their areas quickly. Destroying all the monsters without much worry until, they all reached the [Boss] stage in almost the same time. 

Kaguya's team consisted of her, Mordred, Julia and Lizzie. Their enemy is a [Basilisk] like creature yet it didn't have any wings. The creature however was able to speak. 

"I'm going to enjoy having you guys for supper." The Basilisk said in glee, planning to eat the elites. 

"Man, that's one disgusting lizzard." Mordred commented; making the monster furious.

The [Basilisk] summoned multiple reptile humanoids with spears as their primary weapon. These creatures had wings which allowed them to hover on the air. The area was high enough for the monsters to fly and they did with much speed.

The [basilisk] laughed, knowing that its imminent victory was approaching. But Kaguya simply looked at Lizzie, their enhancer, who nodded back at her. Thus, before the first strike could even be made by the enemies, Kaguya outstretched her arm and casted:


The skill automatically began swallowing everything it could reach. The whole area was trapped in her [Oblivion] which began sucking up the enemies. 

Of course the [Basilisk] didn't let this slide. The creature spitted acid like projectiles that aimed at Kaguya in order to stop the skill. But Mordred was there; with a barrier successfully set up just in time to stop the projectiles.

"It kinda stings so you better hurry up with that." Mordred said; knowing that she could only handle a couple of shots. 

"Gotcha." Kaguya simply said, increasing the power of [Oblivion] using [Multiplier]. 

Lizzie also added the amount of power which the spell held. Slowly, this also took in the [Basilisk] which tried its best to stay on the ground. It clawed the earth below and even tried to take the healer, Julia, with it. 

Mordred didn't a low this however. The defender created another barrier on Julia's side which prevented the tail from getting her.

"Wait that's the gem right?" Mordred commented; seeing that specific part of the monster shine with a green emerald on its tip.

"Yup. Definitely." Kaguya simply said, closing oblivion with only the tail remaining. 

It was still squirming which disgusted Julia so Mordred beat it up until the tail was no longer moving. They took the emerald look for the hole on the wall which Quinn mentioned. Upon recognizing that there was really one, they placed the gem inside which fitted perfectly.

"Done." Kaguya said, with [1:25:00] under her team's belt.

Jake's team had the proud javelin as the leader. The other members of the team consisted of Gerard as the defender of the group. Zane the sorcerer. And Zilg the trap expert. 

Their personalities complemented one another except for the cool-headed Zane. The three wanted to just tackle every area head on and if it wasn't for Zane who placed the brakes on them, they would have been in a lot of trouble more times than he could count. That is probably why he had such a splitting headache as they finally reached the boss stage.

As for their enemy, it was a gigantic [Minotaur] which had four arms. On its wrists were chains which were also used as the monster's primary weapon. Aside from this, it also had horns which were sharp enough to pierce through their bodies.

The fight began with Jake using a massive impaling skill to try and stop the monster from advancing. Unlike the other bosses, it didn't have any minions. Suggesting that the [Minotaur] was living solitarily as the other creatures were afraid of it.

The attacks did little work as even the skin of the beast was sturdy. They tried using elemental spells which also did little to hold back the creature.

"Hey let's do formation Alpha." Jake suggested, dodging the [Minotaur] that tried ramming him.

"Since when did we have our own formation?" Gerard said in reply, creating a barrier which blocked the [Minotaur's] chains that simultaneously went after the other three members. 

"Uhm since I said so? Anyway that just means keep on attacking." Jake said, leading the charge with everyone following suit.

It was a difficult opponent to fight. But they defeated it nevertheless. They found its gem on one of the shackles connected to the wrist chains. Zane placed it on the area in the wall which indicated that the gem should be there.

"Piece of cake." Jake said, with [1:30:00] as their finishing time.

Mirio led the third group which probably had the best chemistry among all groups. They supported each other perfectly well and the members of his party are the following: Merlin the Elementalist Mage. Vostok the Defender and Shielder. Curio the Ninja Assassin. Eerie the Gambling Archer.

Most of the melee was dealt with by Mirio. Attacking head on while all other members provided support for him. It was their first time having him as a leader and yet they were also surprised at how reliable he was. Of course Eerie didn't let this slide and tried matching the pacing of their leader while Curio effectively dealt with the enemies at the backlines.

Upon reaching the last stage, they found themselves pitted against a creature which not only cloned itself but also, copied each member of the elites. It was a difficult fight for them as, the enemies were almost at the same level as they.

"Bring it on you fakes!" Mirio shouted, burning with excitement from fighting himself.

It was a close match at first. But as soon as Mirio activated [Inner Ring], the fight turned to their favor. As he not only defeated his clone but also assisted the others in doing so themselves. 

As soon as they defeated the [Boss] monster, it melted and left a sapphire-colored gem on the ground. Curio picked this up and placed it on the wall as instructed by Quinn.

"Whew. That's a good workout right there." The team leader said, finishing at [2:00:00].

At this point one would expect that Kaguya's team would win. Indeed with such a quick finishing of the last stage, they were the fastest thus told. But the last group proved to be the dark horse in this race.

The fourth team consisted of Gawain the spinning archer as the leader. Followed by the Healer Red. The Summoner Horus. The Scout Amare. And the Defender Brook. 

With the composition stated, they had a simple tactic. Horus would deploy the [Light Bugs] first while Amare used her eyes to see as far as she could. Once they confirmed the enemies and their numbers, Gawain would use his ultimate snipping skill against the [Mini Boss] while Horus simply made his [Blood Hounds] attack. The summoned creatures got stronger the more they attacked and ate and, the cave was the perfect place to perform this trick as the enemies were weak at first. Allowing the hounds to have an easier time devouring their prey.

Upon reaching the last area, the [Hounds] were already mature. Able to stand on the same level as the [Mini Bosses]. But they didn't use these to attack. In fact, Gawain specifically instructed Horus to calm his summons down as Amare looked at the boss monster. 

With her secondary class, Amare was able to locate the weak point of any enemy. A skill which proved to be useful for a composition that had a sniper as their leader. She gave the exact coordinates to Gawain who continued charging mana to a single arrow.

"They said we can destroy the cave right?" He asked Amare just to make sure.

"Yes. But don't destroy the wall at the back. We' need that." Amare said. Seeing the spot where they needed to place the gem right away.

"Gotcha." Was all that he said, firing a kilometer away from the [Boss] monster's location. Gawain killed it in a single shot destroying parts of the cave but nevertheless keeping most of it intact. Horus then proceeded to making the [Hounds] attack. The beasts killed off all the remaining underlings of the already defeated [Boss] monster.

"That was easy enough." Gawain mentioned. Picking up the opal gem and plugging it on the hole. Finishing at a surprising [1:15:00]

With all the groups being done with their quests, the wall glowed colors based on the gems placed. These came as part of the inscriptions which began filling up the walls as the ground shook like no other.

"Guys get out of there!" Sylph immediately said through the [Voice Chat] chat.

The elites had no chance to reply however as even the [Voice Chat] was forced to disconnect. No only this but, the other features of the [Party] was unavailable to them.josei

They tried using their teleportation scrolls but none of these worked. The cave continued shaking as if it were to collapse and, soon enough, the team was caught in a blinding flash of light.

[You have been transported to the Secret Dungeon.]

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